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Guest BA_Baracus

Battleground comments and Storm card news...

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Sorry the PPV got posted so late.  I of course forgot Sunday was Easter when I set the date for the PPV.


I was busy with family type stuff all day and couldn't mark.  Plus there was a mix-up with a match and I had to write 2  promos at the last second to make a storyline work (plus I had to re-arrange a bunch of stuff).


So anyways...no Storm card until tomorrow.  It's just too late to come up with anything.


Oh...and good show.  Match quality was at the highest level we've seen in quite a while.


Mothernature says yup..."

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Guest AnnieEclectic

Wow. Dammit all to hell, I lost. Don't get me wrong, I lost to a deserving match. K-Os, congratulations on your win and officially giving me my first losing record ever.


Also, I lost for the first time when I actually wrote.




I'd post my match, but I have the sneaking suspicion that it would have been better had I not written the entire match Easter morning :D


I gotta start writing before the day its due, heh.



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Guest HVilleThugg

Dammit...I forgot that this board cuts off my <>'s.  Everyone should really read the main event, and to make it easier, here it is with the correct formatting.


I just woke up, so I'll comment a little later.  I just didn't want anyone to pass on the main event because of that formatting shit.  When one of the mods get one, can you do me a favor by copying this reformatted match and pasting it into the show?  It would be a big help.


Da "rejoicing beyond any limit imaginable" H


Stubby - I'll edit your re-formatted match into the show thread...

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Bravo!  Only got a glimpse of everything thus far, but the temptation to skip class and just read this is great.  Way to go Thugg on the one retain I didn't think you could pull off, and wow to K-Os on a great debut!  Sacred, tough luck, but we've still got some theme music and a rematch if you're up for it.  Stubby turning is TOTALLY from left field, and I think I like it--and Fallout's involvement plus his title shot win sets up Fallout vs. Thugg with some crazy Stubbosity sure to be involved!  Pete gets a title, Thoth's Chicken Pox Aided match holds on to the tag belts, and it's all looking good!


More comments to come later, but until then, bravo, y'all.

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Guest Suicide King

Sacred wrote an excellent match as well, and should be given mad props.  Rarely has my job been so difficult in marking...

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Guest Chaos

Well......... wow.  


*does the happy dance*


I'm hella happy that I won my first match here, plus it being for the U.S title......... fantabulous!


Thanks for the kind words Annie, I'm truly surprised that I'm not on the congratulating end.


But as for the rest of the show, well.......... wowwy wow wow wow!  The Clan owned the undercard  :D , Longdogger and Sarah have a sweet lil' feud a brewin', Fallout and Mag both come away nicely from that match, Edwin + PPV = RATINGS!, and an HVT/Stubby combo stole the show.  


All in all, the highlight of my WF reading AND writing career.  Off to Storm......


(Almost forgot...... I realized this early Sunday morning, I have little to no clue how to write the WF commentators.  If someone could PM the finer points of NTD + Curry beyond the non-pants issue, it'd be greatly appreciated.)

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Guest HVilleThugg

Everyone kind of does it a little different.  Just know that NTD is heel color man and Curry is face play by play.  THey tend to fight a lot as NTD is kind of a goofball, but what ever you do will be fine.  You can read a couple of shows to get a better idea of how you want to do them.


Da "reading the rest of the show" H

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Guest Beingz0wningj00




I'll give you more hell later K-Os... I gotta read the matches now. I was working all day. (N)!


I kill you on Storm! :P

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!  I just read that show!


K-Os... you fucking dead on Storm little man!





I got to job Sarah! Fairly! :P


Fallout number one contender is scary... Clan feuding with Da Pound is scary... One of us needs to be the babyface... Clan, turn face dammit! :)



:P Annie... should I make this tongue useful with you. ;)

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"This all you people have to say?


6 or 7 posts that actually comment on the show?


Come on!  Read the show and comment!  People aren't just writing these 20 page matches to amuse themselves you know!


Mothernature says...that's for sure..."

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Guest HVilleThugg

Yeah...what Stubby said.  Comment on the show dammit...we didn't work this hard to build this feud to not have anyone read the culmination.


Da "saying read dammit, read" H

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Guest Shawn

Yowza! That a show!


...and I'm not just saying that because you want me too. The Main Event rocked the house! I love HVT's endings!


Clan/Pound feud?! Confusion sets in. Someone, fill the JLer Clannie in.


Also, mad props (yo fo real in da izzy) to Chaos for his big title win. I see big things for him in the following months. Chaos will reign supreme in the WF for sure.


