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Shoot interviews for trade

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As some of you may have guessed, I had a sizable amount of shoot interview tapes which I have been replacing with better copies over the past year. Since I have no further use for these tapes and prefer not to erase them, I'll put them up here for trade or sale.


I'll list footage that I'm most interested in for trades. As for sales, I'll be willing to negotiate a price but I'll require a minimum of three tapes be purchased in order for me to make a sale.


BTW: Retro Rob gets first shot at the Vader stuff since he's discussed them with me before.




These are the shoots that I have available:


Road Warriors

Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Bret Hart #2

Ken Shamrock (with Stranglemania 1)

"Dr. Death" Steve Williams

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan (and Wrestlewar 90)

Midnight Express (and Pride Grand Prix 2000)



8 hour tapes-




Terry Funk

Arn Anderson and Barry Windham

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat and "Gentleman" Chris Adams

Road Warriors and Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Nikita Koloff and Rey Misterio Jr.

Terry Taylor and Jerry "The King" Lawler



Two tape sets with shoots and other footage:


1. Vader, In Your House: Final Four, WWF: Smack 'em Whack 'em (broken across two six-hour tapes)

2. Bam Bam Bigelow and Survivor Series 1992 (broken across two six-hour tapes)




Footage I'm most interested in:




Survivor Series: 1989, 1990

Royal Rumble: 1988

In Your House: 1, 2, It's Time, D-Generation X, Over the Edge 1999

Comps of WWF TV from 2000 to the present




Wrestlewar: 1991, 1992

Superbrawl: 1, 3

Clash of the Champions: Any

Comps of WCW TV matches from 1996 to 1998

Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit (Owen Hart match)

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I'm interested in the following Shoots:


- "Dr. Death" Steve Williams

- Bobby "The Brain" Heenan (and Wrestlewar 90)

- Midnight Express (and Pride Grand Prix 2000)

- Tazz

- Vader

- Terry Funk

- Arn Anderson

- Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

- Rey Misterio Jr.

- Jerry "The King" Lawler


Stuff I have that you're most interested in:


Survivor Series 1989

Survivor Series 1990

Royal Rumble 1988

In Your House 1

In Your House 2

In Your House: It's Time

D-Generation X

Over the Edge 1999

Many Raws, SmackDowns, etc from 2000 to the present


Superbrawl 3

and various Clash of the Champions.


Check my site (in my sig) for more details and such.



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Guest bort

i have many audio shoot interviews,



steve corino

jim corrnette

eddie gurreo



bret hart wwf

bret hart wcw


arn anderson

tully blanchard


abdulah the butcher



if anyone is interested drop me a line [email protected] or bortwwe , trades for other files online would be good or acsess into private media boards...whatever

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