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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Ok - here is the deal. Around a month or so ago somebody allluded to Vince and Sable having an affair on another board I frequent.


I shot it down at the time along with a lot of other people but it has appeared again. The person responsible for mentioning it the first time writes for a wrestling publication here in England.


I've said it is bollocks but basically everyone is telling me I am wrong and it is true. Their answers to these questions:


Why haven't any major newsletters reported it:


Most of the bigger newsletters have alluded to it heavily, but in a way you'd only notice if you had already heard the story. Given the potential implications with shareholders (woman sues company for millions for sexual harrassment, settles, gets job back, allegations of funny business with the chairman), it's not something you'd want to put in print until something legal happens.


From t'other weeks Observer: Herb lists who could get revenge on Kane.


1. HHH - blah blah etc

2. RVD - whoops etc.

3. Vince McMahon, but he's doing Sable (you know, in the storyline)


Pretty fuggin blatant.


So they are saying no-one big will report it due to legal reasons, and maintain it is true.


What do you think?

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Guest Korgath

I wouldn't put it past him, really.


This is Vince McMahon we're talking about.

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