Bored 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2003 1993 – no show 1994 – no show August 21, 1995 Men on a Mission def. Roy Raymond & Joe Adcock The 1-2-3 Kid def. The Brooklyn Brawler The Undertaker def. Tatanka Jean Pierre LaFitte def. Scott Taylor Diesel & Davey Boy Smith NC Men on a Mission August 19, 1996 Owen Hart def. The British Bulldog by count out Vader def. Freddie Joe Floyd Goldust wins a Sudden Death Battle Royale Shawn Michaels def. Yokozuna August 18, 1997 Owen Hart & The British Bulldog def. The Legion of Doom Flash Funk def. Brian Christopher Ken Shamrock def. The Sultan Jesse Jammes def. Brian Pillman by DQ The Patriot def. Vader The Undertaker & Mankind def. Shawn Michaels & Hunter Hearst Helmsley by DQ August 17, 1998 Dan Severn def. Owen Hart and Ken Shamrock (submitted) in a Triple Threat Match Bart Gunn def. The Godfather in a Brawl for All Semi-Final Gangrel def. Brian Christopher Disciples of Apocalypse def. Faarooq & Scorpio The Nation def. D-Generation X in a Street Fight Bradshaw def. Darren Drozdov in a Brawl for All Semi-Final Val Venis in a Gauntlet Match def. Teoh, Funaki, Togo and then lost to Taka Michinoku August 23, 1999 Al Snow NC Road Dogg; HC Title Match The Undertaker & The Big Show NC The Acolytes; Tag Title Match D-Lo Brown def. Mark Henry by DQ; Euro Title Match The Rock def. Gangrel Hardcore Holly NC Crash Holly Viscera & Midian def. Kane in a handicap match Triple H def. Mankind to win the WWF Title August 21, 2000 The Hardy Boyz def. The Dudley Boyz Val Venis & Trish Stratus def. Crash & Ivory Rikishi def. Kane by DQ Triple H & Kurt Angle def. The Acolytes Chris Jericho def. Perry Saturn by DQ; Euro Title Match Hardcore Crap Segment: Shane McMahon eventually pins Steve Blackman to win the title Road Dogg & X-Pac def. Edge & Christian by DQ; Tag Title Match Lita def. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley to win the Women’s Title; Special Referee, The Rock August 20, 2001 Lita, Jacqueline, & Molly Holly def. Ivory, Torrie Wilson, & Stacy Keibler A.P.A., The Big Show, Billy Gunn, Scotty 2 Hotty, & Spike Dudley def. The Dudley Boyz, Tommy Dreamer, Chuck Palumbo, Sean O’Haire, & Hugh Morrus Test def. Chris Jericho The Rock def. Lance Storm; WCW Title Match Matt Hardy def. Christian; Euro Title Match Tajiri def. Booker T by DQ Sara Undertaker def. Diamond Dallas Page August 19, 2002 Tommy Dreamer wins a Hardcore Battle Royale to retain his title Trish Stratus def. Stacy Keibler in a Bra and Panties Mud Match The Un-Americans def. The Undertaker, Booker T, & Goldust The Big Show def. Rob Van Dam by DQ The Rock NC Triple H in a No-DQ Match Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fökai 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2003 August 21, 1995 Men on a Mission def. Roy Raymond & Joe Adcock The 1-2-3 Kid def. The Brooklyn Brawler The Undertaker def. Tatanka Jean Pierre LaFitte def. Scott Taylor Diesel & Davey Boy Smith NC Men on a Mission WHOO! I have this show on tape! ::looks over card again:: ....damn. August 19, 2002 Tommy Dreamer wins a Hardcore Battle Royale to retain his title Trish Stratus def. Stacy Keibler in a Bra and Panties Mud Match The Un-Americans def. The Undertaker, Booker T, & Goldust The Big Show def. Rob Van Dam by DQ The Rock NC Triple H in a No-DQ Match Whoo! I have this show on tape too! ::looks over card again:: Well, at least the opening and closing matches were good (with the infamous HBK "leap" over the top rope to attack HHH). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2003 Poor DDP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2003 August 21, 1995 Men on a Mission def. Roy Raymond & Joe Adcock The 1-2-3 Kid def. The Brooklyn Brawler The Undertaker def. Tatanka Jean Pierre LaFitte def. Scott Taylor Diesel & Davey Boy Smith NC Men on a Mission WHOO! I have this show on tape! ::looks over card again:: ....damn. August 19, 2002 Tommy Dreamer wins a Hardcore Battle Royale to retain his title Trish Stratus def. Stacy Keibler in a Bra and Panties Mud Match The Un-Americans def. The Undertaker, Booker T, & Goldust The Big Show def. Rob Van Dam by DQ The Rock NC Triple H in a No-DQ Match Whoo! I have