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Guest Zack Malibu

HeldDOWN~! Booking Shite

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Guest Zack Malibu

Already known:


Zack Malibu vs. Calvin Szechstein in a ladder match~!


Stipulations:If Zack Malibu gets the contract, he gets to tear it up in mid-ring. If Calvin gets it, then Zack becomes the newest member of Totally Endorsed~!


Everything else, put it here. Let's get some good matches going.


CC, are you writing/can you write the 24/7 battle royal?

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Guest SP-1

My apologies for Widow no-showing last week. As birthday was approaching, and as school is hurtling towards me, time is becoming something of a commodity.


Zack, hit me up on AIM for something, man.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

It's gonna be me vs CWM.


I'll write it unless CWM objects.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

If the Trinity beats Featured Attraction Monday, they face the Dream Machines thursday for the tag team titles

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
It's gonna be me vs CWM.


I'll write it unless CWM objects.




nah go ahead.

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If the Trinity beats Featured Attraction Monday, they face the Dream Machines thursday for the tag team titles

And if FA wins we'll face them on HD so either way there will be a tag title match.

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Guest Masked Man

I'll be writing a debut promo, and I want to write a match, as well.


Is there anyone not doing anything that wouldn't mind having a match against me?

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I think Matt and I should team up again for another tag match, we seem to be on a roll as of late. Any ideas?

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Guest madmatt2002
sounds like a plan, any objections?

Nope, none at all. I can even write it if no one else objects.


PM with your plans by Late Evening on Tuesday

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Guest Zack Malibu

Toy Machine vs. Matt/Axel is fine with me. Check with Rando (he should be cool with it).


Also, the announcement will be made on the show about the Revolution Tournament, and since the first round match of Sly vs. Ted Weddy is taking place on this show, you might want to note in the commentary that Toy Machine are facing each other next week, and that Axel has a spot against CWM.


Sly and Ted, who's writing your matchup?

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Guest Zack Malibu
I'll be writing a debut promo, and I want to write a match, as well.


Is there anyone not doing anything that wouldn't mind having a match against me?

Perhaps Masked Man vs. Naz Mistry?


Just ask IDRM if it's OK to use Naz.

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Guest What?

....Ragdoll makes his FIRST APPEARANCE since LTP!! And he has some words for Mad Matt, Josie, and the now retired K-Money!








and actually, can we have a Fatal Four Way match for #1 Contendership to the X Title? That'd be siiiiiiiiick!

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Guest Zack Malibu

Dunno if we've got enough available people for a 4way this week, K. However if you wanna discuss building an angle for your AngleSlam title defense with someone, PM 'em, AIM 'em, or ask me for any suggestions (as usual ;)).

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Guest Zack Malibu

OK, so we've got:


Zack Malibu vs. Calvin Szechstein: Contract Ladder Match


Sly vs. Ted Weddy-Revolution Tournament Match


Hex vs. CWM


Tag Title match


Mad Matt/Axel vs. Toy Machine (pending on Rando, but I assume he wouldn't mind)


Masked Man vs. Naz Mistry


CC (or if she can't, ANYBODY)...what's the deal with the 24/7 Battle Royal?


Promo from Ragdoll


Damn, looks like a packed show!

Edited by Zack Malibu

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Guest The Amazing Rando

no I don't mind...



you can kill me... just make it look convincing... i.e. I'M NOT JOBBING TO A FREAKING ROLLUP teehee...


if you need anything from me PLEASE PM me...it helps me out alot and gets confirmation back to people faster

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Guest Zack Malibu

Things I need:


Ragdoll promo


Tag Title Match


Masked Man vs. Naz


and any other segs that you guys want in.

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Guest caboose

Caboose is still hanging about...


Whats the deadline? I'll get something in...

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Guest Masked Man

And the match is in!


Hopefully this is a start to something excellent :headbang:

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