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Guest DarthLordOfWrestling

i'm praying for a new wrestler

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Guest DarthLordOfWrestling

I know we just got Ultimo and Tenacious Z(Zach Gowen). But who else are we going to get. I can't wait for some new wrestlers from either NWA TNA, XPW or some other wrestling company. Who are you waiting for and who do you think is eventually going to reach the WWE. Also is there any really talanted guys in OVW that should move up soon.

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Well lets see we have Nova, who will probably been WWE'd to such an extent now that he's probably totally vanilla inside the ring....

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Guest Askewniverse

I could see Matt Morgan getting called up soon. Sure he's a bit green, but that hasn't stopped the WWE before.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
<--- still waiting for Scott Vick.

Question about your sig: Why are the Scream movies advertising on Pride FC? Is Wes Craven an MMA fan or what?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Scott Vick is a myth, like eskimos, leprachauns and Michael Jackson.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They advertise a lot of stuff in Pride. The Japanese are really weird... god bless'em.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

August 10th, looks to be the best card in MMA history.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine

The GP, right? Thanks, I'll definitely check it out.

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Guest Hass of Pain

WWE just put a block on bringing up new talent from OVW for the next few months. Dinsmore and Conway have supposedly been ready for months and I thought they showed good chemistry and charisma under the masks on Smackdown last week. Hopefully they'll be coming up to the Raw tag ranks soon.

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Guest Retro Rob
Well lets see we have Nova, who will probably been WWE'd to such an extent now that he's probably totally vanilla inside the ring....

I thought Nova got injured.


There are no plans of introducing any new talent for a while because there are more than enough new characters for the writing to get over.

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Guest Raven_Effect01

*Shocker and Eddie Guerrero come out on Smackdown in a low-rider with sombreros on their heads, then get out and cut stereotypical promos*


Eddie:"I have acquired the services of a bodyguard, esses!"


Shocker:"Odelay! I'm 1000% Guapo, esses, and if you people don't like it, kiss my ass!" *Shocker and Eddie swear at the crowd in Spanish that they can't make out what they're saying*


Cole:"What did they say??"


Tazz:"I don't know, Cole, but they have certainly gotten under the crowd's skin!"


Eddie:"We don't just lie, cheat, and steal in the ring.....we can also do it to you people! Ahhyayyyyaayyyyyayyyyy!"


*Crowd boos*


*Eddie and Shocker drive away in the low-rider eating salsa and chips*


Cole:"Well whoever Shocker is, he's made a hell of an impact tonight!"

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

RRR you have single handley made me pumped up and willing to spend money on Pride. Hopefully, I like it , but if not, you owe me money...damnit.


Oh and Dinsmore and Conway should have been called up months ago...they the shit. I can see The Bruisier of MCW fame getting a shot, and Danny Doring

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Guest Kotzenjunge
I thought Nova got injured.

Nova INVENTED injuries...


... someone had to say it.

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Guest bort

man what happend to scott vick, when i heard he got a contract a long time ago i thought hed be called up , he was the best member of the flock

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Guest Korgath

WWE doesn't need new wrestlers. They need to revitalise interest in old ones.


Unfortunately, with the creative "slump" we've been getting recently, I wouldn't want to be a debuting wrestler OR a returning wrestler, for fear of a Gail Kim or Konnan re-run.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

I can see Scott Vick being called up during this big Kane push so he can avenge the death of his "sister", Katie.

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I can see Scott Vick being called up during this big Kane push so he can avenge the death of his "sister", Katie.

I can actually see that happening. Thats sad.

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Guest Coffey
Paul London.

Yes, yes & yes. Man, I got a RoH comp tape and Paul London dominates.


I really want the WWE to use Rob Conway.

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