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Guest justcoz

What If???

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Guest justcoz

Sometimes I think about random crap and this is one thing that crossed my mind and prevents me from doing functional things with my time.


Let's say that Triple H suffered a career ending injury just like Stone Cold. As Mr. Stephanie McMahon he gets a more prominent role in running creative. Even more so than his wife. Let's face it, Triple H may really love Stephanie for all we know but he would probably have little problem spending his senior years being Vince McMahon Jr's Junior. I can just picture him and his badly conditioned hair and chemically enhanced body running around shirtless at the age of 50.


How do you think he would do and what type of product would we see? Say what you want about him but he's a student of the business. He was a respectable worker up until his injury and he Davey Boy'd himself to limited mobility.


He idolizes Ric Flair. He knows of the importance of a good worker like Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle and HBK. Has an old school sense of beliefs at times in regards to how the business should operate but he is also a product of the wrestling boom of the 90's with DX and was involved with that era of the company with Russo, Austin, Foley and Rock. He was a member of the Clique and he was with the company during those dark days as well. He generally knows how to hype matches and generate heat with his mic work.


In a non wrestling capacity, he would be less insecure about his "spot" and would likely recognize other talent. I actually think he's warmed up to Chris Jericho as of late - recognizing his contribution to the product finally. He may have actually been realizing that about RVD until he was injured working with him.


If I was HHH, I would arrange for a view on demand shoot interview on wwe.com where he answers the internet communities questions. I'd love to know his actual thoughts on the product. Did he realize how assinine Katie Vick was? Is Raw is Jericho? Why didn't the belt get dropped at Wrestlemania to Booker T? What does he think about creative?


I personally think he can be witty and funny. The stop, drop and roll line on Raw in reference to the example the company set to kids with the Kane/JR angle was hysterical. "Kids, if you are being burnt, don't just lay there, stop-drop and roll."


The one problem I can see is his belief that young talent should be taught lessons before getting their break just because he went through 30 second jobs to the Ultimate Warrior as punishment for the Clique farewell.


Just some things to think about...




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If he ran WWE, but not as a wrestler he'd still turn everyone down for a title shot because he thought "they're not main event material"


He seems to think no one is "main event material"

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Guest Choken One

This only leads to 3 pages of Bad Roid Jokes and The normal HHHATE.

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Okay to put it nicely from me this time, HHH, being the way that he is (whether or not he is a performer in the ring) will always have a say so in the company because of the position he managed to put himself in with Stephanie. He has deemed himself the Judge of all other WWE workers' careers by using "conflict of interests". Of course, Vince has the final say so in all this, but HHH has that influence we know him so well for.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I seriously think Mr. Levesque will be in for a major check if his SS mach with Goldberg sucks and or the ratings are horrible.

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Guest Choken One

He has an out...If rating for any reason bomb...


He just points to the Kane Angle (which is CLEARLY a ratings draw anyways)...


If Slam Tanks...He points to Smackdown which had "equal" promotion and that Goldberg/HHH wasn't hyped enough.


Remember Paul has backup plans for his back up plans.

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Yeah, but wasn't there a report a while back about how "Vince was catching on to HHH" (which is, of course, bullshit).


If that may infact be the case, the few house show reports that say H actually CARRIED Goldberg could show the sign that H may be a little fearful of his position and HAS to make the match with Gberg work or the fault may be put on him.


Or monkeys may just fly out of my BUTT.

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Guest Austin3164life

Triple H, according to all of the stuff that's been reported of him, seems like a very intelligent guy backstage. I'm not sure how he would run Creative, but I think at the very least he would do a better job than Stephanie McMahon. I think deep down he does love the business and strives for perfection, but his body is giving out on him (steroids, quadricep injury). This could be the cause of his apparent insecurity of his position. Who knows how he would run the company.

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Guest Choken One

He would right in between the lines of Dusty and Flair...


I actually think he could run the company well since he'd try to imitate NWA 1989 all over again

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