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Guest TheGame2705


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Guest Mulatto Heat

:lol: @ Choken.


Maybe I'm not reading the right threads - this is the first one I've seen of Barron pulling a RRR about ROH.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

I can't believe you people, arguing over ROH when Nash's hair is in jeopardy.


Focus, people, focus!

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Yes, a petition, an internet petition, that'll work because Vince listens to the fans... :ph34r: Ohmigod, it's hopeless! Hopeless!

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Guest Choken One

We've seen Nash with short hair...it wasnt all that bad but My mind can't even comprehend Bald Jericho.


Can someone photoshop a Bald Jericho pic?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Pride *is* the best promotion out there btw.


I mean, best card ever. EVER. Once in a lifetime! Ooooh Daddy! WWE, ROH, they ain't got NOTHIN on this DADDY-O!


RRR: Wanting, BEGGING, for montage set to "And I will always love you" of Nash's and Jerichos history w/ their hair.

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Guest Anglesault
What did ROH invent the Hair vs. Hair match and I didn't know it?

No but it's just a bit too convenient when they make tease a hair v. hair match a few days after ROH does

And the WWF did a hair vs. hair match a year and a half before that, so ROH must be copying off that!



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Guest Anglesault

Well, Bob came up with one of the stupidest accusations I've ever heard of.

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People, people...this is not a time to fight...its a time to bond together during this tough time...the possible loss of Kevin Nash's hair.


Would somebody please think of the children!!!

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Guest bob_barron
Well, Bob came up with one of the stupidest accusations I've ever heard of.

Not really.


18 months.


1 week.


It's not too farfetched to think they got the idea from Ring of Honor

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I'd also love to see various segments where Nash and Jericho give their hair care tips with some nice 1950's style housewife music playing in the background.


*music plays*


*Jericho has his head in a sink*


Narrator: Here is WWE Superstar Chris Jericho washing his hair.


*Jericho washes, turns his head sideways to see the camera, smiles and winks*


*cut to Jericho walking about with his hair done up in a towel*


Narrator: Being a WWE Superstar doesn't mean that you have to have bad hair, right Chris?


*Jericho nods*


*Jericho takes off towel from around head*


Narrator: Nice and Shiney!


*Hair begins to sparkle*


*Jericho smiles and flings back hair*

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

I hear that ROH will be ripping off the Jericho-RVD match from RAW tonight by having young, athletic guys wrestling at their next show. Freakin' thieves.


Wait, actually this may be a response from the WWE to ROH, Vince is saying to them "Hair match? Oh, you call that hair, do you? No, no, amateurs, pretenders, ROH-nothings: this, yes, this mighty scintillating mane, this thing of perfection, this magnificence, this is hair! Pretend all you want, but you are not competition, and you never will be, for you have not the might hair of Kevin Nash!"

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Guest Anglesault
Well, Bob came up with one of the stupidest accusations I've ever heard of.

Not really.


18 months.


1 week.


It's not too farfetched to think they got the idea from Ring of Honor

Didn't Ring of Honor juat have a three-way?


I hope yo can tell me how clearly and obviously they've ripped off Vengeance and the37 WWF three way matches this year.

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Guest bob_barron
Well, Bob came up with one of the stupidest accusations I've ever heard of.

Not really.


18 months.


1 week.


It's not too farfetched to think they got the idea from Ring of Honor

Didn't Ring of Honor juat have a three-way?


I hope yo can tell me how clearly and obviously they've ripped off Vengeance and the37 WWF three way matches this year.

Nope- Ring of Honor did just not have a three-way.


Try again AS

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Guest the pinjockey

What everybody seems to be overlooking is the main question: Will Jericho have to keep his facial hair shaved as well? No Jericho goatee again would make the baby jesus cry.

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Guest VaineGlory
We've seen Nash with short hair...it wasnt all that bad but My mind can't even comprehend Bald Jericho.


Can someone photoshop a Bald Jericho pic?

I agree, I cant even picture Jericho bald, thats just too...weird.

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Guest Anglesault
Well, Bob came up with one of the stupidest accusations I've ever heard of.

Not really.


18 months.


1 week.


It's not too farfetched to think they got the idea from Ring of Honor

Didn't Ring of Honor juat have a three-way?


I hope yo can tell me how clearly and obviously they've ripped off Vengeance and the37 WWF three way matches this year.

Nope- Ring of Honor did just not have a three-way.


Try again AS

ROH World Title Match

Samoa Joe (Champion) vs. Paul London




ROH Tag Team Title Match

AJ Styles & Amazing Red (Champions) vs. The Briscoe Brothers




Four Corner Survival for the #1 Contender's Trophy

Homicide vs. Danny Maff vs. Colt Cabana vs. BJ Whitmer




Dog Collar Match

CM Punk vs. Raven




Jeff Hardy vs. Krazy K vs. Joey Matthews




8-Man Weapons Match

Loc, Devito, Masada & Justin Credible vs

Rudy Boy Gonzalez, Fast Eddie, Hotstuff Hernandez & Don Juan




Pure Wrestling Challenge

Doug Williams vs Tom Carter




Pins Only Match

Chad Collyer vs Matt Stryker



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Guest bob_barron



I had blocked out Jeff Hardy's match from my memory.


Must you bring back the memories???


There's a difference between a 3-way and a gimmick stipulation match

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Guest bob_barron

I was wrong about the 3-way- I blocked Jeff's match out of my memory. (For good reason)


ROH announces the biggest match in their history will be a hair v. hair match.


WWE teases a hair v. hair match a week later.


I don't think it's a coincidence

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Raven _was_ on WOL, which the WWE _does_ listen to and he _did_ go into great length about the hair match with CM Punk.

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Does it really matter??


No one's going to lose sleep over it in either organization because neither has an effect on the other right now.


ROH fans aren't going to go, "Man that WWE Hair vs. Hair match looks better than ours...let's go watch it instead" and I doubt it will have much effect on WWE fans.

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Guest bob_barron
Raven _was_ on WOL, which the WWE _does_ listen to and he _did_ go into great length about the hair match with CM Punk.

What did Raven say about it RRR?


I'm so pissed I can't go to the Boston show. Stupid college

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Guest TheGame2705

WWE was doing matches before ROH was started.



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