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Guest Eagan469

Can someone post SK's Vengenace rant in here?

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Guest Retro Rob

Keith generally rates any match with Benoit and Eddie at least **** regardless of it's quality. Hell, he rated their match in Dec 2002 ****3/4 IIRC.


He had to be off though, I mean ***1/2 for a match featuring a green rookie and a broken down hasbeen?

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Guest BionicRedneck
Another great, super-intense match between Angle & Lesnar, and Show wasn’t in it enough to bring it down. And there’s no better champion than Angle. ****


He is on drugs.

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Guest nWoScorpion

I gave Ut/Cena **3/4, and a review of it by me is available in the Smark Krew folder NOW. (Cheap plugs always work)

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Guest wwF1587
I think he was super positive about Vengeance so he can absolutely tear up Raw tonight.

and RAW will probably deliver just the show to tear the hell apart

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Guest Anglesault
I hope that Kurt Angle holds the WWE title until Wrestlemania XX. When I think about it though, I don't know if I like the idea of Kurt losing the big one at Wrestlemania two years in a row. Right now, Angle should be the man to carry the company. He's good both in the ring and on the stick. He has all the tools. If he can stay healthy, I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to take the ball and run with it.

I'd rather he lose it and win it back at Mania.

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Keith generally rates any match with Benoit and Eddie at least **** regardless of it's quality. Hell, he rated their match in Dec 2002 ****3/4 IIRC.

No, he gave it ****1/4.

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Guest PowerPB13

WWE: "Please forget that we put McMahons in two major matches, had Taker squash Cena, had a really horrible barroom brawl segment, and had Big Show in the main event AGAIN...(throws bone) here's Benoit vs. Guerrero, (throws bone) here's a cool tag title match, and (throws bone) we put the title on your boy...now be quiet."



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Another great, super-intense match between Angle & Lesnar, and Show wasn’t in it enough to bring it down. And there’s no better champion than Angle. ****


He is on drugs.

What was possibly wrong with that match? Everything was beatifully crisp throughout, there were tons of cool spots, and there was a surprising finish. It overshadowed tons of great wrestling throughout the night, and might be the best Triple Threat match the WWE has ever put on. I'd even consider it a MOTY candidate at this point.

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Guest BionicRedneck
Another great, super-intense match between Angle & Lesnar, and Show wasn’t in it enough to bring it down. And there’s no better champion than Angle. ****


He is on drugs.

What was possibly wrong with that match? Everything was beatifully crisp throughout, there were tons of cool spots, and there was a surprising finish. It overshadowed tons of great wrestling throughout the night, and might be the best Triple Threat match the WWE has ever put on. I'd even consider it a MOTY candidate at this point.

It sucked. It was a spot-fest and it was nothing we hadn't seen before. There was no build it was just spot-spot-spot. Then Angle and Show both got blown-up. The best bit was Lesnar's running Powerbomb on fat man.

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Guest Aero

I'm surprised he gave Undertaker vs. Cena ***1/2... From one viewing, I gave it **1/2, but I guess I need to watch it again. Just my opinion, but there is no way that Benoit vs. Eddie from Armageddon is better than Vengeance.

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Guest Kamui
Another great, super-intense match between Angle & Lesnar, and Show wasn’t in it enough to bring it down. And there’s no better champion than Angle. ****


He is on drugs.

What was possibly wrong with that match? Everything was beatifully crisp throughout, there were tons of cool spots, and there was a surprising finish. It overshadowed tons of great wrestling throughout the night, and might be the best Triple Threat match the WWE has ever put on. I'd even consider it a MOTY candidate at this point.

It sucked. It was a spot-fest and it was nothing we hadn't seen before. There was no build it was just spot-spot-spot. Then Angle and Show both got blown-up. The best bit was Lesnar's running Powerbomb on fat man.

So spot-fests can't get ****? If Keith rated it ****1/2 or *****, then I'd agree with you, but I'd say **** would be the absolute highest a spot-fest can get if it's a really good spot-fest, and this was a really good spot-fest.



