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Guest CronoT

Who Screwed up funnier

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Guest CronoT

I think we all remember the infamous Steiner "Trip off the ring apron into a headbutt" screw up. Now, we have Goldberg screwing up something as simple as climbing the turnbuckles.


Who do you think will be given the crown of "Biggest Screw-Up?"


Steiner did it for all the world to see, both in the arena and on live PPV. However, Goldberg did it with something that Rock and Austin do so often, they could do it in their sleep.


I think the only thing that could top this little fiasco, would be if Triple H went for the water spit and gagged.

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Guest Choken One

Steiner was in the context of a fucking match...



Goldberg was just doing his Retard gone wild antics and fucked Up...


And btw...Steiner recovered to the point he has become a solid Mid-Carder.

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Guest CronoT
Steiner was in the context of a fucking match...



Goldberg was just doing his Retard gone wild antics and fucked Up...


And btw...Steiner recovered to the point he has become a solid Mid-Carder.

True, but in this business you're defined by two things:


Your highest achievement or action, and your lowest mistake or embarrassment.


Not many average people remember that Mick Foley was a multi-time WWF/E Champion, but damn near anyone who's even been near wrestling remembers the dive off the HIAC into the Announce Booth.

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Guest godthedog

goldberg's has to be funnier, since he flipped people off for making fun of him afterwards. steiner's an idiot, but at least he's not THAT much of an idiot.

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Guest Choken One
Steiner was in the context of a fucking match...



Goldberg was just doing his Retard gone wild antics and fucked Up...


And btw...Steiner recovered to the point he has become a solid Mid-Carder.

True, but in this business you're defined by two things:


Your highest achievement or action, and your lowest mistake or embarrassment.


Not many average people remember that Mick Foley was a multi-time WWF/E Champion, but damn near anyone who's even been near wrestling remembers the dive off the HIAC into the Announce Booth.

I don't remember Steiner for slipping on the mat...



I remember him for putting on ****+ Matches from 1990-1994 left and right and his awesome WCW heel run from 99-01.



And for Kicking the sht outta the EMT.

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Guest CronoT
Steiner was in the context of a fucking match...



Goldberg was just doing his Retard gone wild antics and fucked Up...


And btw...Steiner recovered to the point he has become a solid Mid-Carder.

True, but in this business you're defined by two things:


Your highest achievement or action, and your lowest mistake or embarrassment.


Not many average people remember that Mick Foley was a multi-time WWF/E Champion, but damn near anyone who's even been near wrestling remembers the dive off the HIAC into the Announce Booth.

I don't remember Steiner for slipping on the mat...



I remember him for putting on ****+ Matches from 1990-1994 left and right and his awesome WCW heel run from 99-01.



And for Kicking the sht outta the EMT.

How can you not remember it? It was the PPV match where Steiner beat Test to get Stacy. The .avi file has only been all over the internet about 5 millions times or so.

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Guest Choken One

I didn't say I DONT remember it...


I don't remember HIM for it...

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Guest CronoT
I didn't say I DONT remember it...


I don't remember HIM for it...

As I said, in the wrestling business, you're remembered for things like becoming the World Champ for the first time, or doing something monumentally stupid or embarrassing.

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Guest papacita
How can you not remember it? It was the PPV match where Steiner beat Test to get Stacy. The .avi file has only been all over the internet about 5 millions times or so.

It's not that we don't remember it, but that he's done so much in his career to be defined by a little slip...no matter how funny it was.

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Guest Choken One
I didn't say I DONT remember it...


I don't remember HIM for it...

As I said, in the wrestling business, you're remembered for things like becoming the World Champ for the first time, or doing something monumentally stupid or embarrassing.




I was just fucking saying I remember him for doing that shit then making a little fucking mishap.



Say "Scott Steiner" to someone and Slipping on the apron will NOT be the first thing they think of...

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Guest CronoT
I didn't say I DONT remember it...


I don't remember HIM for it...

As I said, in the wrestling business, you're remembered for things like becoming the World Champ for the first time, or doing something monumentally stupid or embarrassing.




I was just fucking saying I remember him for doing that shit then making a little fucking mishap.



Say "Scott Steiner" to someone and Slipping on the apron will NOT be the first thing they think of...

...And still you refuse to understand. It's a "glass half-full/glass half-empty" kind of thing.


You have to be willing to look at it from both points of view.

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Guest Choken One

What the fuck are you talking about?



You asked what was funnier? I said Goldberg because it was something that didn't involve physictality...and wasn't in the guise of a match.


Then you went with your People are either remember for doing something great or stupid...


