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Guest CanadianChick

Say I'm showing some matches...

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Guest CanadianChick

If I'm showing some matches to a non-wrestling fan, which type of matches should I show? Spot/holy shit matches? Cruiserweight matches? Bloody brawls? Technically based matches? What do you think?

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Guest ShooterJay

Straight cruiser matches, with a lot of kickass flying spots, followed up by some hard-hitting, technically- based matches.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

When showing people that are dead set that wrestling is all phony and completely fake:definately go hardcore.


People that like sports but not pro wrestling: Show them an athletic contest between two Benoit/Angle/American Dragon type wrestlers (grapplers and strikers)

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Guest CanadianChick

So maybe a Rey/Eddy '97 match (you know the one) followed up with Angle/Benoit from this year? Should I show any gimmick matches (ie. TLC's, ladder matches...)?

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Guest Dynamite Kido

One that really gets over to non wrestling fans is definately Undertaker vs. Mankind - HIAC from King of the Ring 98. TLC's are good too.

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Guest BAR

Basically the 'shock' stuff. Personally, I don't like it but it gives a more legitament aspect from a non-fans perspective.

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Guest HartFan86

Bret vs. Owen Mania X, 1994. The video package at the beginning of the match will fill them in on all they need to know, and the match is a classic.


Taker/Foley HIAC is always a good start as well.


For Full shows...I'd say Mania 1 is where any non-wrestling fan needs to start, then to Mania 3.

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Guest MideonMark

Full shows I'd say either Royal Rumble 2000 or Wrestlemania X-7. A friend of mine HATED wrestling until I made him watch Royal Rumble 2000 the night it was on and he loved that show. It's not the best PPV of all time, but its one that non wrestling can appreciate, because it has the Double Tables match and HHH/Foley murdering each other for our pleasure(that match incidently is still his favourite match). Wrestlemania X-7 has everything, the spot filled matches(TLC II, Shane vs Vince), the great wrestling matches(Benoit vs Angle) and the all round entertainment of Rock vs Austin. Plus the 'My Way' video package would get even someone who's never seen wrestling in their life, hyped up for that match.

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Guest Steviekick

Two of the best matches to show nonwrestling fans are from WM XVIII...the TLC match and Benoit/Angle. Both rock and are very good.


It's kind of funny...when my grandmother would stay over back in the ECW/WCW days, I'd make her watch it with me. Her favorite parts of the respective promotions were the Dudleys and any of the cruiserweights.

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Well, my friend wasn't a wrestling fan. I showed him HIAC 98 between Foley and Taker. He was impressed.


Then, I showed him Rey/Angle from the last SummerSlam. It was a good mix of spots and technique.


Next was Owen/Bret from Wrestlemania X, which is my favorite match of all time.


I finished with Tajiri/Lynn/Super Crazy from ECW and Foley/Funk from KODM 95. He was convinced. Now he catches wrestling when he can.

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Guest Deviant

Yeah, put in a bit of variety. That way, if s/he gets bored with one, or overly skeptical and annoying, then you can try another style. Start off with a spot match or cruiserweight match just to grab their attention and shake off the 'boring, fake crap' stigma. If they like brutality, then go for something like HHH/Foley from RR, if just action and sheer brilliance, then Eddy/Rey from HH... or a TLC if you must.


But then make sure to emphasise athleticism in the form of Angle/Benoit or something, just to ensure they don't slip to the darkside of markdom.

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Guest Dmann2000

When I gave a comp tape to a guy I used to work with who never watched wrestling but was willing to give it a try because of how I talked about it, he was blown away by Austin/Hart from WM XIII and Benoit vs Sullivan from GAB 96

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Show 'em some ECW from '96 and Heat Wave '98. That should make them APPRECIATE what pain these guys go through.


Then show 'em whatever you like. I always think it's best to show non-fans your favorite style of pro wrestling, because then the "atmosphere" is created (because you're enjoying it, and they start to enjoy vicariously, and then they become a fan of it).

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Guest MillenniumMan831

Spotfests and bloodbaths . . .


- TLCs, UT/Foley HIAC, ect.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Well, i got a friend into it by WM9 of all things. To this day, he talks about "Did you see Hogan pin that fat fuck, WHEN IT WASN'T HIS MATCH?! DUDE THAT RULED IT!"


For matches, you need variety. A Rumble/Wargames match, for the suspense factor (same friend went "Who the FUCK is that?!" when Diesel came out ay RR'94). Then, go either American classics (Owen/Bret WM/Summerslam, Beniot/Angle, Savage/Steamboat, Flair/anyone, etc), or go Puro. I showed a VERY markish aquaintance of mine one of the Kobashi/Misawa matches, & he was freaking out due to the stiffness & wresting & stuff. He was in fucking TEARS when the Burning Hammer made it's appearance.But yeah, those work.


As for hardcore, go Puro or ECW or good WWF stuff (the WCW shit was embarrassing). Foley/Michaels, Foley/Mikey, HITC (any pretty much)-they all shoot the fake thing out of the water to most marks.

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Guest Ray

Why the hell is everyone saying "show them spotfests" ?!


That's entirely the WRONG thing to do.


Why would you want to plant the idea in their head from day one that spotfests are good wrestling?


You act as if GOOD WRESTLING is something that a new fan can't possibly understand, so they should be weaned on "easy to watch spot matches."


Start with BENOIT.

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A steady diet of Benoit doesn't necessarily make someone want to keep watching wrestling if that's what you're exposed to. You have to show them shitty work rate before so they can appreciate it.

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