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I Think I've Unveiled Triple H's Master Plan

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OK...we all know that it seems like Triple H's reign as champ has gone on forever.


But in essance...it may get worse.


He may actually be trying to beat out the 7 year, 8 month reign of this man....




...scary thought, no?

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Guest Trivia247

leave Bruno's Reign alone you Big Bully..


Go after Hogan's 3 year Straight reign

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh... I thought you were referring to the little known Ed Russino 7 year, 8 month reign as champion back in St Louis.

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Guest Trivia247
leave Bruno's Reign alone you Big Bully..


Go after Hogan's 3 year Straight reign

You WANT Trips as champ for 3-4 years? O_o

of course not, but if he is gonna hold onto the title cuz of Steph's influnce then I prefer him screwing with Hogan's record than Bruno's.


but then who would play HHH's Andre at the three year point


"Three years to be a Champion...is a Long time."

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leave Bruno's Reign alone you Big Bully..


Go after Hogan's 3 year Straight reign

You WANT Trips as champ for 3-4 years? O_o

of course not, but if he is gonna hold onto the title cuz of Steph's influnce then I prefer him screwing with Hogan's record than Bruno's.


but then who would play HHH's Andre at the three year point


"Three years to be a Champion...is a Long time."

Orton? Flair? Kamala? Repo Man?

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Guest godthedog

trips has stated more than once that he plans on retiring in the next 3-4 years. now, i could maybe see him still as "the man," around whom they build the show, but i can't see his reign going uninterrupted until december 2007.

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Guest Choken One

What's with this 3-4 years stuff all the wrestlers are saying nowadays...

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Guest godthedog

who else said this?


al snow said it a year or two ago.


triple h said it.


who else?

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who else said this?


al snow said it a year or two ago.


triple h said it.


who else?

Undertaker...I think Austin once...possibly Kurt Angle...


Why can't Vince McMahon say it?

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Guest Choken One

Angle STRAIGHT out said


" I will only wrestle 3-4 more years".

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They say that, but when the time comes and end to the glory and the money is near... they will be singing a different tune.


Of course, HHH is a made man and so is Taker, so they don't have to worry about anything. Angle too, probably. Booker is fucked though.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I actually said previously that HHH was trying to break the record for the longest heel title reign in WWE history.


Superstar Billy Graham: around 10 months


HHH: around 7 months so far will be 8 by SummerSlam.


He's not going to make it.

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Guest PowerPB13
He's not going to make it.

If Triple H wants to make it, he'll make it, sorry to say.




Me, when I heard about the HHH/Stephanie wedding date being set: "Wow. Triple H never has to lose another match for the rest of his career."

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