So I said...Myself and Everyone won't remember Scott Steiner for tripping on the mat


and then you try to tell Me It's a half/full glass thing...


What the fuck are you talking about?

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Nash's quad and the time Steiner tripped over Sid's broken leg beats them both!

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Guest Choken One

Yeah...Nash was funny in the irony sense but not in the literal sense.


Because to think someone suffering a severe injury is funny...Is pretty fucked up

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Guest CronoT
What the fuck are you talking about?



You asked what was funnier? I said Goldberg because it was something that didn't involve physictality...and wasn't in the guise of a match.


Then you went with your People are either remember for doing something great or stupid...


So I said...Myself and Everyone won't remember Scott Steiner for tripping on the mat


and then you try to tell Me It's a half/full glass thing...


What the fuck are you talking about?

If you ask anyone about the Test/Steiner/Stacy feud, they would eventually remember the PPV match where Steiner won Stacy's services, and the screw-up.

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Guest Retro Rob

Nash and Steiner are funnier because at least those were televisied. Didn't the Goldberg thing happen during the break?

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Guest wrestlingbs

I remember Steiner for his awesome heel run at the end of WCW and for his embarassing RR match.


I remember Goldberg for being a whiny baby.


So Goldberg is funnier.

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Guest TheAnvil

I remember Eddie slipping off the apron and falling to the floor during a Wrestlemania, and I don't hear you guys bringing that up all the time...and it's far worse than either of those slip-ups.




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Guest Coffey

I remember that. It was during the time when Test was stuck in the ropes. Man, that was comedy. It took Saturn, the ref & Eddie to get Test out.


People botch shit all the time. It's a part of the business. No one is perfect. No big deal.

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Guest edotherocket

That was hilarious. And Test was stuck in the ropes for a whole minute too. Too bad they edited it out the DVD. Seems WWE has double standards too. They leave all of Steiner's bloopers in.

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Guest Coffey
They leave all of Steiner's bloopers in.

They do? Hell, I didn't know that. I've yet to see the Royal Rumble or No Way Out on DVD, so I wouldn't know. I'll never see them on DVD either.

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Guest Memphis
What the fuck are you talking about?



You asked what was funnier? I said Goldberg because it was something that didn't involve physictality...and wasn't in the guise of a match.


Then you went with your People are either remember for doing something great or stupid...


So I said...Myself and Everyone won't remember Scott Steiner for tripping on the mat


and then you try to tell Me It's a half/full glass thing...


What the fuck are you talking about?

If you ask anyone about the Test/Steiner/Stacy feud, they would eventually remember the PPV match where Steiner won Stacy's services, and the screw-up.

Choken's initial reaction to this idiot is gold.


Excuse me while I retrieve the definition of the word 'funnier' from my 'Book of words that complete retards invented'.



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Guest Deviant

Maybe if Goldberg's slip was shown properly on TV, it would be a contender, until then, the Steiner Slip rules all.


And actually, when someone says Scott Steiner, I think "Completely useless fuck that used to be a good wrestler", so I guess the negative does come first for some.

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Guest Memphis
Maybe if Goldberg's slip was shown properly on TV, it would be a contender, until then, the Steiner Slip rules all.


And actually, when someone says Scott Steiner, I think "Completely useless fuck that used to be a good wrestler", so I guess the negative does come first for some.

Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes BOTH agreed that Steiner was the guy to carry wrestling into the next generation. Minus the roids and the career altering injury, Scott Steiner would of arguably been the only wrestler, in my opinion, that would come even close to claiming the spot of 'Greatest of All-Time' from Ric Flair himself.


'Good wrestler' is about as big an under-statement as you can make.



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Guest Choken One

IMO...Scott Steiner was what WWE wanted Brock Lesnar to be.


It's such a fucking shame this generation of Fans only remember Steiner for falling off the apron...WHICH HAS HAPPENED MANY TIMES EVEN FROM THE GREAT ONES. (Yes, Flair slipped before)


Lesnar botched on the biggest stage in the business but how come you don't make fun of that? Or what about when Haybusa botched the Lionsault and (I believe) was Paryalyzed?


What's the difference...All three of those were done in the same context...In the guise of a Wrestling Match...Steiner was going for a Apron move (I think a Axe Hammer) and slipped...No different from Brock and Hayabusa botching spots.


It's only deemed funny because we decided that Steiner is just a joke and we can make fun of him but when any one else that is particularly loved or admired in the business we either gloss over it or rather, we just make up excuses for it.

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Guest eiker_ir

man watching Steiner is so sad this days, just look at him a few years ago and he was a great wrestler.


Now look at him, he's so broken down, i feel bad sometimes when i see how low he got.


sad i say...

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