this show on tape too! ::looks over card again:: Well, at least the opening and closing matches were good (with the infamous HBK "leap" over the top rope to attack HHH). Recaps of the main events for those two shows. '95 show by Kevin James Posiadilk on the RSPW message boards and '02 show by CRZ ( Diesel and Davey Boy Smith vs. Men who may... oh, you know. Both teams have gotten really chatty, the result being the match still hasn't gotten underway yet. Lawler asserts that Mabel can't wait to get at Diesel, but is quickly contradicting by Mabel's exit from the ring, leaving us with an opening match up Diesel vs. Mo. Seen it! Mo starts a rap version of "You Can't Always Get What You Want", thereby forcing Diesel to engage him in self-defense. Lockup, well, not quite, as Diesel sticks his knee out instead of his arms. Mo, duly crossed, takes that, a chop to the upper back, and a side of fist to the temple. Back up, he gets cross-corner whipped (the best one yet tonight), with a clothesline in the corner for second course. Mo gets seconds of that, and Diesel follows it with an assortment of further abuse pressing him up against the turnbuckles. Davey Boy wants in on this action, but Diesel is content for now to whip Mo into a big boot. Jackknife, anyone? Mo starts rolling away, Mabel comes in uninvited. As everyone expects, Davey Boy enters as a counter-maneuver. As no one expects, Davey Boy promptly plants a clothesline to the back of Diesel's neck, sending the champ straight into a Mabel body slam. Either Davey Boy caught some of that glaucoma from McMahon, or... Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a heel turn! Hmm. So the faces got Godwinn, while the heels got Smith. Unless Godwinn's more of a prospect than we know about, I'd say the heels made off like bandits on that trade. Diesel is brought up to his knees by Mabel, in order to have a little conversation with Davey Boy, but the details of it will likely never be known. Meanwhile, James E. Cornette has mysteriously materialized on the ring apron, presumably staking his claim to Davey Boy and possibly MOM as well. The referee signals for the bell, in a demonstration of his complete impotence in the situation. As Smith begins to taunt Diesel a second time, Diesel finally finds it in himself to bust out of Mabel's hold, only to have Davey Boy take it to him with a running slam. Mabel adds a leg drop for flavor. After much discussion, he adds a second one, but the cooks seem to have a little problem reaching a consensus on the best way to destroy Big Daddy Cool. This is all rather fortunate for Diesel, as for some reason neither Michaels, nor Ramon, nor even Bam Bam are on call at the moment. Talk about lousy planning! Mabel takes the belt and waddles off to rejoin the rest of the gang, currently whooping it up with Jerry Lawler. McMahon promises to have Oliver Stone in to discuss his theories on this apparent conspiracy, following the next TRIPLE H (Greenwich, Connecticut - 272 pounds - with Foot Locker's House of Hoops presents SummerSlam SUNDAY!) v. THE ROCK (Undisputed Champion - Miami, Florida - 275 pounds) with no disqualifications referee: EARL HEBNER Entrances burn off about four minutes. Well, let's see what they got. Staredown. Now some words are being exchanged. Finally, H puts up a hand for Rock to talk to...then steps back and makes the international "just bring it" sign. More words - another beckon from H - so Rock pops him, right, right, right, right, right, right, into the opposite corner, reversed, Rock clothesline out, clothesline, clothesline, right, right, right, right, into the opposite corner, reversal attempted but Rock pulls him back to the original corner, taking H over the top to the outside! Rock out after him...running clothesline. Scooped up - H down, scoops up Rock - and drops HIM on the barricade! H in and out - another drop on the barricade for Rock. H in - Hebner in - H out. Rock rolled back in, now everybody's back in. Rock comes up punching - right, right, off the ropes but H buries the knee and Rock flips. H with a stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. Knee. H outside, pulls Rock over the edge of the apron, and