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Guest MrRant

Goldberg vs. Ric Flair

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Guest MrRant

Tickets are still available. I may try and make the trip up to Canada for either RAW or Smackdown.

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Guest Retro Rob

Well Raw has Flair vs. Goldberg and SmackDown has Lesnar vs. Vince. Neither will be lenghty and/or clean, so it's a toss up.

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Guest Choken One

will they AT LEAST main event the Goldberg/Flair match?


Nah...They conditioned the casual fans to tune in at 1045 for the Kane segment.

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Guest Choken One



Give it 6 minutes and Flair will sell the Spear like a motherfucker...

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Guest AndrewTS

I wonder if this will be treated as a serious match or if Flair gets squashed quickly.

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Guest Askewniverse
I wonder if this will be treated as a serious match or if Flair gets squashed quickly.

I think that will be a semi-squash. There's no good reason to have Goldberg quickly squash Flair.

Edited by Askewniverse

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Guest Trivia247

heh great house show angle...Flair and Vince complain about their pending squashings by Goldberg and Lesnar respectively and so they decide to send the two the same address and no show the show forcing Goldberg to take on Lesnar.

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Guest AndrewTS
I wonder if this will be treated as a serious match or if Flair gets squashed quickly.

I think that will be a semi-squash. There's no good reason to have Goldberg quickly squash Flair.

Except that Goldberg demolished some one about his same size and a little over half his age this week.

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Guest Askewniverse

That's true, but it's kind of unfair to compare Richards to Flair.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Is this their first one-on-one and/or televized match? I remember after Starcade 1998, Goldberg was rumored to be wrestling Flair on house shows, but he lost the title...

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Guest Downhome

I loved when Bishoff said on RAW that he'd NEVER give away a match away on RAW without promotion like Goldberg/Flair.




Goldberg/Hogan? About the only promotion that had in advance was "hey, next week they'll wrestle".

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Guest CanadianChick

Guess who's going to be there? That's right, I will! Sorry, but I needed to brag because this Raw actually looks decent...

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Watch Goldberg beat Flair using only THREE moves like any other Goldberg match you'd expect to see.



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Guest JAxlMorrison


Give it 6 minutes and Flair will sell the Spear like a motherfucker...

I'm not sure if Flair is physically capable of taking a vicious spear. Watch for Goldberg to take it easy on the poor old man.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

So some of you are worried that 54 year old Ric Flair WILL be squashed...


While some of you are worried that 58 year old Vince McMahon WON'T be squashed...


/Just keepin' track

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Guest Boo_Bradley

MARCH 7TH 1999 is the 1st (and only?) time Goldburg fought Flair...


Blow by blow coming soon:

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Canadian Chick, I shotgun a sign devoted to me! Either that, or can you bring a HHH=X-Pac sign or something?

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Guest TheGame2705
HHH=X-Pac sign or something?

I don't know who thought of this but it was the stupidest insider dig at HHH ever

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Guest Mad the Swine

Matches between Goldberg and Flair. All are from 1999 and Flair was the champ for the first two.


March 8 (Worcester, MA): DDQ


April 5 (Las Vegas, NV): four-way match also containing Hulk Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page. Went to a no contest.


April 25 (Minneapolis, MN): Goldberg wins.


Even though nobody ever came out and stated this, I believe Goldberg injured Flair's back in the last match. Couple this with Flair still having problems with Bischoff a year after the lawsuit, Flair stayed off television from June until Bischoff's firing in August. He did work several house shows.


In a case of it being a small world, while at the University of Minnesota, Flair roomed with Mike Goldberg - Bill's oldest brother.

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Guest FileCabinet
So some of you are worried that 54 year old Ric Flair WILL be squashed...


While some of you are worried that 58 year old Vince McMahon WON'T be squashed...


/Just keepin' track

Ric Flair is a WRESTLER and McMahon isn't.

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Guest AndrewTS
So some of you are worried that 54 year old Ric Flair WILL be squashed...


While some of you are worried that 58 year old Vince McMahon WON'T be squashed...


/Just keepin' track

Ric Flair is a WRESTLER and McMahon isn't.

I'm not worried that Flair will be squashed. I think he should be, more or less, but hold out a bit longer than than the usual Goldberg fodder before being beat cleanly.


Of course, personally I'd like to see Goldberg look like a puss and utterly embarrassed, but I'm just saying what I think would work best booking-wise.

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Guest Anglesault

I'm just worried that he'll squash Flair and then job to Suckbag Orton the next week.

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