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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I got an X-Box....

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Well I got an X-Box for my birthday yesterday. I now have all of the Big 3(X-Box, GCN, and PS2).

So I got it yesterday and I bought Shenmue II(haven't gotten a chance to play it as I had my party last night). Then I borrowed the Jurassic Park sim from my friend which was really fun. I'm thinking about picking it up. I also have Soul Calibur II reserved on the X-Box. And if I can find a copy of Halo that isn't 45 bucks then I'll pick it up.

But now I'm stumped as to what games are good for it! I want X-Box exclusive games here or games that are better on X-Box. So can I get some recommendations?

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Knights of the Old Republic.


I'd say Street vol. 2 is best on Xbox, but that'd be an unfounded claim. Still, if you don't already, get it.


Jet Set Radio Future is a niche game, one you might enjoy.


Amped is old, but if you can find it for cheap it's a decent investment, fun game.

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Guest redbaron51

good luck finding Halo under 45...



get KOTOR, Splinter Cell, and if you are into sport games I recommend the Sega Series.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Well.....I also heard that the Memory Card is virtually useless because it'll take forever to fill up the harddrive.

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Guest Flyboy
good luck finding Halo under 45...

My Best Buy has it for $34 something. Brand new.


Get KOTOR. NOW. It's fucking great. Although, it may not be everyone's cup of tea so rent it first. I personally love it. If you like sports, get NCAA Football 2004 as well. I need to get Halo, myself, so pick that up too.

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Guest Vitamin X

Actually Microsoft has a brainwashing program set up for anyone who works in a retail outlet that might rent or sell Xbox or Xbox-related items. Since I work for Blockbuster, I signed up for this right away. All you do is read up on the various Xbox material and take little 'quizzes' on them, and you earn points for getting free games and items through their prize shop... One of which is Halo. So by spending a little time doing this, you can get HALO for free, all you do is pay for shipping. This is good for anyone else who this might apply to...And if worse comes to worse, you could always just lie about it, Microsoft has no way of finding out ;)



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Guest teke184

Halo and Panzer Dragoon Orta are solid X-Box exclusives. If you don't have a PS2 or a GameCube, you should also consider Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Dead to Rights, and SSX: Tricky amongst others.


As for memory cards, the main reason to get one is if you're going to play games on your X-Box as well as someone else's. I only use mine to move my Halo data from my X-Box to hers.

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Guest Flyboy
If you don't have a PS2 or a GameCube, you should also consider Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Dead to Rights, and SSX: Tricky amongst others.

Well I got an X-Box for my birthday yesterday. I now have all of the Big 3(X-Box, GCN, and PS2).


*cough, cough*

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Guest teke184
If you don't have a PS2 or a GameCube, you should also consider Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Dead to Rights, and SSX: Tricky amongst others.

Well I got an X-Box for my birthday yesterday. I now have all of the Big 3(X-Box, GCN, and PS2).


*cough, cough*

*Scratches nose with middle finger*

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*Scratches nose with middle finger*

That kicked ass.


Another game to look at would be Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War. It's a pretty sweet game, and you can play it on Xbox Live, I've never played it on that, but I did enjoy the single-player mode.

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Guest The Notorious CRD

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Panzer Dragoon Orta


Dead or Alive 3

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Guest tpww7

I second Return to Castle Wolfenstein, game is awesome over X-Box Live and the single player is good as well.

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Guest redbaron51

I don't get the love for Panzer Dragon Orta. I was bored after 5 minutes of playin it.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Yeah I heard all you do is sit on a rail and shoot.

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Guest jimmy no nose

Since when is Halo still so expensive? I bought it for my nephew for Christmas and it only cost $30 at Best Buy. Did they bring the price back up?


Get Deathrow, Buffy, the UFC game, and also a bunch I've already seen mentioned here. Do you plan on getting Xbox Live? If you do I could recommend a few more games.

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Guest Flyboy
Since when is Halo still so expensive? I bought it for my nephew for Christmas and it only cost $30 at Best Buy. Did they bring the price back up?

To my knowledge, everywhere EXCEPT Best Buy has it still listed in the $40-range.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Let's see.


If you don't have Splinter Cell on another platform get it on XBOX.


If you are going to gt XBOX Live get Wolfenstein.


Definitely pick up Knights of the Old Republic.


Halo is obvious.


And I'll throw in my usual vote for Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which you can find on the cheap).

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Guest redbaron51

or best yet.


whatever 3rd party game you have on either system, X-Box is usually the best one to come with it.


and in Canada I can't find it anywhere under 55 bones...

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if you are into football games, i would get ncca football 2004 and or madden 2004. i think those games would be better on the box due to fasting loading times and better and clearer graphics

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Guest jimmy no nose

Yeah the football games will look better on Xbox and load quicker, but if you're into online you should get ESPN NFL 2K4 for Xbox, the Madden and NCAA games are online only on PS2.

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