throws an elbow. H back in the ring. Rock comes back, right, right, H with a knee, knee, shoulder in the corner, shoulder, shoulder. Into the ropes, elbow in the gut. Into the ropes again...and there's the old abdominal stretch and why not add a little leverage with the pull of the rope? We check outside - lots of security still hanging around where Lesnar and Heyman are seated. H lets go of the rope as Lawler decides THIS will be the time he mentions that it doesn't matter if Hebner sees him or not since this is a no-DQ match - gee, way to go to all that trouble to hide it from him, Triple H. Rock executes the hiptoss after powering up. Rock right, right, right, right, right, NOW KISS THAT no H pokes him in the eye. Running double clothesline and both men are down. Hebner puts on the count. Both men up at eight. Rock with "Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine" but goes down afterwards. Both men up again - Rock again manages "Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine." Rock right, right, right, right, right, NOW KISS THAT RIGHT and down he goes. H into the ropes, belly-to-belly throw, 1, 2, H kicks out! H goes back to the eyepoke...but Rock pulls H into the spinebuster! There goes the elbowpad - let's see if we get it - off the ropes, off the ropes, People's Elbow DOES land, Rock clutches his ribs but eventually makes the cover - 1, 2, Hebner does that annoying hitch so you know it's NO! H begging off in the corner...then hits him with an uppernut (Hebner STILL decides to pretend he's not seeing this stuff even though it's a no-DQ match - arrgh). Rock tossed outside. H out - has the steps - BONG. H puts Rock back into the ring, then goes outside to retrieve Ye Olde Sledghammere. For no good reason, Lesnar's over the rail now...well that draws the attention of all the Security folk, anyway. Hebner tries to stop H, but he knees him and tosses him through the ropes to the outside. H awaits Rock getting up...but before he can swing, MR. WHYSPYR is in the ring! Right hand, right hand, right hand, running start - H ducks and LESNAR takes the hit on the apron! Michaels turns back and H levels him with a clothesline. Here comes the Pedigree - no, Rock is back up - right, right, right, right, into the ropes, H counters with the facebuster. H with a *Lesnar* is back in and trying to get Michaels, but after he spins him around it's Michaels - right, right, right, right, superkick! Commentators are way "WHOOOOOOOA WHAT A KICK" but really it wasn't. Lesnar back over the rail and Security works on escorting him outta here. Back to the ring - Michaels is holding his back (oh puhleeze) and now over to H and Rock - Rock right, right, right, H walks into ROCK BOTTOM! and Rock runs to the corner, climbing up and asking Lesnar AGAIN to Just Bring It...but he's being escorted out. So Rock decides to go out after him. We look back at Triple H with a security guard under each arm - looks like he's trying to direct traffic, guiding them? Sure enough, Michaels decides to try a tope, catches one of his legs on the top rope but STILL manages to land on the pile. Security tries to keep them separated, taking H up the ramp - actually more like he puts a guard in a headlock and backs up the ramp as if he's being pushed except he isn't (ha) - now Michaels runs after and jumps - Michaels right, H, Michaels, Michaels winds up and H rolls down the ramp! Ross is uncharacteristically restrained as he says "FOUR YEARS MY ASS!" Well, I'm kidding about the "restrained" part. HEY RAW Zone credits are up and I guess we're outta here! Umm oh and stop the clock (N[itr]o contest? 