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Guest AndrewisyourHero

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

Hogan Known As Businessman In Smackdown Lockerroom

Posted By Widro on 07.22.03


Was always talking money with McMahon…


Hulk Hogan’s Smackdown lockerroom reputation was that of a shrewd businessman.


Reports say that when conversations between Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan were overheard in the back of WWE shows, Hogan was always quick to talk about money with McMahon before any creative details were agreed upon.

credit: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

So whatcha gonna do when the Hulkster hits you up for money, brother!


::Tears shirt, and poses::

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Guest Trivia247

heh give Hogan a year to feel comfortable and the same ol ALL for himself Hogan will seep out

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I hope Vince is smart enough to leave him out of WMXX and let him sit at home.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

Wow...a guy nearing the end of his career, who also happens to be one of the biggest stars in history, wants to be sure that he's being paid well for his services.


That bastard.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

How exactly is it smart to leave Hogan out of WM XX?

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
Wow...a guy nearing the end of his career, who also happens to be one of the biggest stars in history, wants to be sure that he's being paid well for his services.


That bastard.

He doesn't need the money. And, as said in the last Hogan thread, if his reason for coming back was to honor his father's dying wish of making things better in the business, then he should make things better by putting over new stars and not worrying about how much money he's getting for doing it. He's gotten so much out of the business. Maybe he should think of doing what's best for the business that MADE him, rather than always talking about how much money he'll get for going along with a certain creative idea.

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Guest The Metal Maniac
Maybe he should think of doing what's best for the business that MADE him, rather than always talking about how much money he'll get for going along with a certain creative idea.


Or maybe, just maybe, he's like pretty much everyone else on earth, and WANTS money, whether he needs it or not.


I just don't see how you can try to villify someone because they want to get paid.


And I like how you say that the biz made him, as if Hogan himself had NOTHING to do with it.

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Guest Downhome

If I was Hogan, and the same goes for anyone who is a businessman, I'd be trying to get as much money as I possibly could out of my situation, especially this late in his career.

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Guest thetrendsetter

It's the truth, Hulk Hogan, whether you like it or not, will put asses in seats, even at his current age...


If he feels that he should be paid on level, with the amount of people he brings in, then so be it...


It's Called the Wrestling Buisness, not the Wrestling Co-op

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Guest Choken One
Wow...a guy nearing the end of his career, who also happens to be one of the biggest stars in history, wants to be sure that he's being paid well for his services.


That bastard.

He doesn't need the money. And, as said in the last Hogan thread, if his reason for coming back was to honor his father's dying wish of making things better in the business, then he should make things better by putting over new stars and not worrying about how much money he's getting for doing it. He's gotten so much out of the business. Maybe he should think of doing what's best for the business that MADE him, rather than always talking about how much money he'll get for going along with a certain creative idea.

He put over Angle, Lesnar and rubbed Edge...the first time around when he didn't do much wrong...


The second time around he wanted money...and he retreated back into the same old hogan...

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Guest nWoScorpion

WOW! Someone is negotating to make more money. Send him to Hell.


In case you didn't notice I was being sarcastic. Hogan gave Big Show the rub at MSG b4 he left. (Bastard) And...and he lost to Sean O 'Haire by count-out...and all he beat was Vince McMAhon & Roddy Piper. So he didn't make jokes out of anyone in the ring by beating them easily.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
It's the truth, Hulk Hogan, whether you like it or not, will put asses in seats, even at his current age...

And that's why when he got the title last year, ratings and attendance increased..oh right, they didn't. They actually dropped.


And that's why this year's Wrestlemania, where Hogan vs McMahon was the main focus, did such a great buyrate..oh, right, it didn't..

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
WOW! Someone is negotating to make more money. Send him to Hell.

There's a difference between negotiating and bringing it up EVERY time you speak with Vince

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Guest The Metal Maniac
And that's why this year's Wrestlemania, where Hogan vs McMahon was the main focus, did such a great buyrate..oh, right, it didn't..


Now, let's see, it's a match between one of the biggest stars ever, and the promoter.


Who do YOU blame?


And besides, ratings have been dropping across the board for some time now, if I'm not mistaken. I don't think all that can be blamed on Hogan either. The biz is like a yo-yo, honestly; sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down.


Hey, I'm not trying to say that it AIN'T partly Hogan's fault, but don't paint him to look like some schmuck who causes people to change the channel in droves; it's not JUST him.

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And that's why this year's Wrestlemania, where Hogan vs McMahon was the main focus, did such a great buyrate..oh, right, it didn't..


Now, let's see, it's a match between one of the biggest stars ever, and the promoter.


Who do YOU blame?


And besides, ratings have been dropping across the board for some time now, if I'm not mistaken. I don't think all that can be blamed on Hogan either. The biz is like a yo-yo, honestly; sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down.


