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Guest Anglesault

How will they crap up Smackdown's

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Guest Anglesault

Now, call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever, but despite Vince's claims of "In competetion with ourselves" personaly feel that he doesn't want one of his shows to be decisively better than the other.


That, in my opinion, is why when Smackdown started to get praised as head and shoulders better than Raw, he made an intentional decision to shit it up. The Al Wilson nonsense, Big Show push (which may have actually worked out for Smackdown in the long run) attempted Albert push, Hogan, Piper, Gowan, Sable, Stephanie and Vince himself dominating the show, and so on and so on. After three or four months of this sabotage, SD! was basically no better than Raw.


Fast forward to Bad Blood. Raw managed to put on a show that was universally panned. It was worse than awful. If Smackdown's PPV did what it was capable of, it would blow Raw out of the water. Vince had to try his damndest to stop that, while still keeping a buyrate. He inserts himself on to the show. Stephanie gets a match. Gowan gets a match. Sable gets a match. Lord knows what Hogan and Piper would have been doing. Billy Gunn gets his ass on the show. Big Show is in the main, probably dropping the quality of that. Stupid Redneck Triathalon-esque Bar room brawl is added. Matt Hardy, Ultimo Dragon, Spanky and others have no match. The show looks awful going in.


Well, as it turns out, everything that could have gone right for SD! did, and the show once again showed it's superiority to Raw.


Anyway, the actual point is that with Summerslam coming up, Vince probably doesn't want SD! showing up Raw again, and with projected Raw clunkers in HHH/FGB, HBK/Suckbag, Y2J/Nash, Steiner/Test 2, Christian/Booker 90000, Kane/Someone and Dudleyz/Frenchmen, Raw's half of the show has absolutely NO decent looking matches.


How will (if it will) Smackdown be shat on to compensate?

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Guest the pinjockey


Angle/Big Show


Benoit/Rhyno (Not a bad match, but if that is the best the show contributes that is bad)


That would be a quick way to fuck up SD's half of the show.


Maybe throw in a Rey/Kidman match. Even if it is good I don't care about Kidman.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

They'll probably give us Lesnar/Vince, Angle/Show, maybe Sable/Steph 2, no cruiserweight title match, Taker going over someone useful, the usual crap they do to stink up the show.


I wouldn't be surprised to see APA/TWGTT as well, just to ensure the tag title match won't be any good either.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Torch is reporting that Vince/Lesnar was never a serious idea for Summerslam and that Angle/Lesnar is pretty much a lock. I'll say:


-WWE Title: Angle vs. Lesnar

-US Title: Eddy vs. Benoit vs. Rhyno

-CW Title: Mysterio vs. Kidman

-Worlds Greatest/Big Show/Cena vs. Gowen/APA/Taker.


That last one is more to get everyone on the PPV. I never realized how difficult it is with only half the spots per show.


From RAW:


-World Title: HHH vs. Goldberg

-Kane vs. RVD

-Tag Team Titles: La Resistance vs. Dudleys

-HBK/Booker vs. Orton/Jericho


Again that last one was to get more people on the show. Of course they could go for 9 or even 10 matches but that would make things shorter...

Edited by Slapnuts00

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Guest Anglesault
-WWE Title: Angle vs. Lesnar

-US Title: Eddy vs. Benoit vs. Rhyno

-CW Title: Mysterio vs. Kidman

-Worlds Greatest and Big Show vs. Gowen/APA

-Stephanie vs. Albert

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Guest Slapnuts00
-WWE Title: Angle vs. Lesnar

-US Title: Eddy vs. Benoit vs. Rhyno

-CW Title: Mysterio vs. Kidman

-Worlds Greatest and Big Show vs. Gowen/APA

-Stephanie vs. Albert

and Linda Mcmahon vs. Kane, there you go!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

This is so obvious.


They'll do a Taker/Cena rematch.


Unlike last time where Taker dominated the first half of the match than pulled Cena up from a pin like the jobber that he was made out to be, then kicking out of Cena's finisher, then pinning him clean to give the rub...


THIS TIME: They'll have a one night only best of 7 series where Taker will win 4 straight and then proceed to beat him 3 more times to make sure that the rub is fully applied.

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Guest Angle-plex

A house show is coming to my town August 10th (the same night as Pride: Grand Prix, which means I'm not going), and they are advertising these matches:


Lesnar vs Angle

Matt Hardy vs Rey

Eddy/Tajiri vs TWGTT


I don't know if this means anything for Summerslam, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.

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Guest AndrewTS

Well, it looks like another Albert push is coming.


Maybe we'll get that Albert/Taker program at long last! And Taker puts the fellow hoss over at last unless he's completely heatless.