The ELM/Fallout match was great and ended as everyone thought. I'm really looking forward to Fallout's #1 contendership and what that will bring.


Not to be forgotten: Great show from Edwin. Kudos for that.


I did have the impression the HVT was leaving... those kind of matches--e-fed or not--always seem to go the bad way.


Gah! So many long matches. Man do I love a good ol' "Word Limit: 4001"

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Guest crusen86

Stubby sides with Pound because they can protect Misty. My prediction anyway. I'll read more later.

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Guest Grand Slam

Ok, after (finally) having had a chance to read the entire show, I have only one word for it...




Every match, from beginning to end, was loaded with goodness.  The tag match was good, but I was really hoping for some storyline advancement on the Enlightenment.  I guess that will have to wait but I think the concept is dying...


LDP wins the HCG belt from sarah in a solid match.  Is Sydney still in the JL or has she been bumped?  Nice way to use some old skool JL history.  Lots of people don't use that history.


K-Os wins the US Title and makes JD look like one heck of a wrestler in the process.  I think you and I need to talk K-Os, I thought I was in your match when your entrance started... ;)


Wow.  That's all I have to sday about the Fallout / ELM match.  Not suprising, but these guys put on one hell of a match.  ELM keeps his belt, and Fallout gets a much deserved #1 contendership.  Awesome.


You know, people ask me ecvery so often why Edwin is the leader of the Carnival and not me.  Read this match and wonder no longer.  Edwin is the man and when he is on his game (as he was for the PPV) he is as good if not better than anybody here.


- Funny story time - King and I went to a local indy show a few weeks back.  We're hanging with our friends, having a good time, watching some great wrestling (HWA - if you can, check this out!!! ) when we hear "Love Rollercoaster" crank up!  We stare at each other for a second before saying, in unison, "They stole our entrance music!!!".  Turns out the culprit was Dean Baldwin, the lost Baldwin brother.  We were stunned...  Anyways... back to live action...


And we are at the main event...

I would love to complain that my character was written wrong, that I didn't know about Stubby, that the planets were aligned against me.  In short, I would like to say that my match was better and the inferior match won.

But I can't.  Grand Slam was dead on.  I knew about Stubby.  Who knows about the planets.  Thugg's match was great, and it deserved to win.  Congrats to the Champ as he retains his title and closes out a very memorable Pay-Per-View.


Great show overall, and just what we needed.  This is a shot in the arm, a wake up call to get lots of people motivated.


But... since the show, X and Sacred have quit.  No retirement, no angle to it, just quit and that is a shame.  X just came off of the hottest angle around in one of the best matches in a long while.  He has heat, he is way over, he has a ready to go storyline with HVT and Stubby, and he is gone.  A shame.  And Sacred is gone too after one of the most remarkable runs in the recent history of the fed.  There is a great story running between him and Edwin and he has nowhere to go but up, and he is gone.


All I can say... what a shame...

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

To answer your question, Stevens, Sydney has not been bumped.  She is still an inactive JL member, but she gave me permission to put her into the match.  She has been considering a comeback in the last few weeks, but her return date has not yet been decided.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Actually, Sacred's not gone yet, Mark.  We've got a little something planned for next week, and hopefully he'll stick around for good, or maybe just take a little break afterwards.


I realize now that I didn't put my full comments up after I read the show, so here goes.  I should be studying Art History, but gah, stupid addictive E-fed!!


From top to bottom, impressive as hell.  Like Stevens, and probably everybody, I was dying for some conclusion/development to the Enlightenment deal.  Thoth put together a solid tag match despite everything being stacked against him, and hopefully the Enlightenment will get back on its feet.  I don't want this angle to peter out--it had huge build-up and seemed to have great potential, and it would be a major shame if it just flitted away.  Hopefully Prophetcast will be back to writing on Storm and the Saviour will make himself known soon.


The Stubby promos were short and quick, but effective.  Fallout wailing on him worked even better when Fallout won the contendership, and the break-up injected some life into an angle that was just starting to head down the path o' staleness.  Now, if Spider will just come back, all of this can fall together...


LDP beating Sarah was a surprise, but not too big.  I've followed LDP closely ever since I got onto JLCC, and he's got skillz.  The match seemed a little short, but it still worked well.  I'd love to see the new, aggressive LDP have a long hardcore reign when he takes on all comers and tears 'em apart beachside, but a Sarah rematch is looking great.  Also, that Sarah promo that went up right after the show was wonderfully wicked.  Talked about a bad attitude.  My, we could even call it a badditude!  Oh ho ho, the funny!


