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Guest AndrewTS

HBK's voice.

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Guest AndrewTS

I noticed on HBK's DVD that in the early promos featured he sounds a lot different than I'd always known him to sound like.


As far as I know, voices usually don't change much in your mid-20s. He had a voice more like what I'd have expected him to have, instead of the surprisingly deep voice he has now.


I think I'd heard some one (Yuna I think) mention that Richards' voice became more gravelly as a result of his neck surgery. Did something similar happen here, or maybe it just happened to deepen late, or what? Anyone know?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

*see's the opening*


*wants to make comment*


*REALLY wants to make comment*


*right hand is trying REEEAL hard to type*


*left hand (aka "the good one") is stopping the right hand*


*refrains from making comment*




The Battle Rages On.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

It could be just from yelling in promos, or he's been hit in the throat somewhere along the line.

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Guest AndrewTS

RRR: Lemme guess, you wanted to make a gay innuendo? :P


And if it was from yelling in promos, I'd think it would have gone away. An injury to the throat would explain it, though I've never heard of it. I'd think with all the injuries he's faked he'd have used that one again.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

... Or it could be from sucking McMahons cock all the time.


(The Right Won)

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Guest Steviekick

I've always thought that Shawn Michaels' voice has been kinda odd.


As for the Stevie situation, his voice got messed up when he was having neck surgery in 97. They had to operate on him a second time to fix his vocal chords because something went wrong, and that's why his voice is so different.

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Guest Eagan469

Shawn's voice has always sounded like that.


When he's a heel he tries to sound like a cocky bitch, which is why you may find his current voice different from his 1994-1998 run.

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Guest bort

dont roids change youre voice over time, but i dont think hbk was a big user of them, though in his shoot he siad he tested positive for them but he wasnt taking them at the time, but he also said he ddint know about bret gettin screwed

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Guest Choken One

Huh...Really? That explains why my voice is so different from my other family members...

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Guest Big_Jay101

He probably jsut sounds deep for his promos or something....(off topic)If i was Brock i would make my voice seem deeper , he sounds like a 14 year old

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Guest The Czech Republic

It might be from lots of yelling, and perhaps smoking. Neck surgery as well.

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Guest eiker_ir
It might be from lots of yelling, and perhaps smoking. Neck surgery as well.


that's my guess too

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Guest nWoScorpion

I don't notice any difference in his voice. Maybe his "Earlier" promos were laid back (as a Rocker), but other than that, I can't tell.


He's been sounding the same since like 1993.

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I don't notice any difference in his voice. Maybe his "Earlier" promos were laid back (as a Rocker), but other than that, I can't tell.


He's been sounding the same since like 1993.

I think he was talking about for the AWA Match.


Michaels sounds a LOT different then..

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Guest Trivia247

well its the same as Hennig's voice really. His also went graveller in that last year then his original stint in the WWF. So I guess you can say its age.

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He probably jsut sounds deep for his promos or something....(off topic)If i was Brock i would make my voice seem deeper , he sounds like a 14 year old

I agree, I was satisfied with Brock when they had him off the mic, but having this guy cut promos is hilarious...."I'm a big tough manly man with my little squeaky girly voice"


It's so fitting for a badass like him to sound like such a pansy!



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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
He finally hit puberty.

Rico, we are you so jealous of him?


His wife > Any girl you'll ever get.

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Rico, we are you so jealous of him?


Jealous? LOL That's a funny joke.


His wife > Any girl you'll ever get.



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Guest AndrewTS
well its the same as Hennig's voice really. His also went graveller in that last year then his original stint in the WWF. So I guess you can say its age.

Well, it seems HBK's changed in his 20's and Hennig's was when he was quite a bit older than that.


And his voice is still much deeper even in interviews for the DVD/Confidental.

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Guest Choken One
Rico, we are you so jealous of him?


Jealous? LOL That's a funny joke.


His wife > Any girl you'll ever get.



Have you seen Rebecca before?


Yeah...You can pull that shit.

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Guest AndrewTS

Even I, who hates HBK quite a lot (he's like HHH to me except he can work entertaining matches still), is disappointed in what this thread has degenerated into (no pun intended).


Can we get back on topic, please?


*Reads own post, reads own sig, laughs*


After seeing how this turned out, maybe I should rethink posting the topic "Why does Vince walk like a Bushwhacker?"

Edited by AndrewTS

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I'll say steroids. The same thing happened with HHH, Luger, Steiner to an extent. The odds of Pillmanesque throat trouble is limited, but then i've never especially cared for HBK, so i never look things up or whatever.

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Guest T®ITEC

Pillmanesque? Didn't Brian Pillman always sound like that? I never thought that his voice got any deeper than what it was in, say, '92.

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