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Guest PhantMan

Triple h to kill another successfull gimmick match

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I have to agree that because HHH is the champ, and is injured, that having this type of match will be for the best. It will be more entertaining with guys like HBK and Y2J in it, although you've got Nash and Orton in there too. I think the result of the match as it would have been if it was a 1 on 1 will stay the same, with either Goldberg or HHH going over. The only reason Orton is in there is because while Jericho fueds with HBK and Nash, Orton has started his fued with HBK. I wouldn't be too concerned with this change, in fact, I am pleased.

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Guest godthedog
a) with the elimination chamber who gives a fuck about the "simple" HITC? same fate as the cage match when HITC came out.

because the elimination chamber is, frankly, a shitty gimmick that never should've been done in the first place, and nobody cares about it anyway.


b) it started with michaels doing a alarm blade job and foley falling to its marketing megapush and a few concussions along the way to triple h no-selling the former undisputed champ offense for like 30 minutes of crap.

where exactly did trips no-sell jericho? i don't remember that happening.

c) aside from foley, taker and michales, no one's willing o bump his ass. don't count rikishi or the gimmicked platforms since that's what killed the match in the first place.

the bar was set too high in the first place. period. can you blame everybody else for not being "willing o bump his ass"? shawn's back is fused, and foley's practically crippled. i think the effort to make HIAC still seem special while going away from the requisite "holy shit" bump is admirable, but they're using it too much for feuds that have no place being settled there (moreover, with people who don't seem to be CAPABLE of having a great HIAC match). brock/undertaker did not need a blow off with that, neither did trips/nash. they just need to not use the cell for 2 years, then bring it back for something really special. that should be enough to get the fans to care, without the holy shit bumps.

a fucking elimination chamber, thus killing the concept by giving the fans ANOTHER big cage bout not even a year after its birth. hell, I'd book another Chamber match in 2 years and that'd be enough before the concept become stale.

i remember reading something last year that said the chamber structure itself cost half a million dollars & that for such a price tag, vince wanted to get as much mileage out of it as he could. so this may not have been triple h's idea.

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Guest PhantMan

but I bet he's not gonna put up a fuss if vince asks him to wrestle on house shows

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Guest JHawk

My only complaint with this match being signed is that the crowd is going to shit on the finish unless Jericho wins the damned thing.


And it's safe to say that's not going to happen.


Prediction: This leads to HHH's "Face turn" and subsequent feud with Orton.


Oh yeah, and Nash wins the title because he's the worst worker of the six and Vince loves that.

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As for HIAC being a dead gimmick, did you SEE it last time? It has all kinds of little ratty holes in it and shit. The actual cell's barely even usable anymore. The Elimination Chamber looks way cooler and I don't mind it being the gimmick of the future at all.


And while maybe Nash/HHH shouldn't have had the Hell in a Cell, Brock/Taker was perfect for it. HIAC is basically Taker's gimmick. HHH just leached on to it when he beat Foley. Besides that, they had the hottest feud in the last 9 or 10 months, and they put on an excellent match. I would have gotten rid of HHH/Jericho as a HIAC before Brock/Taker.

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Guest godthedog

you save the cell for insanely hot blood feuds that have no other possible blowoff. you do not use the cell for a damn title rematch, especially a rematch for a match that ended the way it did. if brock had beaten taker at unforgiven (clean or unclean), MAYBE i could've bought it: taker's humiliated by the loss & wants to teach the young punk a lesson by doing a match that he helped make famous. fine. but the unforgiven match had the bell ring on a total clusterfuck, & by the end of the show taker had basically made brock into his bitch. i don't see a michaels/taker, foley/taker, foley/trips level of hatred here.


and i won't even get into how dorky and unwieldy the elimination chamber looks, with the stupid chains and the little bulletproof glass compartments. it looks like a 10-year-old designed it, and it was clearly NOT designed for the purpose of working a match.

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Guest The Czech Republic
As for HIAC being a dead gimmick, did you SEE it last time? It has all kinds of little ratty holes in it and shit. The actual cell's barely even usable anymore.

It's goddamn cyclone fence, is it that hard to replace?

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Guest Anglesault
you save the cell for insanely hot blood feuds that have no other possible blowoff. you do not use the cell for a damn title rematch, especially a rematch for a match that ended the way it did. if brock had beaten taker at unforgiven (clean or unclean), MAYBE i could've bought it: taker's humiliated by the loss & wants to teach the young punk a lesson by doing a match that he helped make famous. fine. but the unforgiven match had the bell ring on a total clusterfuck, & by the end of the show taker had basically made brock into his bitch. i don't see a michaels/taker,


and i won't even get into how dorky and unwieldy the elimination chamber looks, with the stupid chains and the little bulletproof glass compartments. it looks like a 10-year-old designed it, and it was clearly NOT designed for the purpose of working a match.

I thought that whole scenario was VERY HBK/Taker-y. The basic framework is exact.


The filler had to be adjusted.

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Guest JHawk
you save the cell for insanely hot blood feuds that have no other possible blowoff. you do not use the cell for a damn title rematch, especially a rematch for a match that ended the way it did. if brock had beaten taker at unforgiven (clean or unclean), MAYBE i could've bought it: taker's humiliated by the loss & wants to teach the young punk a lesson by doing a match that he helped make famous. fine. but the unforgiven match had the bell ring on a total clusterfuck, & by the end of the show taker had basically made brock into his bitch. i don't see a michaels/taker, foley/taker, foley/trips level of hatred here.

