Guest Korrosive Report post Posted July 31, 2003 (When we left Bradshaw last time, he was a young boy and had been attacked by a dog. His parents were so disgusted with him that they sent him to a gay nude beach in San Francisco. Bradshaw was very terrified of going to this beach. He had heard of men touching other men to be really bad. That's where the story picks up. Bradshaw is a 13 year old teenager.) Bradshaw's parent's threw him out of the car and bolted off, leaving their son stranded on this gay nude beach in San Francisco. Bradshaw was very nervous. However, suffering from heat exhaustion, and more blown up than Big Show after executing a clothesline, Bradshaw desperately needed something to eat. So not knowing what exactly to expect, Bradshaw descended onto the beach. He walked down a hill and suddenly HAULTED in his tracks. He just glazed down at the beach for a second. He was in shock. In front of Bradshaw's eyes, he was watching another man go down on another man. After just staring for a few minutes.....Bradshaw started to smile. He was enjoying what he was seeing. He decided he wanted to get a closer look at the action. After just staring in glee for several more minutes, he finally approached the 2 men. The 2 men looked very startled when the teenage Bradshaw approached them. "E-E-E-E-E Excuse me sir, I was was was wondering if I could borrow some change...I'm really really hungry and thirsty" The 2 men looked at themselves for a bit and started to smirk... "I got something you can do for us", belted the man..."But that would require us to tie you up in a bathroom and press rape" "What's rape", Bradshaw asked. "Come with us" What Bradshaw didn't know was that he was about to be a victim of a double team move which ironically would harm a referee 25 years later. How would Bradshaw respond to this. How is Bradshaw going to survive San Francisco? Find out in part 3 of the ADVENTURES OF BRADSHAW Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted July 31, 2003 What the fuck? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Trivia247 Report post Posted July 31, 2003 im so glad we get just a Top Quality of wrestling fan over the age of 10 and has Some control over their stupid fucking childish humor.... aren't you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mattdotcom Report post Posted July 31, 2003 Where's part one and is it as stupid as this? OMG WTF BAN PLZ~! I've always wanted to do that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adam 0 Report post Posted July 31, 2003 That was.... enlightening. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MaxPower27 Report post Posted July 31, 2003 Where's part one and is it as stupid as this? OMG WTF BAN PLZ~! I've always wanted to do that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ndzen Report post Posted July 31, 2003 part one is better ONLY because of my contribution. i dont think bradshaw is gay, i think he's a bad wrestler. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest oldschoolwrestling Report post Posted July 31, 2003 That was great, got any more? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nevermortal Report post Posted July 31, 2003 The Adventures of Bradshaw make the baby jesus cry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Detective Comics 0 Report post Posted July 31, 2003 AGAIN!?!?!? gah... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Quik Report post Posted July 31, 2003 Needs robots. And an extended musical number. Yeah... that's the ticket. Why do people who try to recreate old-school WU humour simply end up sounding really bad? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites