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Guest Choken One


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Guest Trivia247
Rosey has something here. He hasn't bad in backstage skits the few weeks. However, the outfit he came out in last night was downright embarassing. I was watching and my fiancee had a bunch of her friends over. When that segment ended, I was embarassed to be a wrestling fan. They thought it was so stupid. And frankly, so did I.

Thats was mean't to be embarassing, we kinda can guess that it won't be the perminament outfit. Just something he threw together on air.



the Holy SHIT chants is how he'll get over. For a Big guy he is still agile and of course has the strength and the powerful Inhuman Samoan HEADBUTT!



Don't count the big fat samoan out just yet. Smark prejudice lol. Hell if Jamal had better backstage manners like Rosie did we still have 3 minute warning.

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Guest Dangerous A

The problem was it came off so goofy that no one is going to want to tune back in to see what he'll look like when the gimmick plays itself out. The viewers and myself have already been turned off.


Don't get me wrong, since they let Rosey talk the last 2-3 weeks, he's been really good. He seems very comfortable in front of the camera, which is a good quality. Hell, he's been better than his overracting partner, Hurricane. I even think he's better than Shane since Shane went into forcible face mode last night. It's just too bad he's been saddled with a terrible angle and gimmick via the crackhead writing team.

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Guest Goodear

Put Lance with Rosey and what do you have? That's right S.H.I.T.Storm! THINK OF THE T-SHIRTS!

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Guest Dangerous A
Put Lance with Rosey and what do you have? That's right S.H.I.T.Storm! THINK OF THE T-SHIRTS!

Funny as fuck!!

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Guest buffybeast

Everyone knows that I love my hosses and Rosey is no exception. I preferred his '3 Minute Warning' character versus the comedy one he has now. But as someone said earlier, Rosey's doing a job with the backstage skits and is shockingly handling this angle well. His costume was stupid as hell last night but it was supposed to be.


I think we should all give this a chance. Maybe the writers want to keep Rosey on tv to keep him fresh in the minds of fans before moving him to Smackdown with Rikishi.

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Guest papacita

Eh...the angle's not that bad. I wish they wouldn't beat us over the head with S.H.I.T. though...it's not very sanitary...


LOL!!!! HAHAHA! Get it...S.H.I.T....sanitary...you get it...ah, fuck y'all.


Anyway, the angle itself could be better if they they didn't emphasize the initials as much. As it is, S.H.I.T. stinks...


:lol: S.H.I.T. stinks!!! LOL!

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The Incredible Bulk has a nice catch to it.

Or, we could do like I saw in Dexter's lab.


<Hurricane>Farewell, citizens! (slightly depressed and embarrassed voice towards Rosey) Come, Fat Boy.

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Guest Steviekick

I think that the S.H.I.T. segments have been working. It's helping to get Rosey over for whatever they want to do with him, and it gives up more on air time for Hurricane. I'm all for it.

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Guest justsoyouknow

Storm as The Storm Master would be awesome....bring up Nova from OVW as a Supervillain and pair the two up, then Raw would have a fresh, exciting tag team with an entertaining gimmick.


Imagine the interviews...


Coach: Nova, why are you so angry?

Nova: Did you see that match? Did you see that finishing move? I INVENTED THAT! DO I GET CREDIT? NO!


....yeah, not funny, I know.

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Guest razazteca

The only good I see in this angle is that the Rosie can get a name change. I never like the name of Rosie to begin with. Now they have an oppertunity to rename him with a possible superhero name. A costume change was needed also as the fat bastard Big Pun look did not help much.


OMG its Tsumani~ watch out for the killer top rope splash of the fat samoan.

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Guest AndrewTS

So how'd the writers come up with this?


When Beppo flung a hunk of feces at Gerwitz, who ducked and it landed on Robin in an old poster of his.


Maybe they can bring in Torrie as Stripperella and get her the hell off SD.

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Guest razazteca
The Incredible Bulk has a nice catch to it.

Or, we could do like I saw in Dexter's lab.


<Hurricane>Farewell, citizens! (slightly depressed and embarrassed voice towards Rosey) Come, Fat Boy.

Stacy Kiebler can be DeeDee

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The Incredible Bulk has a nice catch to it.

Or, we could do like I saw in Dexter's lab.


<Hurricane>Farewell, citizens! (slightly depressed and embarrassed voice towards Rosey) Come, Fat Boy.

Stacy Kiebler can be DeeDee

...Stacy in Dee Dee's outfit.


...you know, that might work.

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Guest justsoyouknow

Same body type....same intelligence....



By George, I think we're on to something!

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Guest justsoyouknow

I'm getting a really awful visual of Steiner running around wearing a labcoat and nerdy glasses, screaming "STACEEEEEEE!" as various objects blow up in his face.

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The Rosey/Hurricane angle will no doubt crash and burn in a month or less, if the writers don't forget about it next Raw. That being said, I am liking this angle, since it gives Rosey a chance to get over and he's pretty good on the mic. So, hopefully even when this angle ends, it won't kill his career. I never hated him, its just like everyone else, I never cared for 3MW.

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Guest Choken One

Knowing Gerwitz...


He'll devote his entire time to this angle and ignore the other 110 minutes of the show.

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Guest justsoyouknow

Psssh.....who cares? It's sports ENTERTAINMENT, right? Am I right? High five, guys! Whoo....alright, I'll go sit down.

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Guest Drury37

That outfit he had on last night made him look like Mable, he was S.M.I.T., which is Super Mable In Training, HAHA!!!


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Guest godofdeadlydeath
Psssh.....who cares? It's sports ENTERTAINMENT, right? Am I right? High five, guys! Whoo....alright, I'll go sit down.

Exactly. And this is what this angle is, ENTERTAINING. I don't care about the quality of the matches in terms of technicality, if there aren't too many slow/botched moments, I can be easily entertained. I'm hoping for great things from this new team.

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Guest AndrewTS
Same body type....same intelligence....



By George, I think we're on to something!

Who'd be Dexter and Mandark though? Steiner and Test?

Nowinski is the closest to fitting Dexter.


As for Mandark...hmm...Mandark was raised as a girl...anyone rather effeminate but evil who could fit the bill?


Now, if La Resistance breaks up Sylvan can do it.

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Same body type....same intelligence....



By George, I think we're on to something!

Who'd be Dexter and Mandark though? Steiner and Test?

Nowinski is the closest to fitting Dexter.


As for Mandark...hmm...Mandark was raised as a girl...anyone rather effeminate but evil who could fit the bill?


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Guest razazteca

Mandark must be RICO, this way Rico can leave the fruity ass gay gimmick far behind and be the evil arch enemy of the Dexter character and Team Cartoon Network. Besides Rico vs Rosie could a nice midcard feud to open up Raw or main event Heat.

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Guest Drury37
....SMIT isn't a word....

That is not the point, the point is that the outfit he had on last night made him look like Mable, Smits is a word, like Rick Smitts but it is just a different spelling of it, even though the word has nothing to do with the joke, haha!!!


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