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Guest Jobber of the Week

Dem's strategy accidentally broadcast over PA

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Guest Jobber of the Week



Sacramento -- The state's budget crisis took a surreal turn Monday after a frank discussion by a group of Democrats on the budget and its impact on their re- election was accidentally broadcast throughout legislative and reporters' offices.


Members of the Assembly Democrats' progressive caucus were heard making candid, if not intemperate, statements such as one by Los Angeles Assemblyman Fabian Nunez that they may want to "precipitate a crisis" over the budget this year. That might persuade voters to lower the two-thirds vote threshold needed to pass a spending plan, he reasoned.


"It seems to me if there's going to be a crisis, the crisis should be this year," Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg, D-Los Angeles, said during the meeting. "What you do is you show people that you can't get to this without a 55 percent vote."


The unintentional broadcast was interrupted when someone informed the group that a microphone was on. "Oh s--," Goldberg said as the sound was cut.

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Guest Tyler McClelland



What the hell do they put in the water over there?

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Guest godthedog

jesus christ. this is pathetic.


i'm not even voting this year, just to punish this party.

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I think something like this happened in the UK on Septmember the 11th. A woman MP said that all bad situations should be cleared up today as no-one would noticed of twin towers tragedy. She was fired immediately after this news broke.

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Guest I'm That Damn Zzzzz



A "major league asshole"

In an embarrassing gaffe, George W. Bush insults a New York Times reporter.


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By Jake Tapper


Sept. 4, 2000 | At a Labor Day event in Naperville, Ill., Monday morning, apparently oblivious of the microphone just inches from his mouth, Gov. George W. Bush made a crude offhand remark about a reporter that those in the campaign of his rival, Vice President Al Gore, hope will take some of the shine off Bush's warm and sunny veneer.


Waving and smiling to the crowds, Bush and his running mate, former Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, seemed to be enjoying the generous reception offered by the Republican enclave in the Chicago suburbs.




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Then Bush spotted New York Times reporter Adam Clymer, who has been with the paper since 1977, serving as national political correspondent during the 1980 presidential race, as polling editor from 1983 to 1990 and as political editor during the successful presidential campaign of Bush's father in 1988.


"There's Adam Clymer -- major league asshole -- from the New York Times," Bush said.


"Yeah, big time," returned Cheney.


Because of the crowd noise, few if any of the audience could hear the remarks. But reporters -- especially those with radio or network TV sound equipment plugged into the microphone -- heard the remark clearly. As of early afternoon Monday, media executives were reportedly deciding whether or not to use the tape.


The Bush campaign had no comment. Gore's campaign, however, was quick to seize on the gaffe. "Bush promised to change the tone and now he's broken his word twice," said Gore spokesman Douglas Hattaway. "He launched negative personal attacks on Al Gore" both through a recent negative ad against Gore, "as well as on the stump, and now he's using expletives to describe a New York Times reporter in front of a crowd of families. He talks out of both sides of his mouth about changing the tone."


Bush has made civility a major issue in the campaign. When Gore expressed irritation at Bush's waffling on the presidential debate schedule, calling it "put up or shut up time," Bush said, "We have to do something to change the tone of the discourse," adding that "politics doesn't have to be ugly and mean."


Yet within hours a Bush-approved attack TV ad that mocked Gore personally and was paid for by the Republican National Committee was running in more than a dozen swing states.


"I thought it was tongue-in-cheek," Bush said, when asked if the ad went against his pledge to "change the tone." Later, when asked about the ad by two of Clymer's colleagues at the Times, Alison Mitchell and Frank Bruni, Bush dismissed complaints about the ad, saying, "This is politics."


Though he's done a decent job of hiding it in this election cycle, Bush has been known to use salty language. At the Republican National Convention in 1988, he was asked by a Hartford Courant reporter about what he and his father talked about when they weren't talking about politics.


"Pussy," Bush replied.


salon.com | Sept. 4, 2000

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Guest Choken One

Yeah calling a GUY an asshole is REALLY fucking comparative to The demofucks for giving away strategy...

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Guest EricMM

That Bush, he says what we're all thinking!


Whatever. Is honesty so rare in politics that people getting micced (word?) when they don't realize it leads to scandal? Why must EVERYTHING be a secret, and two sided.



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Guest kkktookmybabyaway
Yeah calling a GUY an asshole is REALLY fucking comparative to The demofucks for giving away strategy...

The best part of that was when Bush apologized to the public for hearing the remarks, not for calling that reporter an a-hole...

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Guest JMA
Because Adam Clymer is a major-league asshole.

I heard about the situation a while ago but I admit to not knowing much about the guy. Why exactly is he an asshole?

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway
Because Adam Clymer is a major-league asshole.

Actually, after that event Bush won some "cool" points with me because he didn't apologize to him...

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Guest SideFXs

This is the Progressive Party's answer? Prolong the budget crisis and allow California to spiral into bankruptcy? Make the people of California so desperate that they will allow any budget plan to pass?


I wonder what would be in that new budget plan? I think more of the same inept mismanagement of tax dollars and of course higher taxes. You know the Communist's (the Democratic Progressive Party) just want people to become so desperate that the people will allow their government to take more of their money. These vermin know that a 2/3'rds vote will never get their budget plan passed.


Create events to cause suffering to foster dependence and use fear to get what they want. This is what Democrats do!!!!!!!!!


The only good news is that Californian's are realizing the problem is the Democrats. Soon the Republicans, again, will have to come in and save the day.


So-long Comrade Davis! :P

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