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The Smackdown Review

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August 17, 2000

Perry Saturn & Terri def. Rikishi & The Kat

Val Venis def. Eddie Guerrero; IC Title Match

Crash & The Acolytes def. The Big Bossman & Kaientai

Steve Blackman def. Chris Benoit; HC Title Match

Edge & Christian def. Jeff Hardy & D-Von Dudley

Road Dogg & X-Pac def. Too Cool by DQ

Triple H def. The Rock


August 23, 2001

Rob Van Dam def. Jeff Hardy; HC Title Match

The Big Show & Billy Gunn def. The Dudley Boyz

Kurt Angle def. Kanyon

Booker T, Test, & Rhyno def. The Rock & A.P.A.

The Undertaker & Kane def. Edge & Christian; Tag Title Match

Ivory def. Lita

Steve Austin def. Chris Jericho


August 22, 2002

The Hurricane & Shannon Moore def. Jamie Noble & Tajiri

Chavo Guerrero def. Matt Hardy

Billy Kidman def. Kurt Angle by count out

Rikishi & John Cena def. Reverend D-Von & Batista

Molly Holly def. Nidia; Women’s Title Match

The Rock & Edge def. Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero

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"August 22, 2002

The Hurricane & Shannon Moore def. Jamie Noble & Tajiri

Chavo Guerrero def. Matt Hardy

Billy Kidman def. Kurt Angle by count out"



2002 was a BAD year wasnt it?

Well since one of those matches was mentioned in a previous post I'll just squeeze all the recaps into one post....recaps by CRZ of course.


THE HURRICANE & SHANNON MOORE (410 pounds) v. JAMIE NOBLE & TAJIRI (406 pounds - with Nidia)


Later tonight, Nidia gets a shot at the Women's title! It'll be Moore and Tajiri to start - lockup, Tajiri with the arm wringer, Moore rolls through and kips up - reversal - Tajiri pulls the hair. Tajiri kick, into the corner, Moore up and over, superfluous backflip, armdrag, viscera, and gets 2. Tag to Hurricane, Moore backslide, second rope legdrop by Hurricane - Noble in and Hurricane punches him, and he rolls out. Hurricane climbs up - plancha onto Tajiri for 2. Into the roeps, head down, kick by Tajiri, tag to Noble - runs into a hiptoss from Hurricane - there's the "flying wizard" kick, 1, 2, tag to Moore. Moore from the top rope into a huracanrana - Noble goes outside, Moore follows with a pescado. Noble put back in, but Nidia stops Moore with a big ol' tongue stud massage...then draws a line down his chest all the way to...Tajiri in with a kick over Nidia's head and onto Moore's! Rolled in to Noble, 1, 2, no! Tag to Tajiri - held down for the kick. Snapmares him over, big ol' kick to the head...and grabs a headlock. Moore taken to his back but the shoulders aren't down. Moore tries to fight back...right, right, right, Tajiri elbows the back of the head, elbow, elbow, up and Moore shoves him off - Tajiri tries to come off the ropes with the handspring elbow but Moore ducks and gives Tajiri a death suplex! Both men are down and both corners have a man eager to tag. Tag to Noble - HOT TAG TO HURRICANE! Right for Noble, elbow for Tajiri, right for Noble, into the ropes, flying clothesline. On the second rope - Buff Blockbuster-alike - hooks the leg - just 2! Eye of the Hurricane is ducked - Noble puts him in the ropes, Hurricane ducks - Hurricane tries to grab him for the chokeslam, but Noble elbows out of THAT...tag to Moore - gutshot by Noble on Hurricane, whip is reversed, Hurricane down, Noble caught into a fireman's carry by Moore - whipped around into a neckbreaker by Hurricane! Moore covers - 1, 2, Tajiri saves! Tajiri punches away on Moore while Hurricane works on Noble - now Noble reverses it - Tajiri whipped into the corner, Noble takes Moore down from behind, then shoves Moore into the corner where Tajiri is now waiting - tarantula on Moore! Noble likes it, but his back is to Hurricane - Eye of the Hurricane! Tajiri has released the hold - but walks into the chokeslam! Hurricane watches Tajiri roll out and now HIS back is turned - Noble clotheslines him out. NOble with Moore - Moore on the shoulders - dropped into a hot shot - gutshot by Noble, going for the powerbomb but Moore rolls over and down - rolls Noble up - 1, 2, 3! (5:07) Poor Moore, he takes the fall and they STILL play Hurricane's music - Noble's back up with a blindside clothesline, and Tajiri joins him for a stomp - Hurricane back in, I punch you, I punch you, I punch you, Noble tossed, Moore tosses Tajiri before MATT HARDY makes a dramatic entrance to help...or...I dunno. Hardy raises their arms, then convinces them to put him on their shoulders (ha!) which they do, with some confusion. Now Hardy poses on the ropes!