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Guest the 1inch punch
WWE: "Please forget that we put McMahons in two major matches, had Taker squash Cena, had a really horrible barroom brawl segment, and had Big Show in the main event AGAIN...(throws bone) here's Benoit vs. Guerrero, (throws bone) here's a cool tag title match, and (throws bone) we put the title on your boy...now be quiet."



-I Ignored the McMahon matches


-Cena was never gonna win


-I used that as a bathroom break


-I've like Big Show since the stretcher match


-And your point is?

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Guest Mulatto Heat
I think he was super positive about Vengeance so he can absolutely tear up Raw tonight.

He can go right ahead then.


Keith generally rates any match with Benoit and Eddie at least **** regardless of it's quality. Hell, he rated their match in Dec 2002 ****3/4 IIRC.


SK is a disgusting looking human being and he goes out of his way to be abrasive (with seemingly obvious success), but try to get the facts correct, OK?


What was possibly wrong with that match? Everything was beatifully crisp throughout, there were tons of cool spots, and there was a surprising finish. It overshadowed tons of great wrestling throughout the night, and might be the best Triple Threat match the WWE has ever put on. I'd even consider it a MOTY candidate at this point.


Tons of cool spots, i.e. spot-spot-spot, which the three (esp. the winner) are famous for.

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Guest Kamui
WWE:  "Please forget that we put McMahons in two major matches, had Taker squash Cena, had a really horrible barroom brawl segment, and had Big Show in the main event AGAIN...(throws bone) here's Benoit vs. Guerrero, (throws bone) here's a cool tag title match, and (throws bone) we put the title on your boy...now be quiet."



-I Ignored the McMahon matches


-Cena was never gonna win


-I used that as a bathroom break


-I've like Big Show since the stretcher match


-And your point is?

-The McMahon matches did make good distractions to play Soul Calibur II, but the fact that Hardy was in the APA bar room crapfest instead of an actual match while both McMahons had matches was inexcusable in my eyes.


-No, he wasn't, but that doesn't make it right.


-Spanky MADE that segment more than a bathroom break. :P


-I agree. People have been far too hard on the Big Show lately- he's been doing his job as a monster heel very well.


-I don't think he had a point, but it was fun counter-pointing your counter-points to his lack of a point.



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Guest PowerPB13

The point was that that's pretty much what WWE thinks of us. Period.



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Guest BionicRedneck

a match with no build that is just spot-spot-spot with two workers who appeared to be blown up does not = ****. Not to me, anyway.

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Guest the 1inch punch
-The McMahon matches did make good distractions to play Soul Calibur II, but the fact that Hardy was in the APA bar room crapfest instead of an actual match while both McMahons had matches was inexcusable in my eyes.

Its late, and I really dont wanna go off on a tangent here, but put it this way, If Hardy had beaten Benoit, then we would have been bitching about Benoit having nothing to do

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Guest Mulatto Heat
a match with no build that is just spot-spot-spot with two workers who appeared to be blown up does not = ****. Not to me, anyway.

This is only vaguely related, but here's a funny quote from my first month here:


"I refuse to discuss WWE with anyone that has puro guys in their sig"


It just came to mind.

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Guest Anglesault
-The McMahon matches did make good distractions to play Soul Calibur II, but the fact that Hardy was in the APA bar room crapfest instead of an actual match while both McMahons had matches was inexcusable in my eyes.

Its late, and I really dont wanna go off on a tangent here, but put it this way, If Hardy had beaten Benoit, then we would have been bitching about Benoit having nothing to do

Whacky/Zany idea: get Vince, Stephanie, Sable and Zach OFF the show and Hardy and Benoit can BOTH be on it~!


Why did it have to be one or the other?

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Pretty positive compared to usually...


Pity he didn't rate the barroom brawl though. I wanted to hear his views on O'Haire's Bruce Lee impression. And Spanky's dancing...Funaki's drinking...Easter Bunny's bump through the glass. Hell, I enjoyed the brawl. Then again, the barroom brawl is just the sort of throwaway sports entertainment crap I enjoy. Just a pity they didn't throw Tazz in there and have him go crazy on everyone.

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