Hey, I'm not trying to say that it AIN'T partly Hogan's fault, but don't paint him to look like some schmuck who causes people to change the channel in droves; it's not JUST him.

Actually I blame them both but that's just me. I know a lot of people who love Hogan no matter what he does. Personally I would rather have both Hogan and McMahon off of my TV, and I do change the channel whenever either of them come on.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
And that's why this year's Wrestlemania, where Hogan vs McMahon was the main focus, did such a great buyrate..oh, right, it didn't..


Now, let's see, it's a match between one of the biggest stars ever, and the promoter.


Who do YOU blame?


I blame Vince for being so egotistical as to put all the focus on himself, and I blame Hogan for not saying "Hmm..maybe the focus shouldn't be on me, this one time"


They're both in the wrong

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Vince: "Okay Terry, I have a couple of idea's for storylines with your character. How about we go sit down and discu--"


Hulk Hogan:" Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, brother. First we need to discuss how much this will pay me."


Vince: "Well, business has been down lately... how about $250,000 for the angle?"


Hulk Hogan: "Ah. You're breaking mah balls here, Vince. You're breaking mah balls."


Vince: "Well, alright... how about $500,000?"


Hulk Hogan: "Breaking my balls, Vince. My balls....you're breaking them."


Vince:"Okay, okay. I'll pay you $1,000,000 dollars to for your paticipation in this angle."


Hulk Hogan: "I reluctantly accept your proposal. See you around, brother." *hulks up, and out of the room*


Vince:"Wait! Don't you want to hear what the angle is? You'll be Mr. Amer-damn it. He's gone. Ah well. I'll just cut some of the other, less skilled wrestlers pay checks. Lessee.. Kurt Angle, I'll pay him... $10,000 for the year. Eddie Guerrero... $7,000. Chris Benoit... I'll give him.... a twink-- no wait, thats not fair. A BOX of twinkies for the year. Yes, that's suitable. We all have to tighten our belts around here until business picks up. Ahh, now where is that ivory back scratcher? "

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Guest The Metal Maniac
I blame Hogan for not saying "Hmm..maybe the focus shouldn't be on me, this one time"


So I take it from that that if you were offered a promotion, that you'd tell your boss to promote the other, more hard-working guys? Yeah, right.


He's only HUMAN, for fuck's sake. As a human, he tends to look out for his interests - it's what people DO.


Again, don't villify him for acting LIKE A NORMAL PERSON.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

Actually, I would, because it's better for business..I guess I'm not normal.. ;)

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Guest jester

I hate Hogan's stupid orange ass.


But... even I have to admit that if I were Hogan, I wouldn't shake McMahon's hand without doing an inventory of my fingers before and after. I'd also make sure I had a VERY specific contract with clear dollar figures worked out before I did anything.


Because I suspect that Vince just might try to take advantage of people on occasion. Hogan, since he has been around since the late cretaceous period, would know that better than anybody.

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Hogan should have known than to go after a huge pay. WWE's finances is dwindling, this has been reported through the numerous cuts they've made to the roster, they closed the World down, their annual report is overall lower than the previous year's, hell, the cuts are even affecting wrestler's themes on the VHS / DVD PPV rereleases. Vince is rich, but he is NOT Ted Turner rich. I understand Hogan wanting a lot of money, but it shouldn't be the first thing he goes for and why bother asking money from somebody that you know will have a hard time coming up with it?

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Guest saturnmark4life

This is news?


I'll fully admit to fully enjoying Hogan's run in 2002, and Brock murdering him, but I have no patience for him after that. MAYBE for WMXX, but not before, not after.

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Guest AndrewTS

This seems to contradict the last report. If Hogan wanted to talk about the money first, why would he be shocked about getting the "low" WM pay afterward?


I've heard nothing of Vince promising him one number and giving him a lower than promised amount.


You've got to love the Hogan fans defending his unreasonable demands because he was the largest draw in wrestling two decades, a company name change, and 4 or 5 huge changes in product direction ago. Here we are, in 2003, and the same cartoon-character Hogan wants to be catered to with creative control, involvement the main angle all the time, and still be paid like the WWE is in a huge boom period that he's largely responsible for.


At least, unlike in WCW, he didn't get all his friends to come in and talk Vince into a Beefcake/Hogan Wrestlemania.

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Guest LatinoHeat

Hogan got greedy and asked for more than he was worth.


This isn't the first time Hogan has had money problems.

Edited by LatinoHeat

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Hogan wasn't a draw in 96/97 for WCW? Which was, um, less than a decade ago?


Which is not me saying he is today, however I do believe if he was advertised for house shows (and worked them) he'd significantly increase the attendance.

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