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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

preorder Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

From IGN:


August 01, 2003 - Publisher LucasArts Entertainment today confirmed reports that those who pre-order Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike would receive an extra bonus disc with special features and demos on it.

The Bonus disc will include all of the following, according to LucasArts:


A one-level demo of Hoth from Rebel Strike

A playable demo of the gladiator-RPG Gladius

A Rogue Leader demo

A Rogue Leader trailer

And best of all, the entire 1982 arcade game Star Wars in fully emulated glory

Other bonus material


Contrary to erroneous retailer reports, the demo disc offer will be available a decent span of time ahead of the completed Rebel Strike release.


Producer Brett Tosti of LucasArts noted, "Consumers who preorder Rebel Strike will receive a free demo disc that contains the playable Hoth level, the Star Wars coin-op game, and other bonus material."


There has also been some inquiry into exactly why Factor 5 and LucasArts decided to include the old Atari arcade game on the preorder disc. Factor 5's director and CEO, Julian Eggebrecht had this to say: "We wanted to give gamers another taste of the classic Star Wars experience. Plus, I think the game is still a blast."


Factor 5 demoed the emulated 1982 Star Wars game running on GameCube to IGNcube a couple of weeks ago and it looked perfect. No doubt, Star Wars fanatics are in for a treat.


See first footage of the Star Wars coin-op HERE.


Now, admitedly Im not that big of a Star Wars fan, but I do have vivid memories of playing the old arcade game. I figure there are a few people here who are big on the Star Wars games who would probably like to know this little tidbit. Im not sure if I would put down the $5-10 for the bonus disc itself (I really don't plan on getting Rebel Strike even though it looks pretty good)..

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Guest DVD Spree

It strikes me that these bonus discs are such an awesome way to shift extra GameCube units.


Buy the new Zelda, get Ocarina of Time. Buy rebel Strike, get Star Wars Arcade. With the decades of classic Nintendo titles, they can really run with this idea - buy Namco's Starfox, get the original SNES version, the lost Starfox 2 code, or even Starfox 64. Buy F-Zero GX, get F-Zero X.


Hey, about this: Buy WrestleMania X9, get No Mercy. THQ still own the publishing rights to the title - can you imagine how by-God-hoss that would be if they stuck No Mercy on a GCN disc? Even if they didn't update or add or change anything and just cut out the slowdown, everyone would buy that fucker. And you know what? If THQ's dumb asses hadn't fired Sanders Keel, we could've suggested that kind of strategy to him and there's a chance he may well have made it happen. Stupid bastards - they fire Keel and then give AKI's licence to Yukes!. Way to give the fans what they want.


Oh yeah... um, Rogue 3 looks ace. They should put Super Star Wars on that bonus disc too.

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I saw a preview of Rebel Strike on tech TV, and daaaaaamn....


I did say way back when I would by a GC for Rogue Leader... I would definitely buy one for Rebel Strike.


Now if my car would stop breaking down on me.... :angry:


Now if they did the missions in the Rogue Squadron novel series for Rogue Squadrons 4 and 5, instead of repeating the same several missions, that would rule all.


I'm not a mark for most things Star Wars, no not at all....

Edited by Rendclaw

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Dude having a Rogue Squadron game based on the series would be fun. Fighting it out over Krytos then landing and doing a commando strike mission would be tremendous. They could go all the way from Borleias to Adumar if they wanted.


Damn I've read the series too many times.

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