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Ultra Violence

The Smark Apocolypse is nigh

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Guest Vyce

I wouldn't mind this.


Provided that HHH turns face THIS Monday, and immediately drops the title to Kane, and then proceeds to get involved in a feud with Orton that lasts a good 3 or 4 months, so as to prevent immediate burial of heels like Jericho.

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Guest CronoT

Does anyone else think we'll eventually see Triple H and Kevin Nash in a Crutches Match?

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Guest Loss4Words

The cynic in me fears that this is just a way to let HHH be the conquering babyface to finally unify the RAW and Smackdown titles, but I will not complain about that unless I see more proof that it's actually going to happen.

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The cynic in me fears that this is just a way to let HHH be the conquering babyface to finally unify the RAW and Smackdown titles, but I will not complain about that unless I see more proof that it's actually going to happen.

Said theory depends on the SD title situation, since you'd need a heel SD champ for said theory to work and one HHH can snowball Vince into letting him squash.


Presuming that Brock is under Vince's protection to such a point that HHH can only hurt Brock by moving him out of his path (like he did when Brock was shipped off to SD and the undisputed championship split), Kurt Angle looks like the most obvious choice for being set up as a lamb to be slaughtered by HHHl. Especially since SD has been, since the split, Kurt's show. And with the heel turn rumors for the main event, I wouldn't be suprised if HHH has already started work on said theory now while he still exist in a state of grace where he can manipulate in plain sight to turn Kut heel so he can get the belt and job it to HHH....


The biggest problem with said scenerio is the time-table for it. WM XX is the logical spot to remerge the belt but there is no way HHH could last until WM as a face without being backlashed like there's no tomorrow. The only possible chance would be if HHH FINALLY took a hiatus, for his wedding and holds off his face turn until October. Then he could do the face turn and injury angle to write him out and set up his return as the triumphant babyface at Royal Rumble, with three months to pray that the fans forget enough about him to allow him to come back and use his "welcome back" heat to pretend that he has "top babyface" heat.


And even then you'd need to find a way to trigger the match between Kurt and HHH, without turning the audience against HHH. One could submit they bring the love triangle back four years too late and have Steph heel turn, hook up with Kurt, and form an unholy trio with Vince to destroy Raw with HHH being the lone babyface to save the day.

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Guest Choken One

Or you can just Hire a Assassian to take out the other quad and save us from the Politcal bullshititis

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Eh, don't kill Triple H.


Killing is wrong.


Maybe give him a double Gowen (I.E. two prosthetic legs)

Are you insane? he would be pushed down our throats even more

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