10:25) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2003 Poor DDP. CRZ recap: DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE (with Clarasil presents Unforgiven - 23 September!) v. SARA (with Taker - on That Beautiful Rude American Bike) - Page is a little gimpy - and by "a little" I mean "a whole bunch." Funny, they can usually roll out the ride without having to remove the stage...can that be it? Page has a mic. "Hold on, sport. Before you start this, I got something I wanna say to Sara. C'mere, c'mere - I'm not - hey - I wanna talk to you. Just wanna talk to ya. Come a little closer. Since I'm such a sport myself, and you want to get PHYSICAL with me...I'm gonna give you the first shot. Right here, baby. Right here, I'm BEGGIN' ya, right here. You wanna get it in?" Slap. "HA ha ha ha ha ha...Ohhhh - thank you Sara. May I have another?" Another slap puts him down - he pops up and shoves HER down - Taker on the apron, but Sara tells him to get back down. Sara assumes the Ken Shamrock fighting stance - swing and a miss, swing and a miss, Page grabs her head and walks her over to the corner - Taker on the apron AGAIN and this time Page sneaks in a back elbow to the mush, putting him on the floor. Referee "Blind" Earl Hebner (yep, this is a main event) now spends a lot of time talking to Sara - behind his back, Taker pulls Page out by his ankles - soupbone, left, soupbone, left, soupbone, left, soupbone, left, soupbone, left, soupbone, left, soupbone, left, soupbone, left, soupbone, soupbone, soupbone, soupbone, soupbone. Page tries a swing...and misses. That's a chokeslam on the floor, folks. Taker puts Page in, and says "ring the damn bell" - and there's the bell. Sara folds up Page's arms, Undertaker style and does a pushup over him - 1, 2, 3. No bell, oh well - call it (:06). ROLLIN' ROLLIN' ROLLIN' ROLLIN' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2003 I remember the Bulldog/Diesel vs. MOM match. That was the night Bulldog turned heel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest undisputedjericho Report post Posted August 17, 2003 August 17, 1998 That was where they choppy-choppied Val's pee-pee, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aero 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2003 August 18, 1997 Owen Hart & The British Bulldog def. The Legion of Doom Flash Funk def. Brian Christopher Ken Shamrock def. The Sultan Jesse Jammes def. Brian Pillman by DQ The Patriot def. Vader The Undertaker & Mankind def. Shawn Michaels & Hunter Hearst Helmsley by DQ Hey, I went to that show! It was in Atlantic City. I only have the main event on tape, which a friend taped for me. One of my favorite segments, as I loved the entire HBK-Taker feud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2003 How come there wasn't a RAW on those dates in 93 and 94? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2003 August 17, 1998 That was where they choppy-choppied Val's pee-pee, right? Nope that was two weeks ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2003 August 18, 1997 Owen Hart & The British Bulldog def. The Legion of Doom Flash Funk def. Brian Christopher Ken Shamrock def. The Sultan Jesse Jammes def. Brian Pillman by DQ The Patriot def. Vader The Undertaker & Mankind def. Shawn Michaels & Hunter Hearst Helmsley by DQ Hey, I went to that show! It was in Atlantic City. I only have the main event on tape, which a friend taped for me. One of my favorite segments, as I loved the entire HBK-Taker feud. Recap by John Petrie on SHAWN MICHAELS/HUNTER HEARST HELMSLEY (w/ Chyna) vs. UNDERTAKER/MANKIND Shawn does his little dance in front of Chyna, trying to draw out a reaction. There was none (though I thought I saw her try and hide a smirk). Mankind fends off both HHH and Michaels, and the two bump machines are soon bouncing around like ping pong balls. The Undertaker tags in and Shawn and Hunter argue as to whom will face him. Hunter gets the nod. Shawn and Helmsley try some double-team tricks, with Michaels down on the floor holding the Undertaker's boot as Helmsley works him over. The Undertaker ends up sending Helmsley over the top rope, onto Michaels. Shawn then catches the Undertaker with a Superkick on the apron (into the ring) which grazes the Undertaker's head. Only then does Shawn tag in and lay in a few shot. He tags Hunter back in, but is caught by the throat by the Undertaker and tossed into the corner. Helmsley is knocked out of the ring. Shawn slides to the floor and signals for Rick Rude. Rude strolls out as they go to break. Hunter and Mankind are going at it. Chyna interferes by tripping Mankind when he's in the corner. Shawn then tags in and he hits Mankind with a flying forearm. Moments later he tags Helmsley back