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SJL Wrath

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* "The Brainbuster" plays as J.T. Playa makes his entrance followed by his entourage of local aspiring actresses promised their "big breaks". he's sporting his ultra cool sunglasses and his afro is higher than ever. He sort of looks like Mr T and the Godfather had a baby. he makes his way into the ring and poses for the crowd, followed by more flashes than Girls Gone Wild: Mardi Gras Edition.*


*His posing is interrupted as Filter's( in my stats, I put "fuel", my bad)"Cancer" starts playing. Hybrid arrives on the stage, looking slightly annoyed- he means business. He gets on the apron, cracks his neck in a circular motion, and stares down at one of JT's girls. He starts saying something to her until JT interrupts.


JT grabs Hybrid by the shoulder and hiptosses him into the ring- the match has begun. Hybrid gets to his feet and JT irish whips him into the rope, following that up by a sideslam pin for the quick win

1...2.......... Just a two count, Hybrid kicks out quickly


JT picks Hybrid up and throws him into the corner turnbuckle. He points at the crowd and runs full speed at Hybrid but Hybrid moves out of the way and JT hits the cold steel turnbuckle pole with his right arm. He gets up slowly after the hit and Hybrid gives him a German suplex.Hybrid takes a second to rest and stomps on JT's right arm a few times.


He then picks JT up slowly but JT gives him a jawbreaker while getting up. Hybrid takes a few steps back, holding his chin and gives Hybrid a super kick, taking him down. He then goes for the pin

1...2.... and Hybrid Kicks out!


JT picks Hybrid up and attempts to irish whip him into the turn buckle but Hybrid reverses and sends JT into the turnbuckle backfirst. JT starts walking forward and Hybrid runs toward him but JT throws him up, making him leapfrog over him and land on the second turnbuckle. JT then gives Hybrid a forearm to the spine and delivers a second turnbuckle neckbreaker, a-la Dvon Dudley. JT's girls cheer him on as he picks up Hybrid and goes for the Playa-canrana but Hybrid holds him and drops him back onto his feet. he then gives him a kickin the midsection and gives JT a powerbomb.


Hybrid then picks JT up and puts his hands around JT's neck as if he was setting up a diamond cutter and follows it up by a sliced bread #2 into a backbreaker. The crowd cheers and the cheers grow as he clmbs up to the opposite turnbuckle. He waits a second and dives off to execute his Hybrid Theory Frog splash but JT rolls out of the way, leaving both men down as the ref counts. Hybrid gets up first at the count of 7 and picks JT up onto his kness but JT gives him a shoulder tackle to the midsection and puts Hybrid's head between his legs. He then executes a double arm backbreaker, taking Hybrid down and making roll to the center of the ring in pain. He gets up and JT gives him the Playa's combo- left jab, swift kick, and a neckbreaker. With his back about a foot away from the turnbuckle, JT picks up Hybrid, taunts the crowd and sets Hybrid up for the Playa's Edge (razor's edge) but Hybrid kicks off of the turnbuckle and flips backward back onto his feet. When on his feet, he gives JT an arm wrench and kicks him arm with stiff kicks. JT tries to fight back with a kick of his own but Hybrid ducks under the kick, ending up behind JT and picks JT up in a reverse death valley position and executes a modified version of his perfection Through Silence, turning it into a falling armbreaker (traditionally a Downward Spiral) on JT's injured arm and gets the pin.

1...2...3 Hybrid wins it


The ref picks Hybrid's arm up to raise in celebration but Hybrid shakes it off and leaves the ring. The girls enter the ring and check up on JT as officicals examine his arm.

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An outside shot of the famous Madison Square Garden greets us as we return to Wrath…and yes, the power is back on. Inside the arena, thousands or screaming New Yorkers…and three commentators, ready to call another SJL match.


Judge- Welcome back to Madison Square Garden, and SJL Wrath, the night of opportunities. With major SJLers getting SWF chances, the chance is tonight for up and coming stars to stand up and be counted. This next match is a perfect example of that.

Ejiro- That’s right…it’s the return of everyone’s favourite punk kid Landon Maddix…

Annie- Here we go again. What is it you have against him?

Ejiro- His pure being for one. His fluke wins over Todd and Jay Morrison as well.


The camera shot cuts to the entrance way, as the intro to “We Took Pelham” has already started up. Many boos start up amongst the crowd, as Jay walks out, no fireworks however…this is Madison Square Garden…fireworks in the aisle wouldn’t be good for business.


Funyon- This contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the SJL Television Championship… Introducing first, from London England. Weighing 239lbs, the challenger this evening…JAAAY MORRISON!!!


Judge- Well as you mentioned Ejiro, Jay Morrison was defeated by Landon Maddix in a non title match last time we saw the TV Champ. He’s been away nursing a neck injury suffered in that match, but returns tonight…

Ejiro- Yeah, only this time he has to defend the title. He couldn’t wrangle his way outta this one.


Morrison walks down the aisle, gold robe flapping behind him as he looks disgustedly at some of the fans stretching out to touch him. Making it past the fans, Jay jumps up onto the apron and enters the ring, making a gesture to his waist like a title belt. He quickly removes his robe, ready for action immediately.


Ejiro- Morrison means business tonight. He wants revenge on that cheating punk Maddix, and he also wants the Television Title.


Morrison starts bouncing on the spot impatiently, wanting to get the action underway. He gets his wish soon enough, as the opening chords of 'The Fight Song' ring around the arena to big cheers from the crowd. As Manson’s voice begins to kick in, Maddix steps through the doors to the entrance, and takes a quick look around the famous setting.


Funyon- And his opponent. From Huron, South Dakota…weighing 206lbs…the reigning SJL World Television Champion…LAAANDON MAAADDIX!!!


Annie- Say what you want Ejiro, this kid is popular.

Ejiro- And…that doesn’t mean he’s talented. Me and Judgey weren’t the fans favourites all the time…but we were better than the bunch of suck-ups that were.