MATT HARDY v. CHAVO GUERRERO - Hardy fistdrop, into the corner, climbs up for a Ten Punch Count Along and gets nine...backs up and there's ten. Guerrero reverses the whip, head down, Hardy kicks - but Guerrero manages a drop toehold through the ropes to the floor. Guerrero out after him - stomp - driven into the mat, rolled back in, slingshot into the press. Euro uppercut, stomp, stomp, stomp, stands on the face. Guerrero stays on him with a forearm, Hardy comes back with a right, right, right, right, into the corner, elbow up by Guerrero - Guerrero with a death suplex for 2. Hardy right, right, Guerrero knee - hey OCTOPUS! Hardy manages to start a reversal, so Guerrero rolls him up - 1, Hardy rolls through and reverses - 1, 2, no. Guerrero ducks a clothesline, double clothesline and both men are down. Both men up at the same time, Hardy with "Iblockyourpounchyoudon'tblockmine," Guerrero right back with a right, Hardy right, right, right, into the ropes, big back body drop...headlock takedown, 1, 2, no. Whip into the corner is reversed, but nobody's home on the knee attempt. Hardy runs into a boot - Guerrero leaps but Hardy catches him and delivers the Side Effect - lax cover, 1, 2, no! Right by Guerrero, Hardy ducks the next swing and gives Guerrero a sidewalk slam. Hardy going up for the ahhhhhhhhdrop - and hits it. Calling for the "Twist of Fate" - gutshot - but before he can deliver, the Kane pyro hits and everybody in the ring is surprised. We read the same message we read Monday (read the RAW report) and when we finally come back to the ring, a surprised Hardy gets rolled up in a schoolboy for 1, 2, 3! Man...these days, guys NEVER win at home, do they. (4:15) Hardy is suitably stunned - commentators are quick to point out that Hardy could have won the match earlier but for his grandstanding. Hardy calls over Chioda and we eavesdrop. "What do you think you're doin'?" "What?" "I did not..." "...your shoulders were down, Matt, that was three!" "That wasn't a three, everybody in here knows that if an explosion goes off in the building, the match automatically ends, it ceases, it stops, it's over!" "It was three. Matt, that was three. Your shoulders were down." "This is North Carolina! This is my hometown, Mike." "It was three, Matt." "Mike, they love me in Fayetteville!" "Your shoulders were down, it was three." "This is the biggest travesty since Earl Hebner screwed Bret Hart in Canada - you screwin' Matt Hardy in North Carolina..." we cut from here to



KURT ANGLE (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 237 pounds - with SmackDown! is brought to you by Whacko Tobacco, Foot Locker, and Blockbuster!) v. BILLY KIDMAN (Allentown, Pennsylvania - 215 pounds)

referee: Hebner

Lockup, Angle with a fireman's carry to an armbar - Kidman back up - fireman's carry but Kirman lands on his feet - runs the ropes, Kidman with a head scissors, dropkick, but Angle grabs a single leg and immediately puts on the anklelock - Kidman grabs the ropes. Angle stomp, stomp, argues with Hebner. Kidman on the apron with a head through the ropes - back to back over the top back into the ring, off the ropes, Frankensteiner (!) but runs into an elbow from Angle - and there's a German suplex - holding on for two - and holding on for three. At this point, the pyro hits and RAYMOND STEREO pops up from his entrance. Angle leaves the ring and goes after Mysterio...who goes backstage. Meanwhile, Hebner is up to six but Angle's back in...but runs into two boots from Kidman. Angle right back with a belly-to-belly overhead suplex. Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. Head to the buckle, right, right, right, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. We are told that Angle received (how many? "a number") stitches last week from his encounter with Mysterio. Scooped up...and a backbreaker. Leg is hooked - 1, 2, no. Somehow, Kidman MAGICALLY transports from close to the ropes to the centre of the ring (or, more likely, they edited to cut out some action between near falls here). Stomp by Angle. Stomp. Stomp. Kicks the ribs, stomp. Stands on the neck. Kidman fires a right, right, right, right, right, left, right, left, right, into the ropes is reversed, but Kidman is up and legs on the shoulders - head scissors puts Angle on the outside! Angle is dazed...then backs up, spying a Mysterio mask in the front row! It's only a "fan" as Angle unmasks him, piefaces him and tosses the mask. Meanwhile, Kidman's up top - plancha from the top to the floor! Kidman puts Angle back in...and follows. Angle up first with a right hand, right, right, right, into the ropes, but Kidman comes off with the forearm smash! Clothesline! Rolls up Angle - and gets 2! Angle right back, knee, knee, Kidman flips out and manages a tornado bulldog - 1, 2, no! Angle put into the ropes, no there's a reversal, but Kidman counters again with a DDT! 1, 2, no! Kidman on the shoulders - victory roll - no, Angle comes up with the anklelock! But Kidman manages to roll out! ENZUIGIRI! Kidman moves Angle into place and climbs the corner - will he hit the shooting star press? NO! Took too long climbing, Angle pops into the corner and throws off Kidman with a superplex! Angle hooks the leg - 1, 2, NO!! Angle is stomping mad - waiting for Kidman to get up - goes for the Olympic Slam but Kidman shakes it and lands on his feet - Angle runs in with a clothesline - Kidman ducks but Hebner is right there - ooh, full flip on the impact! Angle tries to run at Kidman with the ref out...but Kidman lowers the bridge and Angle goes outside! Angle decides to bring a chair back into the ring with him - swing and a miss - Kidman dropkicks the chair into Angle's face! Cover...Hebner stirs - 1 - 2 - NO!!! Kidman waits for Angle to get up - gutshot, into the corner sternum first - Kidman tries to come off the ropes...but Angle catches him with the Olympic Slam! But RAYMOND STEREO is out again - leaping off the top with a cannonball! Angle goes out after Mysterio - the chase is on outside the ring - Mysterio actually doing some Conquistador rolls as he leaps over the STEEL steps - now up the ramp - now leaping off the ramp to the floor in front of the stage - ANOTHER Conquistador roll - he's gone - oh oh, Hebner is counting to ten (station ID here) and he ain't gonna make it this time. BIG (kinda) WIN FOR KIDMAN! (COR Santa Cruz 8:31) Angle can't believe it - then focuses his rage on Kidman - ANOTHER German suplex! Angle mounts and punches away - that's ten big right hands. Angle dares Rey to come back out and try him again. Back over to Kidman, tossing him over the top rope to the floor! Play HIS music, 'cause he LOST!

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