in and the two do a great move where Hunter clotheslines Mankind just as Michaels clips his knee from behind. Mankind is then sent out of the ring onto the steel steps. They then engage in some textbook double-teaming of Mankind in the corner, keeping the ref occupied by drawing the Undertaker into the ring. Following a snap suplex, Shawn drops an elbow off the top turnbuckle. Shawn the signals for the Superkick. Mankind messes the move up a bit by not turning soon enough, forcing Shawn to make an adjustment. Shawn throws the kick, but Mankind catches it, spins him around, and applies the Mandible Claw. Helmsley comes in for the save and starts to apply the Pedigree, but Mankind gets out of it by pulling Hunter's legs out from under him. Hunter then kicks Mankind into the corner. Mankind hits the buckles, is stunned, and drops-headfirst-onto Helmsley's groin. (This was a really nicely done sequence of moves). Mankind makes the tag and the Undertaker goes to work on Helmsley. Shawn takes a breather on the floor. The Undertaker clotheslines Helmsley over the top rope, then grabs Michaels by the throat. Shawn pokes him in the eye. He then throws a punch, but the Undertaker blocks it and nails Shawn, sending him off the apron onto the safety rail. Mankind and Helmsley duke it out on the far apron. The Undertaker, meanwhile, has followed Michaels to the floor to lay in more punishment. Rick Rude sneaks up from behind with a chair, but the Undertaker spins around and backs him off. Rude drops the chair. Rude climbs into the ring and the Undertaker follows. Shawn has grabbed the chair by now. Helmsley, backing into the ring on the other side, crosses paths with Rude. Helmsley spins just in time to receive a chokeslam from the Undertaker. Enter Shawn with the chair. The Undertaker turns and Shawn PLASTERS him with the chair, nearly folding it in half. A quick swipe with the left hand (hmmm) and the Undertaker is gushing blood from the forehead. Shawn measure him for a second shot, but pauses when he sees the blood. The Undertaker is slow to get up. A second shot with the chair and he goes back down. The bell rings, signaling the DQ. Helmsley and Michaels look over the Undertaker, both displaying looks of fear (as in "holy s**t man ... what did we do?") The Undertaker sits up and Michaels, Helmsley and Rude all head for the hills. The Undertaker staggers in pursuit as they go to commercial. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted August 17, 2003 How come there wasn't a RAW on those dates in 93 and 94? U.S. Open coverage on USA. There is like four Raw's next week that were postponed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Papacita 0 Report post Posted August 18, 2003 August 18, 1997 Owen Hart & The British Bulldog def. The Legion of Doom Flash Funk def. Brian Christopher Ken Shamrock def. The Sultan Jesse Jammes def. Brian Pillman by DQ The Patriot def. Vader The Undertaker & Mankind def. Shawn Michaels & Hunter Hearst Helmsley by DQ Hey, I went to that show! It was in Atlantic City. I only have the main event on tape, which a friend taped for me. One of my favorite segments, as I loved the entire HBK-Taker feud. Yeah, I went to that show too...and if anyone is wondering, that was the night my weird obsession with Chyna began. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted August 18, 2003 Did Luger ever have a match with Bulldog after the heel turn since they were the tag team of the Allied Powers or was this after Luger was gone? Triple H def. Mankind to win the WWF Title One day reigns...gotta love them. Lita def. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley to win the Women’s Title God, I was happy when that reign ended. The Rock def. Lance Storm; WCW Title Match Ah, memories of Booker Wee... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted August 18, 2003 Did Luger ever have a match with Bulldog after the heel turn since they were the tag team of the Allied Powers or was this after Luger was gone? Triple H def. Mankind to win the WWF Title One day reigns...gotta love them. Lita def. