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Guest Muzz

Promo: Sounding the Call

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Guest Muzz

The planets revolve around the sun.


The moons revolve around the planets


Our planet, our world, revolves in turn.


‘But Andrew,’ you reply. ‘We’ve already covered that. Our world revolves around the sun.’


‘Tis true my friends, but that sun, it also represents something far greater.’


The Sun, is you.


The world revolves around you.



‘…And, my friends,’ continues Andrew, eyes piercing through the camera lens and capturing the attention of the people at home. ‘This need not be a bad thing, because if you live for you, you will ultimately be satisfied.’


‘Such is the reason for my return.’ Andrew smiles with outstretched arms. They close again as he assumes a serious pose, his hands intertwining as he walks closer to the camera.


‘The SWF is a place I will always return to, as it is a part of me, I am apart of the foundations, the first brick on the bottom floor. That does not mean though, that I am content with my longevity in this often-unforgiving sports entertainment world.’


‘I won’t be content until I have what I need to be satisfied, to be happy. I need my name to be the first on people’s minds, well after I leave this place. And no, this is not my dream because it is the dream of others in the same position as me, in the SWF.’


‘Not at all. It is my dream, and nothing can change that. What makes my happy, I will have.’ He flashes another smile, almost greedily rubbing his hands together. ‘But, apparently that makes my a bad person, to want what I want.’


‘I should be giving YOU entertainment! Silly me!’ Upon saying this line, Blackwell is forced to pull away, a spiteful look in his eyes as he shakes his head. ‘I should be doing what you want, dancing while you throw quarters at my feet, dancing to your tune.’


‘Don’t let your lives be dictated by the masses. You should be free! Free from societies restraints that prevent you from enjoying the simple things in life that you enjoy, without the mocking of a regulated society ripe with uniformity, caused by just a few, who can shape our minds into anything they want, all for their own gain.’


‘I’m back for myself. I strive for recognition, respect and wealth. My past induction into the hall of fame? Gone, until each and every one of you say I deserve to. That would make my happy, and believe me, I will make it happen, by any means necessary.’


Realising his somewhat intimidating attitude, Andrew backs off slightly, cracking yet another reassuring smile, his fingertips lifting the camera as he approaches, looking straight down the barrel and delivering his message.


‘I know you’ll hate me for saying this. It always happens when someone speaks out, says something that doesn’t fit the norm, but I can handle that. There will always be one or two free thinkers who will understand, and in time, there will be more.’


‘Someone has to say something, why not be me? Believe, if, nay, when I reach the top and realise my goals, you will listen, as all sheep do when they meet someone with celebrity status, someone with power.’




Before he speaks again, Andrew Blackwell walks over to a table, reaching down and clutching a picture of his departed wife in his fingers. Closing his eyes and smiling, Blackwell sets it back down softly, as if not to disturb her eternal slumber. Glancing to his right, Sacred grabs a picture of him.


The world title is around his waist. The people are applauding. A look of pride and dignity is on his face in that photo.


Without turning back around, the Sacred One says. ‘No more Simon says… Join the experiment.’








His body swings back around, a feiry determination seen in his eyes as he utters.




‘The Andrew Blackwell Experiment.’

Edited by Muzz

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Guest realitycheck

Awesome work. Awesome and downright creepy, which is very cool.


I loved the angle when you told me about it, and this is a great way to start. Keep it uuuuuuuuuup.



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Guest Crowe

That's great stuff. I wouldn't use the word creepy myself... it's more down right fucked up. Some parts messed with my mind, and whilst some of you may argue this is not hard to do, Muzz fucking owns you all.

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Guest kelloggs

While I don't know the angle, I have to say that I enjoyed the last few promo's I've seen. The character just seems cool to me. It helps that I love Office Space, but still, while I have an idea about where this is going, I await being taken there.

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Guest Kibagami

I, on the other hand, don't have a clue where this is headed.


But this promo is engaging enough that I don't mind waiting. Very nice work.



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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Ha ha, I have a clue!


I get the vibe you were talking about the other night, and I think it's working. Nice nice.

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Guest Grand Slam

I wouldn't even call it creepy. To be frank, were Sacred interested, this would be a great angle / persona / gimmick to turn full heel, full face, tweener, basically go anywhere he wants with it.


I applaud your efforts sir. And I remain a Sacred mark...

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Guest Drew_K

The Andrew Blackwell experiement. Coming this fall to the WB. Creepy.


Nice work, Muzz. I love the feel of this, gives your character some purely scrumptious edges to knaw on. For the mind. Knawing for the mind. Mmmmm.


As I cannot further comment on the coolness without saying anythign that has not been said, I will merely say this....


Bite my shiny metal ass!


(Nice work!)

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