Continuing to look around, Maddix quickly adjusts the Television Championship belt around his waist before sprinting down the aisleway. Running past the many outstretched hands from the crowd, Maddix dives forward as he gets to the ring and baseball slides in…but is suddenly pounced upon with stomps from the waiting Jay Morrison. The music stops, the bell rings, and the cheers turn to boos as Morrison furiously stomps on the back of the Television Champion. With the belt still strapped round his waist, Maddix gets hauled to his feet and lit up with a stinging knifedge chop. Morrison grabs Maddix’s arm and whips Landon to the ropes, before dropping his head for a second in anticipation. Maddix sees it early, and leapfrogs over Jay, who gets up to a standing base confused. He turns around looking to see where Landon went, and is met with a dropkick to the chest, sending Morrison reeling backwards and to the outside.


Judge- What a start to this one. Maddix has come to New York fired up!

Ejiro- Lucky break…

Annie- You’ve always got an excuse haven’t you?


Maddix unstraps his belt and passes it to the referee, before moving closer to the ropes waiting to pounce. His opponent meanwhile is occupied jaw-jacking with the fans, and doesn’t seem to be getting the better of that either. Jay eventually turns away towards the ring, as Landon suddenly propels through the air looking for a plancha. Looking up just in time, Morrison sees Landon coming and sidesteps out of the way, Maddix smashing into the concrete floor.


Ejiro- See…Morrison just needed to get focused.

Annie- Sure…

Judge- Well, forgetting your squabbling, Maddix has to watch that neck. He’s been gone a week from injuring it, and now he may have damaged it on landing.

Ejiro- Jay knows that. He’ll go right to work on the neck I’m sure.


Morrison hauls Maddix to his feet, rolling him into the ring in the process before climbing to the apron himself. Taking a hold of the top rope with both hands, Jay leans back before pulling forward to fly into the ring, hitting a slingshot legdrop across the back of the neck of Maddix.


Ejiro- See…it’s perfect strategy. Morrison’s been watching tapes of their last match obviously…on his very expensive entertainment system.

Judge- Well…if he’s been home.

Ejiro- No, he’s got one on his jet as well.


Jay looks down on the writhing TV Champion and measures the back of the neck, hitting a leaping legdrop across the weakened body part again. Already Maddix seems to be in trouble, as Morrison pulls Landon up looking to add to it. A stiff knee gets driven to the gut by Jay, before he hooks the arm of Maddix over his head, and hits a vertical suplex. Morrison shoves Maddix onto his back and makes a cover…








quick kickout by Maddix.


Grabbing a handful of hair, Landon is dragged to his feet once more and hit with another knee to the breadbasket. Morrison backs away for a moment, before running past Maddix and bouncing off the ropes. Seeing him coming Maddix suddenly leaves his feet, and Jay runs straight into dropkick catching full on in the jaw. Morrison is down from the move, but Landon stays down as well, the landing from the dropkick possibly jolting his neck again.


Judge- Yeah…that neck is definitely giving Maddix problems. He may have returned too early…

Ejiro- If he stayed off much longer, he should have been stripped of the belt.

Annie- You’re just saying that because you’re a Todd Royal suck up.

Ejiro- Maybe I am…is that such a bad thing?


Morrison is in fact up to his feet first, and manages to catch Maddix with a boot to the back of the head before the champ can get back up. A couple more boots connect with the back of Landon’s head before he even gets a chance to recover from the first, as Morrison then turns around and gives a smug look out towards the MSG crowd. Behind him Landon starts to get to his feet, but cannot mount any offence as Morrison turns back around and hits a right hand to the face.


Ejiro- See…everything Jay does is focused on the neck…even that right hand snapped Maddix’s neck back.

Judge- When you go into a match with a marked injury, you know the opponent will target it, and that’s exactly what’s happened here.


Jay grabs Landon’s arm and irish whips him to the ropes, but upon hitting the ropes Maddix hooks his arms around the top rope and hangs on. In the middle jumping for a dropkick, Jay drops to his feet a little confused, and charges at Maddix. The challenger aims a clothesline at Landon, who ducks…but Jay avoids carrying over to the floor by putting the brakes on. Slowly Maddix turns around, and he’s dropped throat first across the top rope with a Stungun, snapping the neck back violently as the ropes spring back against it.


Ejiro- Oh boy, is there going to be a celebration party when Jay wins the title tonight. His jet will be filled with the finest free drink, the best music…the hottest chicks…

Annie- Err…if you can get me an invite…

Judge- Maddix has lost the match yet guys.

Ejiro- You know how bad his neck is. It’s a matter of time before Jay ends it.


Maddix is down, referee checking to see if Maddix can continue. Morrison takes the opportunity to talk down to the fans again, as Landon tries to get to his feet, not ready to give up yet. Another boot is driven to the neck by Morrison, but Maddix tries to fight it off and get back up regardless. Jay waits, and with a quick go-behind hooks Landon’s head with his hands and drives downwards with an aptly named neckbreaker. Cockily Morrison rolls Maddix over, and pushes down on the shoulder with a weak pin…
















Shoulder up.


This doesn’t seem to bother the challenger, who drags Maddix up looking to deliver more punishment.


Annie- Look at this…the kid’s slumped over like he’s just downed a whole bottle of vodka.

Ejiro- You’d know a lot about that I imagine.

Annie- What drinking?

Ejiro- Well, I meant more the being slumped over part…

Judge- Guys, please…


Taking a few steps back, Morrison readies himself before turning hitting a lariat, which turns Maddix inside out to ‘ooh’s from the crowd. Morrison stands over the face down Maddix and locks on a Camel Clutch. With an obvious focus, Jay doesn’t think as much about sitting on the back as he does pulling back on the head. The submission hold is enough to bring the crowd into the match, starting ‘the clap’ to try and encourage Landon on.


Judge- New York City solidly behind Landon Maddix…but I doubt a few thousand claps will be enough to get Landon back into this match.


Trying to draw some energy from somewhere, Maddix tries to push upwards and get to his feet. Morrison seems shocked at Maddix’s resolve, and for a few moments Landon begins to get an opportunity. Overcoming the surprise as quickly as possible, Jay releases the hold and jumps up, driving his weight down across the back on the way down. This stops Maddix’s momentum, and allows Jay to lock back on the camel clutch.


Ejiro- Brilliant strategy from Jay Morrison.

Annie- Is it? Maddix isn’t going to give up from a simple camel clutch…

Ejiro- But Jay isn’t looking for a pin here. He’s looking to weaken Maddix to breaking point. Literally…neck breaking point.


Again, Maddix starts to draw on the power of his fans and tries to power to his feet. Remembering his move before, Jay releases and drives down across the back once more, before putting the camel clutch back on. The resolve of the Television Champion seems to have been weakened, as there is no fight back this time. The crowd sense this, and involve themselves again, as Morrison looks angrily out at them trying to glare them into silence. It doesn’t work, and again Maddix starts to try and rise up.


Judge- This kid just won’t give up the fight. Incredible resolve.

Ejiro- In this business, we like to call it ‘more guts than brains’.


Jay smiles as the fight comes…he knows what to do. He releases and jumps up…but Maddix quickly rolls over onto his back and lifts his knees so Morrison lands squarely across them groin first! Jay’s eyes almost roll back into his head, a look of shock and pain on his face as he collapses sideways.


Ejiro- Illegal move. Illegal move.

Annie- He was protecting himself…

Ejiro- Illegal move!


Both men are down, the crowd trying desperately to get behind the Television Champion. Morrison is quick to grab the middle rope and pull himself up, as Maddix does the same…both men favouring very different parts of their anatomy. Both men meet in the middle of the ring, and Jay swings with a right hand. Raising his arm in time, Landon deflects the blow and flings a right himself, connecting with Morrison’s jaw. Landon suddenly erupts, a rapid flurry of jabs begin to connect one after the other, Jay getting rocked back with each one.


Judge- He’s fighting back. How the hell does he do this?

Ejiro- I have no earthly clue.

Annie- It’s about passion. Surely you know about that.

Ejiro- Well, I guess the passion for the winners’ money helped me…

Judge- Yeah…yeah, the money passion.


Morrison is sent reeling back into the ropes, where Landon meets him with a stinging chop to the chest. Still favouring the neck on every movement, Maddix tries to grit his teeth and continue on. Jay is sent towards the ropes but manages to reverse the whip and send Maddix in. Coming back off, Landon dives forward for a flying forearm. Seeing it coming, Jay manages to duck and run on to the ropes. By the time he gets back to the middle of the ring, Maddix is up. Holding the arm out for a clothesline, Morrison telegraphs the move, and Maddix uses the arm to swing around Jay’s back and come back to the front with the Nose Job DDT! Quickly Landon scrambles Jay over and makes a cover…





















Ejiro- Oh god that was close.

Annie- Calm down, you’re getting a little…‘Eji’. Get it? Eji…edgy…

Ejiro- You know…there’s a reason you’re here and not doing stand-up.


Maddix gets back to his feet and walks over to the corner, trying to get the crowd behind him as he prepares to go to the middle rope. He takes too long though, as Jay is back up and charging. Maddix doesn’t see his challenger coming and gets engulfed in the corner with an avalanche which sends him slumping to the mat. Back in control, Jay drives his foot into the throat of ‘La Cucaracha’ choking him in the corner. A break is given at four, as Jay spins around with outstretched arms taunting the crowd. Still fighting, Landon is already pulling himself up in the corner. As he gets back up, Jay charges and hits a running clothesline in the corner putting Landon down again.


Judge- Well it seems Morrison has quelled the little fight back from the champ.

Ejiro- And he’s back on course for the win, the belt, and the par-tay tonight!

Annie- Who the hell calls it a ‘par-tay’?


With a look of snooty disgust, Morrison pulls Landon to his feet and slaps the taste right out of his mouth!


Ejiro- Oh ho! It’s about humiliation right now.

Judge- Yes, Morrison is of course looking to avenge a loss to Maddix back on Wrath in Winnipeg a couple of weeks ago.


Jay has a big smile on his face now, as he again slaps Maddix in the face…but suddenly Landon throws his head back and the long fringe cannot hide Maddix’s fury. The smile on Jay’s face disappears, as Landon encourages Jay to bring it on.


Ejiro- Oh no… the adrenaline just kicked in.

Annie- That’s the downside to slapping someone in the face.


Not knowing what else to do, Jay swings a right hand towards Maddix. The shot connects, and at first Landon reaches for his face in pain…but then he turns to Jay and smiles! Another fist, and again Maddix shakes off the pain as Morrison is having a tough time believing what is going on.


Judge- Those fists are hurting Maddix…he’s feeling those shots, but the adrenaline running through him is numbing the pain quicker than usually.

Ejiro- This kid is unbelievable. Unbelievably stupid for encouraging Jay to hit him…but still unbelievable.


Taking a different option Jay hits a knee to the gut…a series of them, as they seem to be having more effect. Morrison then goes to whip Landon to the opposite corner, but he manages to reverse and send Jay in. Crashing into the turnbuckle pads, Morrison yells out in pain and staggers out as Landon is charging towards him. Jay sees him coming and quickly dives through the ropes to the apron. Landon stops himself by jumping to the middle rope, as Morrison slowly gets up, letting the crowd know how clever he thinks he is by pointing to his head…but Maddix is waiting on the middle rope for him to turn around.


Ejiro- Jay! Behind you…he’s not hurt!

Judge- Morrison doesn’t see Landon to his right…


As Jay turns around, Maddix uses the middle rope to propel back and knock Jay off the apron with a flying forearm!


Judge- Now he does!!!


Morrison connects with the floor with a thud, as Landon is picking himself up in the ring, trying to block out the pain he is in. As Jay begins to get to his feet, Landon runs to the opposite ropes, charging across the ring. As he gets back to the ropes in front of Morrison he suddenly leaps…twisting in mid-air and wiping Morrison out on the outside!!!!!

Annie- OH MY GOD!!!




The crowd are on their feet, chanting “SJL…SJL…SJL” at the tops of their voices in stunned admiration. Landon grimaces in pain on the floor, possibly aggravating his neck from the extremely high risk manoeuvre, as Jay is out.


Judge- What an incredible move! Madison Square Garden just erupted for that one.


Maddix pulls Jay up with all the strength he can muster, and rolls him back into the ring. Still favouring the neck, Maddix is a little slow getting back to the apron but eventually he does. Seeing that Morrison is in a good position, the champ raises his hand signalling for the ‘Fah-Laming Fury Moonsault’. Once again the crowd get to their feet, wanting to see what Maddix is about to do, as suddenly he launches himself to the top rope. In one swift move, he quickly springboards onto the adjacent top rope and jumps back for the moonsault…




Maddix holds his gut, writhing in pain as out of sheer desperation Morrison rolls over and drapes over an arm…












































Ejiro- NO! DAMN IT NO!

Judge- Maddix kicks out again! We were so close to crowning a new Television Champion!

Ejiro- Not close enough for my liking.


Morrison seems almost as angry as Ejiro does, ranting and raving to anyone close by. Landon looks almost out of it, but obviously not quite done yet. Eventually Jay goes back to work, firing a wild flurry of stomps with little aim around the head area, shouting wildly with each one.


Ejiro- Jay’s mad now. He’s gotten Jay angry…and little Landon won’t like Jay when he’s angry!


Trying to recover from the sudden onslaught, Landon grabs the ropes and pulls himself to his feet as Morrison is waiting. A forearm connects with the lower spine, and another to the neck. Jay hooks both of his arms under Landon’s with a double chicken wing, and suddenly leans back taking Maddix over with a tiger suplex which folds Landon up over his neck!


Judge- Oh no…that’s the type of position he landed in after the spinebuster that injured him in the first place…

Ejiro- Then it’s safe to say it’s over?


Jay looks down at Maddix who seems to be out cold, a little smile emerging over his face as he rolls Landon over and hooks the leg…















































Judge- Good god he kicked out again!

Ejiro- What the hell…THAT WAS THREE!!!


Jay cannot believe what is happening, loudly cursing his luck as Maddix is still trying to fight his way to his feet. This time however, as he gets to his knees he suddenly drops, seemingly out of gas. Jay sees this and quickly pulls Landon up, before locking on the Sideliner!


Ejiro- YES! This is it! Landon’s neck can’t withstand this!

Judge- This move does work on the neck…the main target of the chicken wing is the shoulder though…

Ejiro- When you’ve got a neck the thickness of Maddix’s, a sneeze can snap it in two. It won’t hold up against this move!


With all the madness of the man who made the move famous Bob Backlund, Jay starts to throw Landon about, every movement pulling on Landon’s neck a little more. As the anger builds up in Jay, he begins to shake Maddix more violently, almost like a ragdoll. In a desperate attempt for an escape, Maddix tries to drag forward, but Jay’s weight holds him back. A last gasp effort suddenly sends the two forward, as Landon raises his legs and pushes back off the top turnbuckle, landing on top with a pinning combination…

































Ejiro- COME ON!!!





























The crowd, sensing the end, let out a collective sigh of disappointment as Landon holds his head in pain and disbelief.


Judge- Jay only just released the Sideliner in time to kick out…that was damn close.

Ejiro- That’s just the way Landon wins his matches…with fluky manoeuvres like that.


Jay gets to his feet, to be met with a boot to the gut. Doubled over, Jay holds his stomach as Landon runs to the ropes. As he comes back Morrison steps forward and backdrops Maddix over, but the TV Champ lands on his feet a little unsteadily. Landon jumps up and onto Jay’s shoulders, and tries to lean his weight forward for a victory roll, but Jay pushes him off and first into the top turnbuckle. Slowly he staggers back from the corner, and Morrison goes to lock on the Sideliner again, but Landon blocks and takes Jay over with a judo style throw.


Annie- I didn’t know this kid knew judo.

Ejiro- He doesn’t…believe me. I know judo, and that was not judo.


A little thrown off his game, Jay stands back up and sprints towards Landon but into a droptoehold. As Jay begins to get back up, Maddix jumps forward and hits an inverted shining wizard, the kick connecting full on with the FACE of Jay Morrison.


Judge- DAMN what a kick!

Ejiro- Oh no…Jay…Jay get up.


Maddix floats over from the kick, locking in a body scissors variation that pins Morrison…


















































Judge- So close!

Annie- He may not have got the three, but the damage may already be done.


Maddix is up to his feet, ready and waiting. Morrison slowly gets up and is met on his knees with a series of stinging rights. With Morrison still on his knees, Landon backs up and goes for the shining wizard again, but this time Jay ducks. The leg flies high over it’s target, as Jay pops to his feet and hits a forearm to the ribs.


Ejiro- Come on Jay…end it now!

Annie- Oh please, stop.


Hooking on a waistlock, Jay looks for a german suplex as he lifts Maddix up…but not over. Releasing the waistlock, Morrison hits a series of right forearms to the back of the neck before again going for the german suplex. Hooking his arm over the top rope, Landon blocks the german, and hits an elbow to the head before spinning behind. With the energy he has left, Maddix pushes Jay forward sternum first into the top turnbuckle. Slowly Jay staggers backwards, as Landon hops to the middle rope and hooks Morrison’s head over his shoulder.


Judge- Here it comes…Jay Morrison experience a Crash Landon!

Ejiro- Oh yeah, very cute…COME ON JAY!


With the fans on their feet, Landon raises his arm and twists off the second rope, not getting much height due to his fatigue, but still dropping Jay first for a cover…




















































Ejiro- Come on Jay!






…EEEEE!!!!! Maddix wins again!


Judge- It’s over, and Maddix does it again!

Ejiro- Damn it!

Annie- This kid is going straight to the top…and he’s going there in a hurry.


“The Fight Song” starts up again as the Television Championship belt is slid into the ring. Maddix takes it from the referee and raises it above his head in weary victory. The crowd show their appreciation for his efforts, as with his neck clearly still bothering him Landon climbs to the middle turnbuckle and raises the belt again. Morrison leaves the ring, pointing threateningly at Landon as his leaves, and as SJL goes to a commercial break.

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Judge: SJL Wrath is back!!!


Ejiro: Yeah, but talk about uneventful. Where are all the champs?


Judge: We're stealing the talent from the farm league, that's where they are.


Annie: Well, not all the talent. We left these two behind.


Ejiro: ...What?


Annie: You know, Liston and Sullivan.


Ejiro: They're not talented.


Judge: Trepanier's got my vote for this match. Liston sucks.


Annie: You would support the straight guy.


Judge: Annie, Liston is not gay. Sullivan is not gay. They are both very straight men, I assure you.


Annie: Of course they would tell you that. Homophobe.


Funyon walks out into the ring, microphone in hand.


Funyon: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall.


Marilyn Manson's "This Is The New Shit" strikes up as Chris Trepanier walks out the entrance and down the ramp to the ring.


Funyon: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 272 pounds, from Grand Rapids, Manitoba, Canada, "CANADIAN THUNDER" CHRIS TREPANIER!!!


Trepanier bends under the ropes, and crosses to the far side of the ring. He collects himself, and awaits the entrance of his opponent.


Ejiro: You see, Trepanier is ready for business. I'm giving this match to Thunder. He's gonna take it.




Korn's "Faget" begins to play as Tyler Sullivan enters the arena. He walks down to ringside, enters the ring, and says something to Funyon.


Funyon:; Ladies and gentlemen, there has been a last minute substitution. Chris Trepanier's opponent will be TYLER SULLIVAN!!!


Ejiro: What the hell is going on?


Judge: This is... awkward.


Ejiro: Where's that chickenshit Liston?


Judge: Trepanier does not appear to be surprised by this. Maybe he has something to do with it.


Ejiro: Or maybe he just knows he's gonna kick ass, no matter who his opponent is.




A voice booms out from backstage as SJL Commissioner Chris Raynor enters, microphone in hand.


Raynor: Don't you start this match! This match was booked between Trepanier and Liston, not Liston's little gay buddy.


Annie: You see, guys?!? I told you!!!


Sullivan takes Funyon's mic.


Sullivan: Well, Chris, you see...


Raynor: Don't you call me Chris, you little shit. I'm Commissioner Raynor.


Sullivan: Well, Raynor, Liston refuses to come out.


Raynor: Why?


Sullivan: He hates New York. He would rather die than fight in Madison Square Garden.


Raynor: I'll kill him myself if he doesn't get his sorry ass out here, now!


Ejiro: Trepanier will kill him in the ring if he does come out.


Raynor: Whatever. I'm done with this shit. I'll make this plain and simple. I'm going back to my office. If Liston isn't out here before I get there, he's fired.


Raynor drops the mic, and walks off backstage. Everyone looks about, perplexed. After a few moments, the lights darken.




Rob Zombie's "Demon Speeding" erupts from the speakers as Liston walks down to the ring. The lights raise to reveal Liston in the center of the ring, holding a baseball bat, and wearing a "Yankees Suck" baseball cap and a t-shirt with a large picture of Derek Jeter's injury on the front. Standing next to Liston is a life-sized cardboard stand-up of Roger Clemens. Liston pulls a zippo from his pants, and sets the stand-up ablaze.




Back in Boston, every good drunken citizen picks up the chant. However, we're not in Boston. We're in New York, where Liston is being booed. Beer cups come flying from the crowd as Liston swings the bat, knocking the flaming cardboard head of Roger Clemens to ringside. Sullivan comes slowly up behind Liston, and lays a hand on his friend's shoulder.


Sullivan: Jimmy… what the hell are you doing?


Liston: I told them I didn't want to fight here, ever. Now they'll see why.


Trepanier: Fuck this. I'm sorry, but I'm not wrestling this asshole. I've been waiting here 10 minutes, just for the match to begin.


Liston: What? Wait, no. I'll fight, I'll fight. Here, just give me a sec to put poor Rog out of his misery.




Liston kicks the flaming debris out of the ring. Kivall climbs out, grabs a fire extinguisher from under the ring, and puts the fire out. Liston and Trepanier stare at each other. Trepanier waves his arm to the side, telling Liston to drop the baseball bat. Liston does not respond. Trepanier shouts at Liston. Liston holds up the bat, inquisitively. Trepanier nods. Liston raises and swing the bat onto Trepanier's shoulder, near the neck. Trepanier drops as Liston goes down for the cover. Sullivan pulls Kivell towards the ring, and Kivell starts the count...










Referee Kivell lifts Liston's arm as Rob Zombie's "Demon Speeding" begins to play. Liston raises the bat, swings and catches Sullivan in the jaw. Sullivan falls to the mat. A group of security officials run into the ring, handcuff Liston, and escort him out of the ring and backstage.


Judge: ... What the fuck just happened?


Annie: You've got me. Maybe a lover's quarrel?


Ejiro: ... Man... That was awesome! Liston just totally flipped out! Psycho-style!


Annie: More like Todd-style, with that baseball bat.


Judge: Well, we knew he was going to lose. Maybe he knew it, too.


Ejiro: That may be the last of Liston we'll see for a while.


Judge: wow.


Annie: shit.

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The camera opens back up the Annie, Judge and Ejiro seated at ringside. Ejiro is stifling a yawn, as Annie is busy gazing at a couple females seated in the stands holding hands. Judge nudges Annie hard in the ribs as she shoots him a glare.


“We’re on Annie” whispers Judge as Annie whirls her head towards the camera, face quickly blushing red.


“Um...Welcome back to Wrath here at Madison Square Garden in New York. We’ve seen several great wrestling matches including the debut of J.T. Playa and Landon Maddix defending his SJL TV Title against Jay Morrison,” mumbles Annie, clearly surprised.


Judge cracks a slight smile, “Speaking of Title Matches up next we have a member of Urban Decay in Dominic Korgath taking on Danny Conklin for the #1 Contendorship to fellow member English Dragon’s European Title. Conklin had a shot at Metal however Dragon proved too much to handle and picked up the victory despite losing in the first round of the SWF Title Shot Tournament.” Says Judge.


“This just sucks you know. Conklin already had his Title Shot and lost the match so therefore, why shouldn’t Korgath be given a fair shot at the Title now?” mutters Ejiro.


Annie just sighs and rolls her eyes, “Danny got screwed out of the Title win on Metal so he deserves a chance to win the Title again” states Annie.


“Speaking of this match, let’s head down to Funyon who is ready to announce the participants for this #1 Contender’s match” says Judge.


Funyon: This match is 1 fall with a 30-minute time limit and is for the #1 Contendorship to the SJL European Title. Making his way to the ring, weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds, hailing from Dublin, Ireland and accompanied by Janet Quinn…Danny Cooooooonklin!


The crowd lets out a decent pop for the Irish man while “Danny Boy” begins to play over the sound system in Madison Square Garden. Danny walks out with both arms raised high into the air as the crowd starts up a small but noticeable “Dan-Ny, Dan-Ny” chant. Janet follows behind him, giving out plastic clovers to the pre-teen fans standing at ringside. Danny slides into the ring as Janet finishes handing out the clovers, taking position at ringside to cheer on her man. Danny climbs onto the second turnbuckle and looks over the large capacity crowd before pressing the palm of his hand against his mouth and blowing a big kiss. Conklin steps down and stands in the corner, getting checked over by referee Matthew Kivell for any illegal objects.


“That’s right, check him further in depth Kivell cause Conklin is the type of person that will cheat at any cost,” mutters Ejiro with a slight fury etched on his face.


“Oh please, Danny knows that it’s not right to use an illegal object unless it’s a hardcore match. However, sadly I can’t say the same for certain members of Urban Decay like the European Champion, English Dragon” says Annie with a shrug of her shoulders. Ejiro lets out a slight growl but remains in his seat as Judge glances at Ejiro but before he can say anything…


Zack de la Rocha’s “March of Death” strikes up over the Madison Square Garden sound system as the crowd begins to boo loudly. Dominic Korgath walks out first with a focused step as the other members of Urban Decay, European Champion English Dragon, Scott Solomon and Chris Trepanier flank him. The stable members all pause outside the ring however Matthew Kivell leans over the ropes and tells the Urban Decay members that they are ejected from ringside to a big pop from the crowd. Korgath, now in the ring just nods his head at them as he turns his attention back towards Conklin. The members make their way backstage dejectedly as Kivell gives the signal and the ring keeper rings the bell, signaling the start of the match.


“And the match is officially underway” shouts Annie over the buzzing of the crowd.


“Look at that Annie, Danny needed Kivell to remove the other members of Urban Decay to insure a fair advantage. How pathetic is that? Conklin should be a man and try to fight Korgath with the other members surrounding ringside. Why didn’t Kivell eject Janet?” asks Ejiro with a slight gleam in his eye.


“Everybody knows that Janet doesn’t interfere nearly as often as Urban Decay does. Also the members of Urban Decay are as trust worthy as you,” mutters Annie as Ejiro shoots a shocked look in her direction even as Judge cracks the tiniest of smiles.


“How could you say that? I’m a lot more trust worthy then you give me credit for Annie. Why do you think I got this job? I’m reliable and I’m fair…to a point” replies Ejiro as Annie just rolls her eyes and focuses her attention on the match at hand.


Dominic wastes no time as he immediately charges towards Conklin like a raging bear. Danny manages to sidestep out of the way as Korgath smashes into the corner hard, stumbling back in surprise. Danny leaps up, driving both feet to Korgath’s back and sending him back chest first into the corner with a dropkick. Danny spins Korgath around and climbs onto the second turnbuckle as he begins to rain down hard right hands to the cranium with the crowd happily chanting along.
















Korgath soon ends this though as he uses his massive strength to shove Conklin off sending him flying hard onto the mat on his back. Conklin gets up and charges, jumping onto the second turnbuckle and raining punches down yet again.


“Looks like Conklin won’t let one thwarted attempt stop him from trying to unleash any form of punishment on Dominic” says Annie.


“Did you see the strength there? This man won’t be beaten Annie, just accept that” mutters Ejiro.


“Indeed Dominic does have amazing strength, hell some people might even say he’s the strongest wrestler here in the SJL however you can’t count out Danny’s speed and the fact that he does have Janet at ringside” says Judge, the wisdom flowing forth. Ejiro just looks at Judge in utter shock as Judge looks away guiltily.


“What…what the hell was that?” asks Ejiro incredulously.


“The network…erm, the network executive told me to say that” replies Judge, still keeping his eyes on the ring as Annie is busy smirking in the background.


“Liar” mutters Ejiro, now crossing his arms across his chest as Judge just sighs.










Yet again Dominic uses his strength, shoving Danny hard to the mat before casually walking out of the corner. Danny gets back to his feet and charges as Korgath prepares himself for a hard right hand but Danny slides through Korgath’s legs! Danny quickly gets to his feet, bounces himself off the ropes and leaps, catching Korgath and driving him face first into the mat with a running bulldog to a decent pop. Conklin rolls Korgath over and delivers a few stomps before turning around. Danny flips himself in the air, landing chest first onto Dominic with a standing moonsault press as referee Matthew Kivell dives down to the mat, making the count.








“Close near fall there for the Irish one” says Annie.


“See, Danny just shows off for the crowd. If he started focusing more on continuing the attack and wearing down his opponent, he’d stand a much better chance to win matches in the future. However since he continues wrestling as what I would call a showboat, he’ll continue to lose these matches” comments Judge with a smile. Annie looks at him with a little bit of surprise crossing her face.


“I’m shocked Judge…normally you are somewhat conservative and laid back but tonight you seem to be into this” replies Annie as Judge just nods his head. Ejiro lets out a derisive snort as Judge shoots a look in his direction but says nothing.


Korgath sends Conklin flying through the air with a powerful kick out. Danny gets to his feet and leaps up onto the second turnbuckle, looking to continue his momentum here. Danny leaps off, looking for a double axe handle smash however Dominic manages to catch Danny in a belly-to-belly waist lock before throwing Danny over his head, sending him smacking hard against the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Korgath slowly gets back to his feet as he drops a big leg drop across Conklin’s throat, keeping his leg there and ordering Kivell to start counting. Kivell dives down to the mat and begins to count the pin fall.







“Big leg drop by Korgath delivered just now and once again using his massive frame and weight to his advantage” comments Ejiro, seemingly forgetting what happened earlier with Judge.


“Korgath is using his size very well, even I must admit. If he continues the momentum and doesn’t let Danny get any chance to make a come back he could very well pull off a victory here in Madison Square Garden” comments Annie.


Conklin easily kicks out of the pin attempt. Dominic lifts up Conklin by the hair and props him against the ropes. Dominic whips Danny hard before delivering a massive clothesline. Korgath follows it up with an elbow drop, driving the elbow directly into the sternum as Danny clutches at his chest in pain. Dominic delivers a second elbow drop to loud boos and gets back to his feet before dropping a third elbow drop to big heat. He makes a casual cover, not bothering to hook the leg at all.







Conklin once again kicks out of the pinning predicament.


“Korgath beginning to dominate Conklin” comments Ejiro with a slight grin spreading across his face.


“Yeah, Dominic is continuing the advantage and is beginning to wear Conklin down with repeated pin attempts. Each time Danny kicks out, more energy is wasted” replies Judge.


Dominic lifts up Conklin again and delivers a series of hard right hands that send Conklin staggering backwards. Dominic kicks Danny hard in the mid-section, sending Danny bent over as Korgath grabs Danny in a back waist lock and lifts him up high in the air, dropping him down to the mat hard on his back with a back drop. Dominic just stands, waiting for Danny to get back to his feet. Danny slowly makes it back to his feet as Dominic grabs Conklin in a face lock. Korgath tosses Danny’s arm over his shoulder and lifts him up high in the air however Danny manages to land on his feet to a decent pop from the Madison Square Garden crowd. Danny spins around, as does Korgath. Danny delivers a poke to the eye as Kivell begins to admonish him but Conklin ignores him, delivering a hard right hand that knocks Dominic backwards.


“What blatant cheating! It’s an absolute outrage and I demand that Conklin gets disqualified!” shouts Ejiro over the cheers of the crowd.


“Oh come on, it was just a little eye poke Ejiro. I’ve seen a lot worse done by other wrestlers including yourself,” replies Annie with a glare.


“So what Annie because the rule is, any illegal maneuver is grounds for a disqualification which is exactly what Conklin’s eye poke was. I told you that Kivell was right in searching Danny for any illegal objects and there’s a reason why,” replies Ejiro with a smug look despite the hate behind his eyes.


“Ugh…if it weren’t for wrestlers like you the SWF would be a lot more fun to work” replies Annie with a smile as Ejiro shoots her a glare that is so sharp that even Judge is forced to look away.


“Ya know bitch, if it weren’t for me and Judge the SWF’s tag division would’ve turned to crap. We carried that division single handedly. Hell, when’s the last time you’ve done anything of importance?” replies Ejiro with a snarl and a sneer. Annie glares at him and folds her arms across her chest but does not make a reply, instead glaring at the action in the ring.


Danny nails a couple more hard right hands as Korgath is now resting against the ropes. Danny backs up all the way across the ring and charges however Korgath ducks, propelling Danny over the top rope with a back body drop that sends Danny landing squarely on his back on the mats outside as the crowd quickly starts up a “Holy Shit, Holy Shit, Holy Shit” chant at the big bump that Conklin just took. Janet begins to make her way to check on him but backs off as Korgath rolls out of the ring and advances towards Conklin. Referee Matthew Kivell leans over the top rope, beginning to administer the mandatory out of ring 10 count as Korgath delivers a few stomps to the downed Conklin.











4… Korgath lifts up Conklin and holds him horizontally across his chest before driving him hard back first into the ring and dropping him to the mat.


“Nasty move delivered there by Dominic, once again using his massive strength to his advantage. I’m not sure how long Danny can continue sustaining this type of a beating” comments Judge as Annie is busy still stewing in her seat.


“Dominic could end this match right now if he wanted to Judge, the fact is though that Korgath likes delivering punishment to his opponents and what better way to do that then to just continue beating them down” responds Ejiro with a mocking grin.








8…Korgath lifts up Conklin and rolls him into the ring before climbing in himself. Korgath delivers a few stomps before stomping and just looking over the booing crowd here in Madison Square Garden. Korgath lifts up Conklin to his feet and grabs him, lifting him up so Danny is horizontal to Korgath’s body. Dominic scans over the crowd before using his massive strength to send Conklin flying over his head, sending Danny down hard onto his back. Dominic turns around and makes the cover on Danny with Kivell diving to the mat, ready to count the pin.












Three! NO, KICK OUT!


“Very close near fall right there for Dominic. I could have sworn he had him right there” comments Ejiro.


“Don’t get your hopes up on Korgath getting the ring Ejiro. Danny can still make a come back at any given time,” comments Annie.


Korgath gets to his feet and bends down, pulling Conklin back to his feet by using the hair. Dominic grabs Danny tightly around the throat however Conklin nails Dominic with a series of kicks to the stomach which are having very little effect physically but manage to break the hold on his neck. Danny goes to deliver another kick but Dominic manages to catch his foot! Danny hops in place for a few seconds before swinging his body up, using the momentum to plant the front of his right foot directly into the eardrum of Dominic Korgath’s skull. Korgath crumples to the mat as Danny crawls to the ropes, using them to aid himself back to his feet. Danny looks over the cheering crowd before stepping out onto the apron. Danny waits patiently as Dominic slowly makes it back to his feet. Danny grabs the top rope, leaning backwards and pulling himself forward, using the momentum to smash his arm against Korgath’s chest however the lumbering giant only staggers a few steps backwards. Danny quickly gets to his feet and bounces off the ropes, delivering another clothesline, which sends the giant barely budging. Korgath motions for Danny to do it again. Danny bounces off the ropes and charges but instead of delivering a clothesline, he slides beneath Korgath’s legs and leaps onto the big man’s shoulders. Danny remains there, looking for a victory roll however Korgath just falls backwards, crushing Danny against the mat with an electric chair drop which gets a big “OH” from the fans when Danny crashes down hard on his back.


