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Guest Anglesault

Shane McMahon on TV is a Bad Thing.

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Guest Ripper
Yes, because when Shane got thrown through the glass at KOTR by Angle, everyone was like "DID YOU SEE WHAT ANGLE DID~!? He's SOOOO Badass!"...


Shane likes to steal the spotlight. Whether he thinks he's doing the best, or giving a rub, or whatever, it just doesn't work.

Oh comeon, everyone talked about the great match BOTH of them put on. Its not like people say"Hey, that Shane had a great match in that street fight against whats-his-face" That Angle/Shane match gets remembered for both of them busting their asses.

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Guest Dangerous A

The KOTR match got over Shane's street fight cred, not Angle.


Face it, Shane is a spotlight stealer.

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Guest Ripper
The KOTR match got over Shane's street fight cred, not Angle.


Face it, Shane is a spotlight stealer.

I don't know...I just beg to differ.


Hell, Shane got TEST of all people over...before HHH came out, punched him in the face, powerbombed him through a table and took his woman to kill that heat.

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Guest Dangerous A

Uh, when was Test EVER over?


He had one heated match with Shane at Summerslam. That's it. That's not over.

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So let me get this straight.


Shane is the good McMahon cause he's off TV.  But he's STILL the good McMahon even after he's on TV... ??


This does not make Logic.

He doesn't wear out his welcome. I wouldn't have a problem with Vince if he wasn't on TV so damn much.

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Guest Anglesault
So let me get this straight.


Shane is the good McMahon cause he's off TV.  But he's STILL the good McMahon even after he's on TV... ??


This does not make Logic.

He doesn't wear out his welcome. .

He doesn't?

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Kane, the man that absolutely no one has been able to do anything to (and these are trained wrestlers) was felled by Shane McMahon, who last I checked, has an official position that is basically running the website. Not only did Kane need a 60-year-old man to pull Shane off him, but he RAN AWAY from Shane!


Eh, I didn't see it as him running away. All I saw it as was Kane thinking Shane wasn't worth his time. I mean, if he was scared of him, then why would he sit there and laugh at the thought of Shane trying to put up a fight with him?


Can he really afford to be left off Summerslam on top of all that? What viable contender never makes pay per views?


Injured ones? That's a lot different from not being good enough to be on the show or not having anything to do. People will remember Kane threw him through a lightbulb. And that's the reason why he's not there.


Besides Rob’s career and status within the company and in the eyes of the fans, what about his wallet? Why should Rob get left off this huge show and miss the big payday? Why should he have to miss an opportunity like this so SHANE MCMAHON can get on the show?


Because it's stupid to throw away the match for just a few weeks of build up. They've been friends for months, and all this new shit is only happening now. They could stretch it to Survivor Suries, or all the way to WM. Why do you wanna rush it to have a match already? RVD shouldn't be sacrificed so Kane can get over as a monster. That's what Shane is there for.


Undertaker didn't have a match at survivor series 97 either. Because it just wasn't the right time for it! They had to make Kane look like a monster first. Think if UT had fought him right then and there and had put up a good fight. Well Kane wouldn't have seemed anywhere as unstoppable going into Wrestlemania.


From there, you move on to the big long feud between RVD and Kane. At Summerslam, Kane, of course wins and wins decisively. But he doesn’t crush Rob’s will and desire to beat Kane. Over the next couple of months, Kane goes on a tear, destroying everyone in sight. Rob goes on a similar, but smaller tear, while being a thorn in monster Kane’s side. This all leads up to Wrestlemania, where RVD finally defeats Kane in a big gimmick match and becomes a cemented main eventer.


What would happen to Rob to make it believeable for him to beat Kane if he already lost to him decisively? And why couldn't people say that for Jericho at WM? (That wasn't even decisive) Come on. Nobody is seriously going to think RVD is any kind of a threat to Kane if he gets his ass handed to him at SS.

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So let me get this straight.


Shane is the good McMahon cause he's off TV.  But he's STILL the good McMahon even after he's on TV... ??


This does not make Logic.

He doesn't wear out his welcome. .

He doesn't?

Well, to you he does. I don't mind seeing him every once and a while.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Who cares about Kane?


Everyone here complains about hoss pushes, anyway. I understand you don't want a non-wrestler to beat a guy who has been getting pushed but really who cares? what is the worst that can come of this scenario?


RVD gets buried: He already has been


All Kane's credibility as a monster is out the window: some would say that has already happened and, again, who gives a shit?

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NO McMahons should be on TV.


Conflict of Interest.

Not even if Vince decided to go back to the commentator role, never to get involved in storylines again?


Or, maybe Shane doing that insted?


EDIT: There's a weird thought...Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon replacing Jim Ross/Coach and Jerry Lawler as Raw Announcers.

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Guest Ripper

I don't think Shane on TV is a bad thing. I think the fact that noone has been built up enough to do what needs to be done with this angle is a bad thing. It is too late now, they need someone established. But if you have to take a guy that hasn't been on screen for 6-8 months to be the one to take it over the top, then something is wrong.

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Who cares about Kane?


Everyone here complains about hoss pushes, anyway. I understand you don't want a non-wrestler to beat a guy who has been getting pushed but really who cares? what is the worst that can come of this scenario?


RVD gets buried: He already has been


All Kane's credibility as a monster is out the window: some would say that has already happened and, again, who gives a shit?

Are you kidding? This is only about the most interesting storyline they've done in years..... and it seems to be a big ratings draw on top of that. They better not fuck it up.

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Guest nWoScorpion
Who cares about Kane?


Everyone here complains about hoss pushes, anyway. I understand you don't want a non-wrestler to beat a guy who has been getting pushed but really who cares? what is the worst that can come of this scenario?


RVD gets buried: He already has been


All Kane's credibility as a monster is out the window: some would say that has already happened and, again, who gives a shit?

Are you kidding? This is only about the most interesting storyline they've done in years..... and it seems to be a big ratings draw on top of that. They better not fuck it up.

WWE writers job is to make sure NOTHING is more important than HHH or Vince McMahon.


Although Kane's new character and storyline is making me WANT To watch RAW, instead of me going "Oh, Raws on, ugh".


Kane no selling REFEREES, ROAD AGENTS and JERRY LAWLER is suppose to make him unstoppable.


Rewind 10 years.


Summerslam 93: Bret FREAKIN Hart had the Sharpshooter on Lawler for almost 5:00 and 10 referees couldn't pull him off. TEN!!! What makes anyone think they can stop a "monster"

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Guest CanadianChick
WWE writers job is to make sure NOTHING is more important than HHH or Vince McMahon.

Well, actually, the Kane storyline is taking priority over Triple H, so there ya go. Vince, on the other hand...

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