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Guest Army Eye

WWE Vengeance 2003 - GAMBLING THREAD

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Quick Question:


If you, by chance, picked the "APA" to win the Brawl, do you get money even though Bradshaw won? I mean, Faarooq was standing right there next to him.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

My bets of $1000 on Angle, $1000 on Haas/Benjamin and $1000 on Eddie all paid off, i expect a big gain from this event.

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Guest JaKyL25


TWGTT vs. Mysterio/Kidman


--$333 on TWGTT


Zach Gowen vs. Vince McMahon


--$333 on VINCE


The Undertaker vs. John Cena


--$333 on CENA


A.P.A. Invitational


--$1 on SEAN O'HAIRE


I'm reasonably sure Vince and Cena will pay off big, and if I'm wrong, I have some money on the sure thing in the tag match so that I'm not broke.

Woo-hoo! I made more than I lost!


...fucking Cena.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Shit.. Only have $944 to play with...


Kurt Angle ($100)


Eddie Guerrero ($300)


World's Greatest Tag Team ($300)


Vince McMahon ($50)


Jamie Noble ($50)

Well, if I'm not mistake, I made $550 this time around. So hey! I did fairly well this time around.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

(cries) I bet $1000 on Lesnar...


Everything else was right, but damn...

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Guest Lightning Flik
(cries) I bet $1000 on Lesnar...


Everything else was right, but damn...

Hey now, don't cry.


There's always next month's, SummerSlam.

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Guest CED Ordonez
(cries) I bet $1000 on Lesnar...


Everything else was right, but damn...

Don't feel too shabby. Bannable Offense lost EVERYTHING hoping for Cena and Gowen victories and Gowen's prosthetic leg to be used as a weapon. Poor guy.


*seconds B.O.'s hari-kiri*

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Yeah, we need a special thread for me to show how smart I am. I want to see if any other newbies turned their $1000 into $2350. ;)

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