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Guest GameCop

Possible Survivor Series Main Event

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Guest GameCop

With Eddie Guerrero gaining so much steam as a babyface -- though ironically enough he was supposed to turn heel again -- the WWE is thinking of booking Guerrero in a WWE title match some time in the fall. There is some talk amongst WWE officials that if Eddie Guerrero continues to garner uproarious heat, he may be booked in a WWE title match against Kurt Angle at the Survivor Series. The Series will emanate from Dallas, Texas this year, which is fairly close to Eddie's hometown of El Paso. With Smackdown! being the most popular show among the Hispanic audience, Eddie Guerrero may enjoy a title reign in order to ascertain his marketability as a viable commodity ( especially among the Latin audience).


credit: Torch Newsletter


All I have to say is...WOW


If Eddie Guerrero becomes the WWE champion, all smarks will deliriously rejoice.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



Eddie Guerrero as the WWE Champion ?




I'm all for this decision, a step in the right direction. But, I doubt his title reign will be very long. He'll hold it until The Royal Rumble, where he will lose it to either Brock Lesnar or Kurt Angle, who will then roll into Madison Square Garden with it.


But I have a question,


Why Eddie Guerrero and not Chris Benoit ? Chris Benoit is very popular among Canadians (They make up a good % of the WWE Audience).

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Guest edotherocket

Who cares if its short? If he gets the title, he'll probably be having world title matches with Angle and Benoit most of the time anyways. Only good can come from Eddie having the title.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

As I said, i'm all for him getting a chance to run with it.

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Guest Coffey

Truth be told, I would rather Eddie Guerrero have the belt over anyone in the company. He sure as fuck deserves it. Not that Chris Benoit doesn't deserve it, but I would just rather watch Eddie work matches as the champion.


His "Frog Splash" is fantastic.

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Guest GameCop

I guess WWE is just trying to capitalize on Eddie's popularity. Benoit would be a great candidate for the title as well, but I think WWE may believe they have something special with Guerrero, here.

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Guest Coffey

They should've thought that they had something special with Guerrero when they signed him from WCW. Why? Because they did. Same with Benoit & Malenko.


I like how both Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero have finishers that they can hit on any opponent regardless of size. Sure, Brock can F-5 the Big Show, but that doesn't mean that it looks good.


Man, I've been waiting forever for Benoit & Guerrero to be main event players. I really want this to happen.


I want Sean Morley in the main on RAW too though...

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Guest Retro Rob

This will be the first time in ages that someone is given the title because they are actually over.

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Guest Choken One


Eddie Guerrero as the WWE Champion ?




I'm all for this decision, a step in the right direction. But, I doubt his title reign will be very long. He'll hold it until The Royal Rumble, where he will lose it to either Brock Lesnar or Kurt Angle, who will then roll into Madison Square Garden with it.


But I have a question,


Why Eddie Guerrero and not Chris Benoit ? Chris Benoit is very popular among Canadians (They make up a good % of the WWE Audience).

So Is Lance Storm...I don't see anyone clamoring for HIM to be the champion.



ANyways...Canadians aren't a Large Demo for Smackdown and the Hispanic population love WWE Smackdown and that is the main reason along with Eddy's overness that he is getting this potential push.

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As excited and as optimistic as I tend to be, bear in mind that Survivor Series is in November and we are still in July. The big rumor was that Benoit was supposed to be getting a shot at the WWE Title at SummerSlam and he's nowhere near the title picture right now.


Eddie may be over, but who's to say that he'll be able to maintain and increase his amount of heat in the next 4 months.



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Guest the pinjockey
They should've thought that they had something special with Guerrero when they signed him from WCW. Why? Because they did. Same with Benoit & Malenko.

Who knows what would have happened though if Eddie didn't get injured? The plan was for them all to be in the No Way Out main event and maybe they could have got some steam.


As for the Eddie title shot, I will believe it when I see it. But it certainly would be a way for them to start getting my $35 again.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I actually think Eddie could be the one to get the sort of match out of Brock Lesnar that really gets Brock over.


I'm not saying Brock isn't over, but I don't think people think he is a main event star now, even though he has been in that position for nearly a year now.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Eddy may be over but he is also


A) A former WCW Employee

B) A recovering drug and alcohol addict

C) A visible minority.


That's something to ponder and I'll believe an Eddy G title run when I see it.

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Guest Choken One
Eddy may be over but he is also


A) A former WCW Employee

B) A recovering drug and alcohol addict

C) A visible minority.


That's something to ponder and I'll believe an Eddy G title run when I see it.

