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Guest Retro Rob

The Booking Report

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Guest Retro Rob

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Guest JHawk

Good job as usual Rob. A few thoughts:


Could the payoff for Noble-Torrie be simply "I said I'd sleep with you, not have sex with you?" Also lame, but whatever.


I agree that Orton's interference killed Michaels-Jericho, but I don't think the match was as bad as you said.


The commentary on Raw has sucked since they replaced Heyman with Lawler. You've just now figured that out?

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I thought it was excellent Rob. I'd much rather have you working on this column full time instead of Confidential.



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Guest Retro Rob
Could the payoff for Noble-Torrie be simply "I said I'd sleep with you, not have sex with you?"  Also lame, but whatever.


Yeah, that's another possibility. Equally bad, but another option.


I agree that Orton's interference killed Michaels-Jericho, but I don't think the match was as bad as you said.


It seems like everyone is split 50/50 on this one. I watched it a second time just to make sure I wasn't losing it altogether (considering I had just read about a dozen MOTYC posts in the Raw thread). The combination of slow in-ring action, Lawler/Coach, the interference, and the commercial break just killed it for me. As well as taking into consideration how kick ass their XIX match was.


The commentary on Raw has sucked since they replaced Heyman with Lawler.  You've just now figured that out?


I can deal with bad commentary when they actually discuss the in ring action once in a while, but every other word out of Lawler's mouth was "JR" for the entire show.



I thought it was excellent Rob. I'd much rather have you working on this column full time instead of Confidential.


As would I. B-)

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Guest bob_barron

You didn't like HBK v. Y2J either?


Call OlympicHeroRVD- you must be a gimmick poster!

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Guest jester

I thought that was a pretty good analysis Rob.


And wherever it's coming from, your right, Lawler makes the show nearly unwatchable. Remember the glory days of Jesse Ventura on commentary? If Vince McMahon the face announcer had been lit on fire, Ventura wouldn't have whined about his poor widdle buddy, he would have said "Great, now I can run this show right" and got on with commentating.


Sometimes I think WWE downplays the concepts of heels and faces because they've forgotten what they are.

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Guest Retro Rob

Not even Ventura, just look at 1994-1997. Lawler couldn't have cared less about either JR or McMahon back then. The problem is that WWE has decided to move away from the heel/face commentary team, which is really sad because now we don't have the chance of another Gorilla/Ventura or Gorilla/Heenan.

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