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Guest the pinjockey
THIS TIME: They'll have a one night only best of 7 series where Taker will win 4 straight and then proceed to beat him 3 more times to make sure that the rub is fully applied.

And if Taker shakes Cena's hand after the match, then what more could you ask? There is no bigger rub than the Taker handshake.

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THIS TIME:  They'll have a one night only best of 7 series where Taker will win 4 straight and then proceed to beat him 3 more times to make sure that the rub is fully applied.

And if Taker shakes Cena's hand after the match, then what more could you ask? There is no bigger rub than the Taker handshake.

And don't forget a good ol' pep talk at the end.


Taker: "Kid....you're something else"


Did wonders for Jeff Hardy's career

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By the way, the proper way to crap up Smackdown's side:


WWE Title: Kurt Angle© vs. Big Show

Brock Lesnar vs. Vince McMahon

US Title: Eddie Guerrero© vs. The Undertaker

A-Train/John Cena/Matt Hardy vs. APA/Rey Misterio


and, the rematch to end ALL rematches.


Stephanie McMahon vs. Sable in an Evening Gown Match !


Now THAT's WrestleCrap !

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Guest razazteca

Shane vs Kane - Shane will run around the ring for 5 minutes with the big spot finish of getting thrown thru the ramp off of the titan tron.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

There'll have to be at least one McMahon match, there's no way they can keep themselves of the 2nd biggest show of the year. I wouldn't be shocked to see Vince, Steph and Shane all on the show.

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No, we got Albert. He'll be going over Rey Misterio in the 6-Man. See ?


As for Nathan Jones....I don't know. Have him punk out Ultimo Dragon in the back. Nathan's big. Ultimo's small. Nathan's tough. Ultimo's light. It's money in the bank !

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Guest CanadianChick
THIS TIME:  They'll have a one night only best of 7 series where Taker will win 4 straight and then proceed to beat him 3 more times to make sure that the rub is fully applied.

And if Taker shakes Cena's hand after the match, then what more could you ask? There is no bigger rub than the Taker handshake.

And don't forget a good ol' pep talk at the end.


Taker: "Kid....you're something else"


Did wonders for Jeff Hardy's career

And Rey Mysterio's. He sure was shot up the ranks after getting the handshake after the first round match to determine the number one contender for Backlash.


Oh, and didn't Undertaker give cena the 'rub' last year when Cena was still the rookie?

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Guest Rockfan


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Guest nWoScorpion

Vince Mcmahon def. Kurt Angle clean for the title.


A-Train def. Eddie Guerrero in 30 seconds.


Big Show def. Ultimo Dragon, Moore, Hardy, Kidman, Mysterio in 1 minute.


Undertaker def. Rikishi




now THATS a shitty line up lol

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Guest AndrewTS
No, we got Albert. He'll be going over Rey Misterio in the 6-Man. See ?


As for Nathan Jones....I don't know. Have him punk out Ultimo Dragon in the back. Nathan's big. Ultimo's small. Nathan's tough. Ultimo's light. It's money in the bank !

Eh, I still didn't notice "A-Train" as being his new name.


And remember that Nathan did that awesome spin kick so he can show Ultimo how to work kicks into his match right. :P


Oh, and didn't Undertaker give cena the 'rub' last year when Cena was still the rookie?


Yeah, he gave him a pat on the back and congrats for his near-upset of Angle.

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Guest Anglesault

Have we gotten justification for this attempted Albert push yet?

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Guest CronoT

The Smackdown! House Show coming to my town is 2 days after SummerSlam. So whatever matches they advertise will probably be enough for us to figure out who's going to be at the PPV, what titles, if any, change hands, and so on.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

He's Big.


Isn't that enough for you bitter, jaded, cynical, negative, smarks!


RRR: Likes Albert. Doesn't "get" burying him down the card only for him to quickly rise.

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Guest CronoT
He's Big.


Isn't that enough for you bitter, jaded, cynical, negative, smarks!


RRR: Likes Albert. Doesn't "get" burying him down the card only for him to quickly rise.

Albert is a worthless, festering piece of crap.

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Worst thing I can see happening on Smackdown's side for SS would definitely be an APA / TWGTT match. Not even the talents of Benjamin and Haas can make APA look good.

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I really don't get the A-Train hate. He tries hard, is constantly adding some to a pretty good moveset, and could become quite a worker if he went on a couple of tours in Japan or put in with some more skilled opponents. I think if Vader, one of the best big men ever, was debuting today he would get booed just because of his fatness.

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Guest Slapnuts00

I dont doubt he tries hard but he can't keep up with the better workers because he's big and fat and does BIG MAN OFFENSE~!©Dames2003, plus him in short trunks is not a pleasent site...

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