K-Os, another former JL superstar, makes one of the most impressive debuts since...uh...since Anarchy won the WUS belt in the ML in his first match?  Seriously, I don't think anyone's won a title on their first match in the fed since Neilsen, and that is impressive.  Talk about a brutal brawl.  Annie got the short end of the stick a little bit, but still came out looking great, and JD looked like a real champ...till K-Os beat his arse down.  Another awesome match where the rematch has my blood boiling.  JD's been motivated lately, and the next incarnation will be great.  1-0 and the US belt, though...damn, boy.  We could have another Thugg on our hands.


Next on the list: Fallout and Mag, round umpteen.  These two always put together amazing matches, and here was no exception.  It's always sad to see a Carnie go down, but Fallout did it with style.  Some amazing technical spots in there--I never fail to mark like a fiend for Fallout's massive technical interchanges.  This is the one guy in the fed who knows how to make a headlock takedown to hammerlock transition ridiculously exciting.  Great use of false finishes too, with both men blowing their primary finisher and having to go to the auxiliary...all in all, a great, tightly constructed piece. When he fights Thugg, it's going to be amazing...


And to Edwin vs. Sacred.  When I saw that my match had won, I was elated.  I really, really thought he had me.  I hope you all enjoyed it--I tried to play up some neat mind games, and I did my best to hammer home the fact that Sacred was a crazy, tough son-of-a-bitch.  Not everybody gets to kick out of the Encore Cross, my friend!  Exploit that wisely.  All in all, a relief to win this one, probably one of the best matches I've written.  To beat what Sacred wrote, well, I got really lucky that I wrote this now.  But we're not done yet, folks...


Main event time.




It's not a surprise that Thugg wrote a kick-ass match.  However, as much as I adore the Thuggster, I did NOT expect him to be able to beat both X and Stevens.  One at a time?  Maybe.  Both in the same match?  Hell no.  But he did it, and in fine fashion.  Thugg's second title reign is now shaping up to look as boffo as his first, and that's a scary thought.  Ridiculously brutal stuff all throughout, ludicrous amounts of finishers from X, a great appearance by Mark, and the Stubbiness at the end capped it all off.  A total surprise, but it'll probably make sense when we break it all down.  Heels a-go-go as Fallout is now set to face Thugg, which we've all been talking about as a dream match ever since the Nuclear One started his long, long light heavyweight reign.  It's going to be a David-Goliath contest, but one where the David is already presumed to be as lethal as the big lug!  Talk about cool.  Also, having X and Mark go down to only Paranoid Freak-Outs shows great respect for both of them...I admire that they didn't get squashed by the big man.  Then again, Thugg never really squashes anybody...but in any case, a great match, and a fine way to top the show off.


Battleground was kick-ass, folks.  Plain and simple.  Here's to that.  Now, predicted 13th Hour card!


Sacred vs. Edwin, "Now you stole my clothes too, you boffo bastard!" match!


LDP defends the Hardcore Title against all of South Beach in a Miami Mayhem match!


Fallout and Thugg decide that they're both too evil to fight, and thus they just make sweet sweet...uh...I'll stop right there.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Yeah... unfortunately the Hardcore Gamers title match, both competitors must have had long Easters... because neither really got in the spark to write.


Although I wrote the majority of my match on an extension... so I'm not one to talk. ;)

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Guest Perfect_Bo

Ok, my turn to comment on this...  FULL COMMENTS...


Thoth, for being stuck to do everything by yourself, and I heard you were sick...  I respect you more than ever..  That's was a nice, well put match you adjusted.  Thoth, that was a good match and you did a very good job...  But dammit, all the hype seem to wash away with the enlightment bid, what's going on...  Get that shit rollin again.


(By the way, I aint going in order.)


LDP vs. Sarah...  This youngster is impressive...  I mean, to beat Sarah that takes a lot and even I know that.  LDP, I see a nice future with you in this industry.  Sarah, that Promo rocked...  Question, were you on your period in that Promo?  You had one bad attitude...  Good freakin match, short for being a PPV match, but well put...


JD vs. KO's vs. The Chick...  


KO's is a scary writer...  This guy is good and the way he wrote that match, that was fuckin good...  He's going to be bad news for other mother fuckers who want to beef with him...  KO's keep up that shit...


Fallout vs. ELM


Fallout is my god...  I would have love to face fallout one on one, me and him, with me having enough time to edit my work so we can dance...  I know I'm good when I have time to edit my shit...  But Fallout is the uncrowned champion...  I cant wait to see that fight between him and Thugg.  Fallout, you are just great.