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley to win the Women’s Title God, I was happy when that reign ended. The Rock def. Lance Storm; WCW Title Match Ah, memories of Booker Wee... Off the top of my head I'd say no they didn't have a match but someone correct me if I'm wrong. Anyways on to the matches...recaps by CRZ: TRIPLE H v. MANKIND for the WWF Championship - Triple H is alone with Chyna still feeling the effects of her kabong. I have a tie just like Mankind's, you know. H starts punching away before the bell. Rock: "Who is booking this crap? The Rock against Billy Gunn. The Rock against Gangrel. I mean, next week the Rock will be laying the smack down on the Brooklyn Brawler, for Chrissakes." Mankind reverses, and lays in with rights. Running knee to the head on the seated Triple H in the corner. Into the opposite corner, off the ropes with a bulldog. Mankind covers, but Shane chooses that moment to warn Rock about getting involved in this match, conveniently avoiding a count. Mankind's ALREADY going for his sock. But the Mandible claw goes down deep into the gullet of SHANE and not to Triple H. Shane ends up going over the top rope. Mankind is distracted just long enough for Triple H to try for the Pedigree, but Mankind backdrops him. Triple H tries for a Sunset flip, but Mankind stops taht by putting on the mandible claw. Here's THAT SLUT CHYNA, but Mankind puts down Triple H and puts the claw on HER - then takes her outside the ring. There's an underhook into a DDT - the crowd counts to 10 but referee "BLIND" EARL HEBNER is there so late Triple H can kick out after 2. Mankind boots Triple H out of the ring and follows. Triple H reverses a whip, sending him into Chyna, who hiptosses him into the STEEL steps. Triple H takes Mankind to the commentary table. Mankind wanders over to a conveniently placed chair, but Triple H kicks it into his face. Repeated rights by Triple H. Rolled him back into the ring, Mankind manages a back elbow, and a headbutt. Triple H with a neckbreaker, but only 2. There's a facecrusher for 2. Triple H takes the sock off his hand and throws it out. Umm, can't he still do that move without the sock? Oh well - repeated stomping and then Mankind is driven into the corner shoulder first. Rollup for 2. Mankind is punching when he gets back up (Rock: "Mankind's coming back") but he falls after a high knee (Rock: "Mankind sucks") 2 count. Right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, finally Hebner pulls Helmsley off of him. Time for a brief discussion between the two. Mankind tries to get in an shot, but Helmsley lets loose with forearms. Mankind manages another shot, but Helmsley put him into the corner. However, Mankind clotheslines out for 2. Headbutt from Mankind. Mankind clotheslines him over the top, and he follows over the top. Chyna gets on the apron to distract Hebner. Shane, who's FINALLY come to, takes a chair to Mankind's back - it doesn't do much to Mankind, who turns around - but it DOES distract him long enough to take a chair from TRIPLE H to the head. Then Triple H waffles the Rock one for good measure. Yow! Shane rolls Mankind into the ring, then pulls out Hebner and ko's him with a right cross. Triple H, meanwhile, hits a Pedigree and Shane makes the count. 1, 2, 3. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new WWF Champion. (8:43) WWF WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP: LITA (with Chef Boyardee presents SummerSlam!) v. STEPHANIE ONO (with The New Man & King Kurt Angle) - well, isn't THIS some kinda main event. The special guest referee gets intro'd last - "BLIND" LA ROCA is too good for stripes, coming out in sleeveless "JUST BRING IT" shirt instead. Rock tells Angle and H to stay out of it already. Lita starts off with a double leg takedown and throws some TERRIBLE punches, or elbows - shit, I don't know WHAT they were - that's how TERRIBLE they were. Picking her up - into the corner, elbow (I guess). Hairpull takeover. Running towards Stephanie in the corner, Lita eats a shoe. Stephanie looks for guidance, then runs at Lita - into a hiptoss. Lita with a scaryrana for....2?!? Angle on the apron, Rock makes him flinch - but behind his back, H pulls away Lita's ankles. The HARDY BOYZ are out and on Triple H, but Kurt Angle is