Um...actually, I think that should be exactly when you use the cell. Why bother with it when you've already had a clear winner? "I can't beat you straight up because you're better than me, but put us in a cage and it'll be different!"


The cell should be used in two cases. Settling undecisive feuds and in case of interference marring previous title matches.

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Guest CanadianChick

I think this is perfect. Triple H obviously can't work a full, one-on-one match with his injury, which may be pretty bad. Jericho and Micheals have a good possibility of starting, so they will be in the match the longest. A gimmick will cover up Nash and Goldy's suckyness (is that even a word?). A seperate Jericho/Nash match won't have to happen on the SS card. And, we have the possibility of Jericho winning. Chances are slim to none, but still a possibilty.

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Guest Choken One

Of Course...HBK and Jericho will carry the match as much as two men can possibly carry such suck.


Goldberg, Nash and Orton are the suck cream of the crop...HHH is solid but not in his state.

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He wants the face run...He needs to drop the title SOMEHOW to Orton (face it...Kane and Jericho aren't TOUCHING that title)...

And how do you know this? Did you do a sit down interview with him? Last I checked it was a RUMOR that he MIGHT be turning face, nothing set in stone.


And the IWC bitching level rises again. I guess two decent to good shows was too much to handle so you turned your bitch quotient up 8000x times.


And why do you feel the WWE should change their booking plans just because they are in Canada? Who cares? HBK and Goldy shouldn't act heelish for one night because they'll get booed anyway. The WWE did the right thing. You all always complain about kogic gaps and continuity but you somehow want them to book illogically just to flow with Canadian crowd reactions? Hello! Most of the shows are done in America! Ugh. Lame.


And boy, I can't wait until next year, by then the Orton bitchfest should have died down and you all can find someone else to bitch about whilst on your periods. It was Cena and Brock last year, loos like Orton and Bautista (when he returns) this year.


As for AS's overness ratings....


Nash is about as over as Benoit, that either means Nash is over, or Benoit is not over.


Goldberg is about twice as over as Nash


HHH and Jericho are equally as over.


Orton is over enough, but not much


HBK is the most over man in the whole damn thing.


Hopefully HHH retains here as well. But hey, if he doesn't, he can go on over to SD! as a heel and interject himself into the Brock Lesnar/Angle love fest and squash Benoit and Rey on the way there. You just know he would anyway. And I'm perfectly fine with that.

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I think this is perfect. Triple H obviously can't work a full, one-on-one match with his injury, which may be pretty bad. Jericho and Micheals have a good possibility of starting, so they will be in the match the longest. A gimmick will cover up Nash and Goldy's suckyness (is that even a word?). A seperate Jericho/Nash match won't have to happen on the SS card. And, we have the possibility of Jericho winning. Chances are slim to none, but still a possibilty.

Positive logical thoughts aren't allowed in a HHH thread. Please, take that bile elsewhere. ;)

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Guest MissMattitude

Nash is about as over as Benoit, that either means Nash is over, or Benoit is not over.


HHH and Jericho are equally as over.


HBK is the most over man in the whole damn thing.

Benoit is far more over than Nash.


Triple is is not as over as Jericho.


Jericho is more over than HBK in my opinion.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I stopped watching wrestling for a while in 02, and I missed the first Elimination Chamber match, so would someone be so kind as to explain to me what kind of match this is. All i know that it is a kinda variation of HIAC.

Elimination Chamber involves a huge dome shaped cage, and abunch of box cages circling the ring. Starts out with two people inside the ring, then at timed intervals, new people come in. Pinfalls and submissions eliminate competitors till only one guy is left.

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Guest Dangerous A
Benoit is far more over than Nash.


Triple is is not as over as Jericho.


Jericho is more over than HBK in my opinion.

Are you talking between smarks or marks?


Are you judgements based on the biased Canadian Crowds or something else?


Is your overness scale based on crowd pop or ability to draw ratings and buyrates?



Please be specific.

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Benoit is far more over than Nash.


Triple is is not as over as Jericho.


Jericho is more over than HBK in my opinion.

Are you talking between smarks or marks?


Are you judgements based on the biased Canadian Crowds or something else?


Is your overness scale based on crowd pop or ability to draw ratings and buyrates?



Please be specific.

If you're going by buyrates and ratings then no one in WWE right now is really that over because no one is spiking the ratings or buyrates.

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Guest Anglesault
As for AS's overness ratings....


Nash is about as over as Benoit, that either means Nash is over, or Benoit is not over.

Some weeks Nash comes out to nothing.


Goldberg is about twice as over as Nash


Until PPV time comes.


HHH and Jericho are equally as over.


Possibly. Hunter's been getting more heat.


Orton is over enough, but not much


He's yet to get a reaction of any sort.

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Nash needs to be a heel for the rest of his career. He's too slow and lame to be pushed as a credible face. Him and Steiner could for a little team with Test in the midcard beating up women or something.


Goldberg is waaay more over than he was when going up against the Rock.


HHH is finally getting real heel heat, not face pops, or a mixture of both. However, I really don't see how can he be a full fledged face after this reign. He's been so dispicable in this role that I can't imagine an arena cheering for him.


Orton was getting heat in that Jericho hightlight reel segment. Particularly when he said he was going to retire Michaels and when he beat him up. They NEED to play that up and focus on Orton/Michaels in the chamber if they're going to get this kid over. Like him or not, HBK does put heat on people.

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