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Guest TheGame2705


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Guest bob_barron
I've seen more then 20 ROH Matches.


Congratulations- I guess ROH doesn't make everyone a smarter fan.


Good Stuff...Still Flip-Floppery.


Did you just see the Best of Amazing Red or something? Ring of Honor has put on many mat based classics. The scramble matches are the only flippy flop matches and they're usually at the front of the card to fire the crowd up.


Doesn't matter...


It's still Barron's insistance that he really believes ROH is such a Major threat that WWE would copy off of their ideas


I didn't say that. I'm just pointing out that WWE is booking a hair v. hair match a week after ROH books their big match as a hair v. hair match.

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Guest CanadianChris

Here you go, Bob...


Main Entry: co·in·ci·dence

Pronunciation: kO-'in(t)-s&-d&n(t)s, -s&-"den(t)s

Function: noun

Date: 1605

1 : the act or condition of coinciding : CORRESPONDENCE

2 : the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection; also : any of these occurrences

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Guest BoboBrazil

I wouldn't be surprised to see Nash cut his hair. He reads the smark sites and he knows they make fun of his hair, so he probably suggested this to cut his hair. It was going gray anyway.

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Guest AndrewTS
Yeah, like anyone who books in the WWE watches RoH. Most people in the WWE don't realize wrestling exists outside of that company.

Most of the people booking in WWE don't even like wrestling.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Theres no way this leads to Brutus "the Barber" Beefcake coming back, right?

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Guest Choken One
I wouldn't be surprised to see Nash cut his hair. He reads the smark sites and he knows they make fun of his hair, so he probably suggested this to cut his hair. It was going gray anyway.

we make fun of it?


It's the only thing we LIKE about the guy.

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Guest CanadianChris
Theres no way this leads to Brutus "the Barber" Beefcake coming back, right?

Hogan's gone, so no.

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Guest razazteca
I wouldn't be surprised to see Nash cut his hair. He reads the smark sites and he knows they make fun of his hair, so he probably suggested this to cut his hair. It was going gray anyway.

Its been going grey since the WCW nWo days :lol:

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Oh shut the fuck up with you idiotic theory that WWE is copying off of ROH.



Hair Vs Hair Existed LONG before those flippy floppers were born...

Oh shut the fuck up with your ignorance.



If you've seen one Ring of Honor tape then you would know that it is more then just flippy floppy wrestling.


Try to know what you're talking about next time.


I just think it's very convenient that WWE teases a hair v. hair match a week after ROH does

Oh shut up, Barron. ROH is a fly on Vince's ass to these people.

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Guest Choken One

Anyone notice...


Once again WWE booked a match for the next week?


I think WWE is getting the clue.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

If Nash loses his hair they can tag him with Kane after the whole Kane storyline runs out of gas.

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Guest bob_barron
Oh shut the fuck up with you idiotic theory that WWE is copying off of ROH.



Hair Vs Hair Existed LONG before those flippy floppers were born...

Oh shut the fuck up with your ignorance.



If you've seen one Ring of Honor tape then you would know that it is more then just flippy floppy wrestling.


Try to know what you're talking about next time.


I just think it's very convenient that WWE teases a hair v. hair match a week after ROH does

Oh shut up, Barron. ROH is a fly on Vince's ass to these people.

Not really-


Considering all the examples I've pointed out earlier- WWE is very much aware of ROH's presence.

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Oh shut the fuck up with you idiotic theory that WWE is copying off of ROH.



Hair Vs Hair Existed LONG before those flippy floppers were born...

Oh shut the fuck up with your ignorance.



If you've seen one Ring of Honor tape then you would know that it is more then just flippy floppy wrestling.


Try to know what you're talking about next time.


I just think it's very convenient that WWE teases a hair v. hair match a week after ROH does

Oh shut up, Barron. ROH is a fly on Vince's ass to these people.

Not really-


Considering all the examples I've pointed out earlier- WWE is very much aware of ROH's presence.

Doesn't mean they actually pay attention to ROH's storylines or watch their shows.

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Guest bob_barron

Considering they signed Paul London- It's obvious that they do.


Tommy Dreamer and the Hardy Boyz have admitted to watching ROH in the past

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Not the wrestlers. I'm sure the wrestlers watch.


I'm talking Vince, the writers, etc.


The wrestlers say, "hey that London guy is pretty good you should sign him" and maybe they'll watch some of his matches.

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Guest ILiveUnderABridge
What did ROH invent the Hair vs. Hair match and I didn't know it?

No but it's just a bit too convenient when they make tease a hair v. hair match a few days after ROH does

wwe>roh...vince dont care about roh yo, thay aint even flys on his balls.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Some of the wrestlers will watch but I doubt the Hollywood writers who book RAW will.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

When you say WWE > ROH you mean purely in size right?

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Guest Choken One
When you say WWE > ROH you mean purely in size right?



Name Value...

Name Stars...


Other then Good Wrestling...WWE Owns ROH.


Which is the way it SHOULD BE in....In a way.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

But I don't care about anything other than good wrestling...


That's why they call it wrestling.

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Guest ILiveUnderABridge
I hope he ment in Vince's eyes ROH > WWE or in size like you said.


In quality I'd say ROH > WWE. Consistent, fun, and good wrestlers.

yeah right up there. thats what i'm sayin

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Guest bob_barron

I do know that a RAW magazine article on Spanky talked about Ring of Honor and mentioned their booker. So someone is aware of it.


And if they signed London they obviously watched his Ring of Honor work.


And Jim Cornette will be at ROH this Saturday

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When you say WWE > ROH you mean purely in size right?



Name Value...

Name Stars...


Other then Good Wrestling...WWE Owns ROH.


Which is the way it SHOULD BE in....In a way.

I'm not sure why I'm supposed to care whether "Joe Public" cares about the wrestling I watch.


What good does it do me? Does it put money in MY pocket?


WWE can go on being the most popular cause shit sales nowdays.


I stopped caring about whether something was "popular" with today's generation a long time ago.

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Guest BionicRedneck

The best the WWE has (Benoit, Guerrero) > best that RoH has.


I may be in the minority here, but, I reckons RoH are the most overrated promotion today. Best wrestling in the world, my aunt Fanny.

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Guest bob_barron

ROH is the best wrestling that I have access too. Even though I'm sure there is stuff in Japan that's better.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Benoit and Guerrero may be better than anyone in ROH...


but after their 15 minutes are done on the show the rest isn't very pretty.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Gee, I expected a bunch of witticisms over the possibilities of a bald Nash or Jericho and instead I see nitpickery over ROH???

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