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Guest Dynamite Kido

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Guest Dynamite Kido

<------not Borash.....thank God



Yes, after flip flopping days on the release of this column, I had many people say they enjoyed it better on a Friday… so I, Jeremy Borash… being a man of the people will oblige and put it out on Friday from here on out (or at least that is the plan this week).


Fairly solid reviews from this past Wednesday night from the masses. AJ and D-Lo had a very good cage match, with a good finish. I think the feud has been good for both as I think they have brought out the best in each other.


There was several minutes of footage shot after the show went off the air last Wednesday night that will air this Wednesday.


The first half of our double main event this Wednesday night will see the return of the American Dream Dusty Rhodes as he teams with America's Most Wanted to go against Gilberti, Diamond, and Swinger. This will not likely be a one shot return for the dream, if you will.


The one cent show TNA will be offering to all iN DEMAND customers will be much more than a best of. We are going to make this show a definite must see. In addition to bringing everyone up to date on the latest TNA storylines, two matches I would consider the best in the company's history will air on this event. If you missed Jarrett/Raven for the NWA Title, or the infamous AMW vs. XXX cage match, you will get to see them for just a penny. Not a bad deal in my book.


The first annual TNA SUPER X CUP TOURNAMENT will take place on our September 3rd show. The X-Division names already signed for this one night tourney will be fantastic. Look for a lineup announcement this week.


A neat story AMW's Chris Harris told me about the late Curt Hennig. If you had never spent much time with him before, Curt came off a little intimidating. However, after you met him and spent any time with him, he was the kind that made you feel like you were his best friend. Chris Harris and Curt became close friends in the final months before his death. Sometimes after a show they would head to Nashville's most famous saloon, Tootsies. This hole in the wall bar is legendary, as on any given night you could go there and see anyone from Kid Rock to Toby Keith play an impromptu jam session on a stage the size of a closet. This tourist draw has been around forever, and the hundreds of pictures on the wall tell of its amazing history. Curt made a lot of friends there over the years, and when he passed away, Chris Harris framed the photo used on our TNA tribute to Curt and brought it to Tootsies. This framed photo now hangs right on the corner of the bar that Curt would always stand. According to the staff there, many a toasts are made to the memory of Mr. Perfect, and many Waylon songs are played in his honor on the jukebox. It still is hard to believe that he is gone.


Randy Savage releases a rap cd and Lizzie Borden and Rob Black get arrested in the same week. Then I go see the movie Seabiscuit and in the film some guy is doing shots from the breasts of Kimberly Page. I know immediately what you are thinking... Borash... why the hell would you go see Seabiscuit.


If that wasn't enough, Arnorld Swartzenegger and Gary Coleman are running for Governor in California. Interesting that Arnold's Predator cohort Jesse Ventura did the impossible and won, so I guess anything is possible, but I will say this… I know Jesse Ventura… Jesse Ventura is a friend of mine… and you, Arnold Swartzenegger are no Jesse Ventura. I just had a 1988 flashback.


Gary Coleman is also running as well. Everyone who reads this column knows how I feel about that little bastard. Our paths will cross again, little Arnold, and don't think I won't beat your ass.


Hats off to Jody from our PR office, who pulled a great prank yesterday on AMW and Bob Ryder by convincing them that the new AMW shirts were going to be pink (a manly shade of pink, according to her). Hook, line, and sinker to the point James Storm left the TNA offices in a huff and Bob Ryder actually said the words "over my dead body." It was perfectly orchestrated. I give it a solid 9 on the rib-o-meter.


I found the 3 Like Krew vignette this week to be very Conan O'Brien-esque. Nothing says comedy gold like a shirtless middle age man caressing himself in a trailer park. 3LK will make their PPV return this Wednesday night in action.


The official decision will be announced this Wednesday night on the status of the X-Division belt after what happened between Kazarian and Sabin.


Danny Doring suffered a stinger early on in the match this past Wednesday night, but was feeling better after the show.


Mad Mikey got a huge response on the matches that will air this weekend on Xplosion (check NWATNA.com for a market list... we are adding new stations weekly). I've really enjoyed the Mikey vignettes.


If there is anything I like more than good road stories, it is good indy show stories. Well, technically bad indy show stories. There was a locker room sellout Wednesday afternoon in front of the television monitors as someone brought a video of a horrific indy show that had maybe 12 people in the crowd. No one could take their eyes off it. I have been blessed with two great stories this week alone, and both are somewhat related.


Whether we're talking about the vast array of Hardy-esque-dressed up and comers, or seeing the ticket guy end up in a battle royal because most of the boys went home already, you never know what you are going to see at an indy show. I usually try and make one a week.


Our first story takes us to a matchup that recently took place in Ohio. I will leave out the specifics to not offend the parties involved, but I heard this one and immediately delivered an 85 Road Warrior pop to the storyteller.


The matchup was, and I'm not making this up... Spiderman vs. Bruce Banner. What else are you going to do with a Spiderman gimmick costume? Spidy got all the heat on Banner. It was a complete squash. They battled outside of the ring, and all over the building as Spiderman showcased a tremendous offensive arsenal of punches, kicks, and uh... more punches and kicks. Sure enough... and I bet you can see this coming a mile away... they battled to the back, to where Spiderman dropkicked Banner through the curtain. Sure enough moments later, a more muscular wrestler painted in green emerged through the curtain and went on to completely squash our webmaking marvel.


The other matchup actually happened between two TNA wrestlers on an indy show in Tennessee. Yep, it was a five man battle royal. I'll leave the two TNA stars out of this for their own integrity, but their oppoents in the battle royal? Freddy Krueger, Jason, and... Frankenstein. Now I know Krueger has done several tours for All-Japan, but Frankenstein hasn't worked a match since the classic New Orleans 60 minute broadway with Roop. Well, let's just say a tape of this will be in high demand.


So, the morale of the story is if you are hard up for cash and own a horror flick costume you can probably get some work on the indy scene.


The Raven/Shane Douglas matchup will finally take place this Wednesday night as the other half of our double main event. See you back on Pay Per View this Wednesday night!


Jeremy Borash

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The first annual TNA SUPER X CUP TOURNAMENT will take place on our September 3rd show. The X-Division names already signed for this one night tourney will be fantastic. Look for a lineup announcement this week.






They better only have 8...


cause that's 7 matches...and the show is two hours.

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I cant wait for the TNA Super X Cup......it will be totally AWESOME. I don't think I will continue ordering TNA every week and only on special occasians like the Tournament and maybe some other times. Anyway, it looks like it will be EXCELLENT. But I really doubt the whole thing will be in one night. It will prob. span three or four shows.

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