over to make a save. Crowd chanting "Lita." Stephanie sidesteps a charge and Lita hits hard. Stephanie with a kick, kick, kick, forearm, forarm, forearm, whip into the oppostie corner, monkey flip (!), into the ropes is reversed, Stephanie ducks the clothesline, gutshot and DDT (!!). Cover - 1, 2, nope. Stephanie argues the count. Rock puts up a hand for her to talk to, then displays two fingers. Stephanie back over to Lita - slap, slap, stomp, stomp to the back, into the ropes, going for a...sidewalk slam maybe? But Lita turns it into a flying headscissors. Elbow by Lita, into the ropes is reversed, Lita ducks the clothesline and hits one of her own. Lita with a tornado...bulldog...yikes. 1, 2, shoulder up. Lita with a snap suplex...then dragging her into position for the moonsault. You KNOW that can't happen - sure enough, Angle shoves her out of the corner. Both Hardyz are over to wail on him a bit. H is over and now it's really broken down. Matt Hardy into the STEEL steps off a reversed whip, H ducks and puts Jeff into the barricade. Angle has the Women's title belt and trying to offer it to Stephanie - but Rock walks over to ask what's up. Rock pulls Angle into the ring. Right, right, right, right, right, NOW KISS THAT RIGHT! Triple H in the ring and taking down Rock with a clothesline from behind. Right, right, right, gutshot, putting him into position for the Pedigree...oops, bad idea - Angle flies in, but with no Rock there, he ends up waffling *H* with the title belt! Angle expresses disappointment...and fails to notice Rock creeping up on him to hit Rock Bottom. Stephanie has the belt, meanwhile...but Rock ducks the shot. Spinebuster for Stephanie. Rock asks Lita to go to the top and hit the moonsault - so she does. 1, 2, 3! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new women's champion. (5:06) The Hardyz spirit her away - our last shots are of a jubilant Lita on the Hardyz' shoulders...and of Stephanie, H and Angle out cold in the ring. WCW CHAMPIONSHIP: LANCE STORM (with Earlier Tonight & RAW Credits & Transmitido En Espanol SAP) v. THE ROCK (with TV-14-DLV & CC boxes) - Rock rushes the ring and it's on - Storm ready for him with forearms to the back of the head - right, into the ropes, reversed, clothesline by the Rock, clothesline, into the ropes, Samoan Drop - 1, 2, kickout. Rock kicks the ribs, right, into the ropes, reversed, Rock ducks the clothesline, Storm ducks a clothesline, Storm with a superkick (!) and Rock goes outside. Storm outside, rolls Rock back in, 1, 2, NO! Clearasil Double Feature of the kick. Storm right, Rock blocks, right, right, right, into the opposite corner, but Storm gets an elbow up. Second rope clothesline gets 2. LIVE on TSN! Storm dares Rock to get up - kick to the head - another kick. One more boot to the head. Rock fires back, right, right, right, right, Storm blocks the next one, right, right, right, right, right, "Stay down!", but he doesn't - Rock meets him coming off the ropes with the spinebuster. Referee "Blind" Brian Hebner puts on the count - they stir at six - and are up at eight. Rock with "Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine," again, right, right, right, NOW KISS THAT NO Storm ducks - but Rock doesn't miss the second time. Into the ropes, Storm tries a reversal, Rock ducks the swing, gutshot, DDT, 1, 2, Storm kicks out! Storm manages a knee in the midsection, right, right, right, right, pulling out of the corner - Rock reverses and pulls Storm into ROCK BOTTOM - whoops, it's over. 1, 2, 3. (3:09) Replay of the end of the match. Rock calls to the back - BOOKER WEE, as Ross called him, comes out. Rock directs the midget into performing the People's Elbow on Storm - unfortunately, he trips over Storm as he comes off the ropes. Rock calls him back over - "next time, you JUMP - JUMP over him" Storm gets up - Rock gives him another spinebuster to keep him down. Here comes mini-Booker - and there goes an amusing variation on the People's Elbow. Play the Rock's music again! Rock demands another spinaroonie - this one isn't as good. Rock: "Nah, that's bullshit - one more!" So he gets one more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites