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Guest Dmann2000

So should I go to Hooters

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Guest Dmann2000

Or should I stay and wait a day, I have a co-worker who'll be getting me a copy.

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Think of it this way.....you can watch it at home by yourself...or watch it in a fun atmosphere with constant drinks, chicken wings, and tits....hmmm...which should you choose?

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Guest Choken One

exactly...and you get the fun of seeing Marks actually think Goldberg is the greatest og all time...

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Guest Choken One

If I decide to drive up that far..Which I likely wont' since it's utting close...


I'll be rocking Black Sweats

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Guest Dmann2000
If I decide to drive up that far..Which I likely wont' since it's utting close...


I'll be rocking Black Sweats

Sure thing man

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Going to see PPvs at Hooters is fun sometimes, but I always end up getting a tape and watching the show again later because, at my Hooters at least, you can barely hear the audio most of the time and of course there are so many distractions there that I usually can't fully enjoy the show. It's fun to have people to talk to, but I appreciate the show more watching alone. I'm skipping the trip to Hooters tonight and getting a tape tomorrow.

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