Guest Choken One Report post Posted August 5, 2003 All right It's time to pull the plug on the abortion that Scott Steiner's Face run. They made the mistake of pushing him right to the top of the mountain dispite two years of Rust. And let's not even get started on the dreadful build up the Royal Rumble Match had. We all know that Each match were the standard for Suck for years to come. WWE quickly wised up and pulled him out of the Main Event scene. Steiner didn't even manage to make the Mania card in any sense (Not even a Heat Match) dispite "Main Eventing" the last 2 PPV's and was paid Half A Million Bucks. Smartly...They decided to shift him down to the Mid-Card where he suddenly wasn't all that bad anymore but was nowhere near the awesomeness he was in even 1999. His character was dying and they revived it briefly by pairing him up with Stacy Keibler. This lead to The In-Famous Slip. Which some idiots actually tried to argue that People will remember Steiner for that incident for the rest of history. The pairing worked for a while dispite a horrible angle with A Heel turned Test and we were forced to witness the D Level acting of Test and Keibler. We've entered Early August and His character is dead. The Keibler expirement expired. The Face Run Is an abortion... It's time to return to the Very Gimmick/Persona that Put Scott Steiner on top of WCW in 2000. He needs to turn on Stacy and return to being The Obnoxious, Abusive, Physical dominant warrior with a Sexual Drive of a Teen Ager on Viagra. Raw Needs Credible Mid-Card Heels and Steiner's 1999 persona is a perfect fit for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted August 5, 2003 I fully agree. Steiner should not be sucking up to fans in faux debates. He should be hitting people with pipes and telling the fans to go to hell. I have an idea for how to do it as well: We start it up by having Steiner look annoyed when the crowd is chating for Stacy instead of him. But nothing to make the turn noticeable. Then, we have Test win the blow-off thanks to botched interference by Stacy. The next night we have Steiner cut a sexist promo about how Stacy has "overstayed her welcome" and how he only "used her." He could then tell her to "take a hike." I would then put Stacy with La Resistance. This would get them more heat because they get hot girls because of their accents. And there you have the double turn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted August 5, 2003 Heel Steiner would definitely be more enjoyable but I don't think they will do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FileCabinet Report post Posted August 5, 2003 Rather than turning Steiner heel, they should just fire him already. It's not like a heel turn is going to make him any better in the ring. If he was brought in as a heel and placed into the main event, he still would've had horrible matches. His poor performances are one of the main reasons his face run is an "abortion". Turning him heel wouldn't really make things any better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted August 5, 2003 Scott Steiner should've debuted as a heel in the WWE to begin with. It was just plain ignorant to bring him in just to job to HHH. I don't think that Steiner should ditch Stacy to go heel. No, I think he should just go heel, keep Stacy and go after all the rest of the women too. He would be a heel, but obviously he would get cheered. He'd be best as a tweener. Then he could steal Trish away from a face and steal Victoria away from Steven Richards (heel). His character in WCW was over because it was something that people could imagine being real. A huge muscle man who only cares about scoring with chicks and beating everyone's ass. Tell me you didn't go to high school with at least three people who acted like that? The reason he was a heel, was because no one liked those three kids that you went to high school with. Scott Steiner with Victoria. Now there's an idea... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adam 0 Report post Posted August 5, 2003 I liked his WCW fight the fans attitude. He needs to be that guy again, the arrogant, tough SOB that would kick your ass at any opportunity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Crucifixio Jones Report post Posted August 5, 2003 I can't believe it but I'm agreeing with Choken. Steiner is a heel plain and simple so I don't know why he's a face right now. I honestly don't care how good his ring work is as long as I hear incoherent promos about his peaks, freaks, etc. while he leans on the ring ropes. When's the last time we even got one of those? When WCW was around and Scott was champ, I'd mark out just from seeing him put his arm across the top rope and his foot on the bottom one and he'd start rambling. I didn't give a shit what he said. His in-ring work as of late is passable, especially for a "WWE Main Eventer": he can kick and punch just fine. The ring rust is gone. And Victoria replacing Midajah would be fucking GOLD. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KingOfOldSchool Report post Posted August 5, 2003 My problem with Jag0's scenario is that Stacy staying with Steiner despite him going after other women is a complete contradiction to her character during the Test storyline. Though storyline contradictions have never stopped WWE before, and I suppose they could always play it off that Steiner is too good for Stacy to pass up, which helps in building Steiner's persona further. Pretty much everyone who said it is right though... Steiner should've been a heel from the start. He's just more believable that way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted August 5, 2003 They made Scott Steiner, a former tag and world champion and one of the greatest heels ever built in WCW, job to Randy Orton?!! The shoving of Randy Orton down our throats continues... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Korgath Report post Posted August 5, 2003 Take it from someone who only saw the last WCW blowoff match between Steiner and Booker. Based on his WWE run, I still think he can succeed as a face, but they've got to put him against a charismatic heel... too bad there isn't anyone like that on RAW, other than the VERY overused Y2J. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Memphis Report post Posted August 5, 2003 I liked his WCW fight the fans attitude. He needs to be that guy again, the arrogant, tough SOB that would kick your ass at any opportunity. Steiner is about 0.99% of the wrestler who was the WCW champion in 2001. Even then, he was pretty average. Poppa Pump is finished, he has been since he lost the World Title to Booker T on the final Nitro. He's worthless. TAFKA 'M' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MissMattitude Report post Posted August 5, 2003 I definitely think Steiner should be a heel. Has anyone else noticed that as the weeks go by he has been looking slightly better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted August 5, 2003 (edited) Steiner should have debuted in front of a speeding truck, but I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.* Fire the useless steroid freak. *Fire Sean O'Haire too. Edited August 5, 2003 by notJames Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dynamite Kido Report post Posted August 5, 2003 FIRE HIM NOW!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Old Me Report post Posted August 5, 2003 Have Scotty beat the shit out of Stacy with his lead pipe. If he can't get huge heel heat after that, shit can his ass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted August 5, 2003 I wasn't into Steiner as a heel. He was just the steroided guy who yelled loud. He's lost all usefulness to me since he's been too roided up to do a frankensteiner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest humongous2002 Report post Posted August 5, 2003 Just fire him already, he doesn't belong in the wrestling ring anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Deviant Report post Posted August 5, 2003 Scott Steiner with Victoria. Now there's an idea... And Victoria replacing Midajah would be fucking GOLD. Oh good god you have to be joking. Don't you dare destroy poor Victoria. La la la la la la, I am not listening to you, la la la la la. Solution: Fire Steiner and pretend he does not exist. Or at least go with the heel idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites