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Guest Youth N Asia

So who turns heel?

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Guest Goose749

Yeah, but that was around the time I really started hating Lesnar. I didn't mind him so much when he was with Heyman, he was just kinda there, and his persona during that feud was a result of what Heyman had started. Heyman laid the groundwork built up on by Lesnar himself. And, at the end of that feud, I found I did not like Lesnar, because he felt sorry for what he did to Taker. What Lesnar gave his soulless monster character was a conscience, and in doing so completely changed his persona. I personally like Lesnar better as a face, but he makes a pretty damn good heel, too. The only problem I had was with the transition. That killed it for me. So far, they're making decent progress turining one or the other heel, but i can't really say until Thursday (or if I decide to read the spoilers).

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Guest The Hamburglar

Well, that was just a pretty clunky method the writers used to turn Lesnar face. Obviously if he turns heel again all that conscience gets thrown out the window and he can go back to doing really cool shit like picking up Rey Mysterio and splatting him into the ringpost like a bug. That was awesome.

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Wouldn't you be angry enough to get that title back, no matter what it takes?It just so happens what it takes is being allies with a sleazebag. So when he's allied with a sleazebag, obviously people won't like that, making him a sleazebag by assosiation, or a 'heel'.


That's exactly what Stone Cold did.


Anyway, I want Brock Lesnar to turn heel. In fact, I'm expecting it. I always liked him as a heel, that's when he was the unstoppable monster and the original Legend Killer. As a face, now he's all nice and shit. Fuck that. The REAL Brock Lesnar character would have never come out to help Rey Mysterio.



As for the face/face and heel/heel matches, they'll rarely done since its almost always good vs. evil. The last face/face matches I can remember were Hogan/Warrior and Hart/Michaels (WM XII). I have no idea when the last time a heel/heel match happened although Angle / Benoit from Unforgiven comes to mind for some reason.



And this Nzden also reminds me of the Prime guy. I don't know why.

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Guest iamsherm

I'm all for Brock turning heel, but I'm still not sold on Heyman being the one to solidify the turn. A lot of questions still need to be answered:

  • Why would Heyman WANT to be associated with Brock when he clearly abandoned him for The Big Show last fall? Wouldn't he just be conceding that his alliance with The Big Show was a failure?
  • Why would Brock want Heyman by his side anyways? Brock really hasn't fared too poorly since Heyman turned on him (he did win the title at the biggest show of the year, after all).
  • If Paul E. were to reunite with Brock, what happens when they inevitably have to split up again? How would they go about telling that story in a fresh and original way?
Bottom line is some serious long term booking/writing would need to occur before WWE goes jumping into this idea. That said, I do like the idea of a Brock/Rhyno/Benjamin/Haas stable.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I don't think you can look for logic with Heyman/Brock...cause you could say why didn't he stick with Brock as Survivor when Brock had Big Show for an obvious 3 count...the smart thing would have been to just go with it.


they'll come up with some dumb reason

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Guest iamsherm

You're probably right, although I contend that there must be some logic to be found. The writers are just not the most gifted in making it clear to it's audience.

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...cause you could say why didn't he stick with Brock as Survivor when Brock had Big Show for an obvious 3 count...the smart thing would have been to just go with it.


Knowing Heyman, he doesn't like to be wrong. For weeks he was telling Brock (as we heard a million times now), "YOU CAN'T BEAT THE BIG SHOW!" Then at the PPV, TBS gets his fat ass handed to him. Heyman couldn't stand not being right so he screws over Brock in the match to reinforce what he was telling him all along.


This is angle-wise by the way.

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...cause you could say why didn't he stick with Brock as Survivor when Brock had Big Show for an obvious 3 count...the smart thing would have been to just go with it.


Knowing Heyman, he doesn't like to be wrong. For weeks he was telling Brock (as we heard a million times now), "YOU CAN'T BEAT THE BIG SHOW!" Then at the PPV, TBS gets his fat ass handed to him. Heyman couldn't stand not being right so he screws over Brock in the match to reinforce what he was telling him all along.


This is angle-wise by the way.

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...cause you could say why didn't he stick with Brock as Survivor when Brock had Big Show for an obvious 3 count...the smart thing would have been to just go with it.


Knowing Heyman, he doesn't like to be wrong. For weeks he was telling Brock (as we heard a million times now), "YOU CAN'T BEAT THE BIG SHOW!" Then at the PPV, TBS gets his fat ass handed to him. Heyman couldn't stand not being right so he screws over Brock in the match to reinforce what he was telling him all along.


This is angle-wise by the way.

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...cause you could say why didn't he stick with Brock as Survivor when Brock had Big Show for an obvious 3 count...the smart thing would have been to just go with it.


Knowing Heyman, he doesn't like to be wrong. For weeks he was telling Brock (as we heard a million times now), "YOU CAN'T BEAT THE BIG SHOW!" Then at the PPV, TBS gets his fat ass handed to him. Heyman couldn't stand not being right so he screws over Brock in the match to reinforce what he was telling him all along.


This is angle-wise by the way.

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Guest DonWestMark03

To make a prediction, I predict that Brock would turn heel before Kurt would.

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Guest Goodear

The problem with Brock as a heel is that his offense is too pop worthy when he doesn't intentially slow himself down. It's hard to boo a guy as he's tossing people across the ring with super terrific ease in an impressive manner. Have him be a heel and you're just asking for the 2 minute bearhug to return and who really want's that? Plus Brock bumps way too well as a big guy to make him the heel. Just saying.


Anyway... neither guy should go heel at this point. If WWE would just make them more competitive with each other, the angle would work out a lot better than it has (storyline wise).

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I guess I am not the only one who thinks having Brock as a face is a bad idea... he just doesn't seem to be as destructive and unstoppable, the types of things he needs to get over.


His moveset is so limited, I still don't think hes one of the top talent...

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Guest Goodear

Brock has a limited moveset because he's been wrestling the Big Show almost exclusivelty for months now. So you just aren't going to see the repeating backbreaker anymore until they cycle Show out of the line up. Being in tag matches a whole lot doesn't really help Brock either in that regard.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

So now we know it is Vince vs. Brock w/Angle as Ref in a cage match next week, I think it would be cool if Vince and Brock 'turned' on Angle and teamed up in the forseeable future.


The only problem here is that if Heyman were to come back, he is better as a heel and Heyman w/Angle as a face team does not work.


But I personally like the idea of Brock siding with Vince as heels.

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It's pretty simple how you keep Brock a heel after turning him. Only have him wrestle people that are super over as faces. Angle would easily get cheers for him, and if you program him into feuds with Taker and Mysterio from there, he'll have plenty of heat. The one thing they missed though was having him rage on Smackdown this week. When he came out to the ring with Kurt all calm after he'd just lost the title, it kind of took away from any heel turn that would be in the cards.

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