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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

So Noble's a face now?

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

I figure since he already had sex with him, Noble will team up with Billy Gunn and be a face. This hides the fact that Billy can't work worth shit because Noble can be in for most of the match. Plus, it makes a new team to challenge TWGTT, as long as they don't actually win though. No one wants Billy Gunn as a tag champ for the 5292023410th time.


Anyways, if the WWE wants to actually acknowledge history, they can also start a feud between Noble/Gunn and the FBI. Noble and Nunzio are "cousins", remember?


They can have Nunzio be insanely jealous that Noble got all of his aunt's money instead of him, and we've got a simple midcard comedy feud.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

There are sending the whole FBI to OVW. They don't think that Nunzio needs any work, but they are sending him too so they won't have to break the group up.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Besides, I'd be surprised if any of the writers remembered that Nunzio is Noble's cousin.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Oh, and one other thing:


If Noble's Aunt died and he got all that money, should his cousin (and perhaps son of the Aunt) Nunzio get the money?

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Guest SethforPrez840
If Noble's Aunt died and he got all that money, should his cousin (and perhaps son of the Aunt) Nunzio get the money?

No, of course not. That'd make sense, silly.

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Guest Sushi X
I figure since he already had sex with him, Noble will team up with Billy Gunn and be a face.  This hides the fact that Billy can't work worth shit because Noble can be in for most of the match.  Plus, it makes a new team to challenge TWGTT, as long as they don't actually win though.  No one wants Billy Gunn as a tag champ for the 5292023410th time.



I was surprised that the feud came to an end. Of course the ending was stupid, but that is another story. I hope that Noble and Gunn do not tag up and they can go their seperate ways. Realistically we will see them together and so will the girls.

Memo to Vince: This is a moot point but Torrie cannot act her way out of a wet paper bag. If you have any compassion towards the fans send her to acting lessons.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Oh, and one other thing:


If Noble's Aunt died and he got all that money, should his cousin (and perhaps son of the Aunt) Nunzio get the money?

Not necessarily. Her will could have named Knoble as the sole beneficiary.

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Guest bradolson

Besides the Noble/Nunzio history you can also have the Gunn/Palumbo deal as well, but the WWE probably thinks that nobody remembers any of that either

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Guest RenegadeX28

That whole skit with him trying to sleep with Wilson was a waste of time. I thought Nidia was VERY mad because of that, and she comes in and "plays that funky music" with Noble!

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Oh, and one other thing:


If Noble's Aunt died and he got all that money, should his cousin (and perhaps son of the Aunt) Nunzio get the money?

Not necessarily. Her will could have named Knoble as the sole beneficiary.

Or Noble could have more than one Aunt.

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Guest Loss4Words

Sushi X? What is this, 1999? "Quiet Desperation", wha? Pro wrestling dot where? Signs on what ECW pay-per-views?

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Guest Youth N Asia

Nunzio might have been a cousin from the other side of the family.


I knew they'd cop out of the Noble/Torrie deal anyway...least they did it without making Noble look like a total ass.

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Guest cabbageboy

Was it really a cop out? I mean, all 4 were in bed together so I figured they just traded off and stuff.


I have no idea where this is going, but given that Noble was wearing a cowboy hat last night you have to wonder if there will be a revival of...the Smoking Gunns!

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Guest Youth N Asia
I have no idea where this is going, but given that Noble was wearing a cowboy hat last night you have to wonder if there will be a revival of...the Smoking Gunns!

Hey man...there's just some things we don't joke about here. And A Smoking Gunns reunion is one of them.

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Guest deadbeater

Nidia is the best of the performers, playing the pure nymphomaniac. Her nymphomania has a kind of purity that matches Molly's modesty.

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Guest CanadianChick
Plus that was the hottest she has been, and it was good.

I agree. Nidia was smokin' last night. Maybe it was the outfit, but she looked very good.

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Guest Nevermortal
Nidia is the best of the performers, playing the pure nymphomaniac. Her nymphomania has a kind of purity that matches Molly's modesty.

They should team up and call themselves "Sluts and Butts"

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Guest Sushi X
Sushi X? What is this, 1999? "Quiet Desperation", wha? Pro wrestling dot where? Signs on what ECW pay-per-views?



I do not understand your post Loss4Words. Perhaps you have mistaken my nickname for someone else. Thanks

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Guest Loss4Words

Sushi X was a prowrestling.com writer in 1999 who disappeared off of the face of the earth after posting a revealing article about Nash's infidelity. Nash's wife ended up reading the site and believed everything reported and divorced him as a result.


"Quiet Desperation" was the name of the article Sushi X wrote after the Fingerpoke of Doom.

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Guest Sushi X
Sushi X was a prowrestling.com writer in 1999 who disappeared off of the face of the earth after posting a revealing article about Nash's infidelity. Nash's wife ended up reading the site and believed everything reported and divorced him as a result.


"Quiet Desperation" was the name of the article Sushi X wrote after the Fingerpoke of Doom.



Thanks Loss4Words, I got the Sushi X nickname from a video game magazine back in the early 80's (Dates himself now). He was a video game revewier for the hottest games at the current time.

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Guest LaParkaMarka
Sushi X was a prowrestling.com writer in 1999 who disappeared off of the face of the earth after posting a revealing article about Nash's infidelity. Nash's wife ended up reading the site and believed everything reported and divorced him as a result.


"Quiet Desperation" was the name of the article Sushi X wrote after the Fingerpoke of Doom.



Thanks Loss4Words, I got the Sushi X nickname from a video game magazine back in the early 80's (Dates himself now). He was a video game revewier for the hottest games at the current time.

I remember Sushi X. Wasn't that Gamepro? Or EGM?

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Guest Nevermortal
Sushi X was a prowrestling.com writer in 1999 who disappeared off of the face of the earth after posting a revealing article about Nash's infidelity. Nash's wife ended up reading the site and believed everything reported and divorced him as a result.


"Quiet Desperation" was the name of the article Sushi X wrote after the Fingerpoke of Doom.



Thanks Loss4Words, I got the Sushi X nickname from a video game magazine back in the early 80's (Dates himself now). He was a video game revewier for the hottest games at the current time.

I remember Sushi X. Wasn't that Gamepro? Or EGM?


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Guest Sushi X




I cannot believe that people still remember... That was many many years ago.

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Guest Eagan469



I cannot believe that people still remember... That was many many years ago.

Try 3

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Guest Sushi X



I cannot believe that people still remember... That was many many years ago.

Try 3



My mistake then. I read it back in the eighty's I thought it was out of print now. Sorry

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Guest JMA

I don't think Noble and Nunzio were being portrayed as blood cousins. Down south (where I live) some people refer to good friends or close associates as "cousins."

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Guest Anglesault
I don't think Noble and Nunzio were being portrayed as blood cousins. Down south (where I live) some people refer to good friends or close associates as "cousins."

Actually, in the South...


Nah, too easy.

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Guest AndrewTS

Some one who actually pays attention to this shit pointed out that Torrie was drinking. She wasn't acting drunk and her character's a huge slut anyway, but that might come up next week.


They had a good thing going (Torrie not talking or acting) and they just HAD TO GO AND FUCK IT UP!

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