Sad to say..."C" might wind up being the ONLY reason they even bother to push him.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho
Eddy may be over but he is also


A) A former WCW Employee

B) A recovering drug and alcohol addict

C) A visible minority.


That's something to ponder and I'll believe an Eddy G title run when I see it.

A) While he was over in WCW, he was nowhere near the top, so it's not like Booker or DDP who were main eventers and drew many fans. Vince has no vendetta against Eddie.

B) They brought him back on the condition that he stays clean, and I haven't heard anything about Eddie acting like Scott Hall.

C) That's one of the main reasons they're pushing him.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Well, Smackdown is doing huge numbers with the latino audience demographic but when it comes down to it, WWE is a white mans company who will also always push homegrown talent over foreign talent.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

well.....maybe there is a wrestling god.....and he just may love us all.

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Guest Lord of The Curry
Eddy may be over but he is also


A) A former WCW Employee

B) A recovering drug and alcohol addict

C) A visible minority.


That's something to ponder and I'll believe an Eddy G title run when I see it.

A) While he was over in WCW, he was nowhere near the top, so it's not like Booker or DDP who were main eventers and drew many fans. Vince has no vendetta against Eddie.

B) They brought him back on the condition that he stays clean, and I haven't heard anything about Eddie acting like Scott Hall.

C) That's one of the main reasons they're pushing him.

A) He worked for WCW. Vince has conditioned his fans to hate WCW. Vince still hates WCW (as shown by Bischoffs treatment on Raw since he came in). That's enough reason, regardless of Eddy's position on the card in WCW.

B) I haven't either, but that's always going to be there in the background. If anything huge ever broke ie. Eddy having a relapse, Vince and Co. would kick him to the curb like *that* and disavow any real connections they have to him.

C) See previous post.

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Guest Goose749

To put it simply, you gotta respect the Latino Heat!

While actions in Los Guerreros were predictable (kind of obvious they would steal Angle's medals and portrait), they still manage to make it funny. When Tajiri landed on the car, it was kinda obvious what Eddie's reaction would be. The fact that he can take something that you know is coming, and still make you laugh shows that Eddie does have the charisma necessary to be a good Title holder. His in-ring performances are next to none in the WWE. He and Tajiri put on a good match at Judgement Day, despite the inexperience of Team Angle (basically carrying them). All we can do is hope that, as Dames said, he'll be in the same position in 4 months.



stating the obvious, one wrestler at a time.

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LOTC, I'm sure that Vince's treatment of Bischoff was more of a final blow to their rivalry than just a general "I hate WCW" burial. Eddie Guerrero was never in a position of power in WCW.



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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

I think that except for us smarks, most fans will identify Eddie with the WWE because that's the only place they saw him compete.


If Eddie can make a bigger name for himself than he did in WCW, and I think he's on his way, then Vince will push him.


Don't forget, Austin, HHH, and Taker all worked for WCW at one point too...

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Guest eiker_ir

oh yes, thank god for this, finally someone who deserves it will get his reward.


now if only Jericho could beat HHH for the big gold belt.....hmmm....

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Guest Goose749
I think that except for us smarks, most fans will identify Eddie with the WWE because that's the only place they saw him compete.

which is unfortunate, because Eddie had some great matches in WCW, i.e. vs. Rey Mysterio at Halloween Havoc '97 (Still watch that one on a regular basis)

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I think that except for us smarks, most fans will identify Eddie with the WWE because that's the only place they saw him compete.

I wouldn't say that. Eddie Guerrero was in WCW while they were on top of the wrestling world and had a few reigns as their Cruiserweight Champion from 96 to 98. As many fans as Rey had when he came in to WWE, they most assuredly had seen Rey square off against Eddie quite a few times.


The Radicalz were a big deal when they jumped BECAUSE people knew who they were.



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Guest Choken One

Dames is correct...Eddy was very much an WCW screen presence during the NWO heyday.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Point well taken


But the fact is Eddie wasn't main eventing anything in WCW. Ask the average fan about WCW wrestlers and they'll name guys like Flair, DDP, Hogan, Sting, Luger, Nash, and Goldberg. I'm just saying that if Eddie continues with his lying, cheating, and stealing gimmick, he'll become more over (and therefore more well recognized) than he ever was in WCW.

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Guest Lord of The Curry
LOTC, I'm sure that Vince's treatment of Bischoff was more of a final blow to their rivalry than just a general "I hate WCW" burial. Eddie Guerrero was never in a position of power in WCW.



Really? Ya could've fooled me, because Bisch has been in the company for a year and they have NEVER taken him seriously.

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Guest Choken One

I disagree...I thought Bisch was taken seriously until Austin came in.

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