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Guest NoCalMike

To keep with continuity.....

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Guest Prototype450

I think to show that Kane is unstoppable is have it where Kane breaks out of the shackles and start destroying people left and right, including the cops. Have some cops try and use a tazer on him but it doesn't phase him. I think it could work because it would work with the idea of having everyone fear for their safety. Have King or Coach go "If this guy isn't afraid to take out cops who knows who he'll destroy next!" which would lead to said idea about Bischoff and Austin.

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Guest Retro Rob
Maybe having the refs and announcers refuse to work would be good.

That could work, but then you run into the problem of who refs Kane's matches. Having Austin or Bischoff do it a couple times is fine, but more than that would be ridiculous.

Well this storyline isn't going to last forever. Maybe when Foley comes back they can feed him to Kane too. ;)

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