Sacred vs. Edwin


They are both great...  Edwin wrote one hell of a match that I was surprise to tell you the truth.  Sacred, I read your match and to tell you the truth, I couldnt pick a winner, that's how good both of your matches were.  Sacred, dont quit, you're doing one hell of a job.  Great read...  Loved it.


Thugg vs. Mark vs. X...


Thugg, youse a bitch..  But a talented bitch...  That was a surprise to me...  I had a feeling you were going to win somehow, but I didnt think you would keep the title.  I knew you would stay, but didnt know how you were going to stay and that Stubby bid, wow, that's unbeilevable...


Well, that's all I have to say, gotta go to work..


B "Really dont want to work, but I gotta pay bills" O

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Guest HVilleThugg

Oooo!  My turn...my turn!!


I'm not in the mood to be as long winded as the rest of you, but I'll try.


I think that show was damn good....not the best PPV ever, but it ranks up there.  I wasn't surprised to see K-Os win the US title in his debut.  I've been marking for him since before he took a break in the JL, and the boy's got skillz.  I think he's probably the only one here that's glad about our depleted roster because he probably wouldn't have gotten the match otherwise.  But a damn good way to take advantage of the opportunity boyo...but look out for an angry JD...he's dangerous when he's pissed.


LDP!!  LDP!!  LDP!!  Yeah boy...way to get it done.  Very nice match there.  And now that you've got a title, you need to think about choosing sides in what could be the biggest stable feud ever...coughjoindapoundcough...How tight would it be if everyone in the entire fed chose a side and it was like 10 on 10!  Ok, I'm dreaming, but it would be tight.  Anyway...can't wait to see the rematch, and I know you're gonna do that HGC belt proud.


I'm too lazy to analyze every match, so...


Another great one for EDwin....you held it down as usual.  But Sacred'll be back to beat that ass one more time.


Fallout/ELM was another classic.  I swear, when will this match get old?  Probably never!


As for the main event...after having read it for the first time (I don't really proofread) I thought it was a good match.  I can say that I was surprised beyond belief that I beat both X and Mark.  No offense to Mark, but I really didn't think I could beat X.  When I came in, he's the guy that I patterned my matches after.  I read his stuff and tried to mimick him.  WHile I've gotten away from that, I never thought I could beat him because I know how good he is at writing, both in this fed and in the other stuff he writes in real life.  On the other hand, I didn't think I'd be able to beat Mark either.  I felt like after the way I won last time, Mark would be on a mission and with us being so close on skill level, I thought his writing, which is head and shoulders better than mine, would be the difference.  So, I was pleasantly surprised.


As for the match itself, I'm glad people seemed to like it.  I expected more of a shocked response from people given the Stubby thing, but people seemed to like it.  Did I have you all going?  Did you think I was leaving??  However, I didn't really close things with that angle the way I wanted to.  The screwjob finish really left things open a bit, which isn't the way I wanted to end the angle that was 4 months in the making.  But oh well...


Now, Fallout...baby...I hope you're ready.  I'm looking forward to this one because it seems that people have been wanting to see this one for a long time.  It should be a beaut.  


Good show people, let's keep it up.


Da "turning out to be long winded after all" H

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Guest AnnieEclectic

I can't even begin to make all the coments, as everyone has basically said what needed to. Congratulations to all the winners... even K-Os who let me reiterate: he is the first person to beat me when I wrote. K-Os, you scare me, and please never *never* fight me again until i have at least... oh... ten wins or so.


Let me make it clear that while the Main Event match was probably the best one, Sacred v. Edwin was my favorite, and I honestly hope this feud keeps going. How can you argue against those two? :D


Until the main event, I was curious exactly why I was all of a sudden attacking Stubby before my match. Now I get it. Eeeeeeeviiiiiiiil!


LDP beats Sarah, and actually no offense to LDP but I was shocked. My entire JL career has had Sarah either with the belt, or getting it back a week later. And I didn't exactly see LDP as a big HC writer. I was quite wrong, and congrats.


Now..... I just need ELM's stats for what will almost certainly be my second loss, and we got a new card :D



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Guest TheSatanicAngel

Y'all shouldn't be shocked.  LDP probably had more time than I did to write.  I pounded out a measly 2,000 words in an hour at JD's request, and was going to no show otherwise.


You'll see the true test of Pete's skills with the cage match.


Oh, and hey.  About time Stubby went heel.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Yeah Annie...Sarah's a pathetic jobber here in the WF.


I make sure of it.


Mothernature says, heel Stubby says it like it is..."

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