“What a nasty fall for Conklin. He must be in serious pain after that maneuver” comments Annie.


“Even I have to admit that looked very painful,” replies Ejiro as Annie looks in his direction, arching an eyebrow however Ejiro just sticks his tongue out at her in response as she grins.


“So much for the come back there. Dominic pretty much ended that one with the electric chair drop” comments Judge.


Dominic slowly rolls over onto his stomach and makes the cover, hooking the leg this time as Matthew Kivell slides to the mat, ready to start the three count.












Korgath, who’s using the hair once again, lifts Danny to his feet. Korgath begins to pummel Conklin with hard rights and lefts, sending Danny leaning against the ropes in a weary state. Dominic grabs Danny by the wrist, using his strength to whip Danny hard into the opposing ropes. Danny bounces back as Korgath lifts up his leg, looking to smash his boot directly into Danny’s face but Danny uses his speed to duck beneath the boot, bouncing himself off the ropes and flying through the air, connecting with a forearm to Korgath’s face that sends the big man staggering backwards to a big pop from the crowd. Danny gets to his feet, pummeling Korgath in the face with vicious lefts and rights that only a true brawler could learn. Danny rears back…




The sickly sound of a closed right fist smacking against the skin covering the bones in the jaw line is heard throughout the arena as Korgath crumples to the mat, head resting against the second rope and a glazed look in his eyes. Danny backs up a bit as Kivell immediately dives to the mat, asking if Korgath is alright to continue. Danny raises both arms into the air, eliciting a big cheer from the crowd and a “Dan-Ny, Dan-Ny, Dan-Ny” chant as Korgath begins to shake his head, clearing the cob webs and seemingly ready to continue wrestling the match.


Annie just sits there in shock; “I’m surprised Danny didn’t legitimately knock out Dominic with that punch. I mean did you hear the sickening sound it made?” says Annie, shuddering at remembering the sound.


Judge just nods his head in agreement, “Now I think I respect Korgath a lot more then I use to after taking that hard right hand and getting back up to wrestle” he mutters.


“If it were me, Conklin would have been disqualified for using an illegally closed fist,” retorts Ejiro as Annie just shakes her head in disgust.


Dominic is using the ropes to help himself to his feet, obviously a little slow and sluggish but still managing to do it all the same. Danny advances forward, grabbing a nearly out of it Korgath by the wrist and whipping him towards the ropes. Dominic lumbers back as Danny leaps off, driving the soles of his boots directly into Korgath’s face and sending the big man down as the crowd lets out a shocked gasp at Conklin managing to get Dominic off his feet and flat on his back. Danny looks over at the corner before glancing down at the fallen giant of a man. Danny begins to walk towards the turnbuckle and begins to ascend it, one buckle at a time as Dominic remains on the mat out like a light. Danny perches himself on the top turnbuckle, slowly turning to face the crowd as they begin to stand on their feet. Danny slowly rises himself to a standing position and leaps, arching backwards and floating over down towards the mat…




Danny rolls off Korgath as the shock of smacking chest to chest strikes him. Danny clutches at his chest for a couple seconds before scrambling forward and covering Korgath. Danny hooks the leg however the leg is barely off the mat due to the size of Dominic. Kivell runs around Korgath’s head to get in better position for the count and slides down to the mat as the crowd begins to chant along with the count.





















“Oh my, what a close, close near fall that one was. I certainly expected that to be the match ender, especially after the devilish right that Danny nailed only moments earlier,” gasps out Annie.


“I don’t think you could have gotten a near fall that was any closer to three then right there,” exclaims Judge, as Ejiro is busy sighing in relief.


“I knew Dominic still had some fight in him” comments Ejiro as Annie lets out a laugh. Ejiro shoots a glare in her direction but returns his focus to the ring instead.


Danny climbs to his feet, looking up at Kivell in surprise as Kivell re-iterates to Danny that the count was only 2. Danny grabs Korgath and lifts him to his feet very slowly as Korgath is seemingly dead weight right now. Danny hooks Korgath’s head beneath his left arm in a front face lock as the crowd remains standing on their feet, knowing what’s coming up next. Korgath however suddenly breaks out of it, nailing Danny with a hard right hand, another connects and a third nearly sends Conklin out on his feet. Dominic grabs Danny by the wrist whipping him hard into the corner as Danny immediately clutches at his back upon stumbling out. Korgath charges forward, raising his boot high into the air!




Danny just falls to the mat, seemingly dead as referee Matthew Kivell dives over him, asking if he’s capable of continuing the match as Korgath backs up a bit and stands, listening to the loud boos emanating from the Madison Square Garden crowd.


“What a sickening Yakuza kick delivered by Korgath. The sound was exactly like the one made when Danny nailed Dominic flush in the face with a closed right hand” mumbles Annie in shock at the stiff turn of events this match has suddenly taken.


“Well, you could just call it pay back for what happened earlier Annie. Also you know very well that wrestling can be stiff at times and things like this happen occasionally” responds Ejiro as Annie begins to shoot a glare in his direction but just nods her head in agreement.


Kivell backs off, signaling to Korgath that Conklin is okay to continue the wrestling match. Korgath moves forward and lifts Danny up to his feet. Korgath nails a couple hard right hands to the face before grabbing Danny by the throat with one hand. Korgath scans over the jeering crowd before using his strength to lift Danny high into the air with one arm, using his hand to keep Danny balanced. Dominic brings Danny down hard with his arm…




Danny lands hard square on his back as Korgath just looks down at his broken body. Dominic casually backs himself against the ropes and leans on them. He stands there for a few seconds before propelling himself forward like a jet…well, compared to how most fat asses move he was moving like a jet…anyways Korgath jets forward and leaps in the air, getting decent hang time for a big man. He lands hard…chest first with the mat!


“Conklin somehow rolled out of the way! Dominic must have taken too much time setting up for the big splash,” shouts Annie over the cheering of the crowd.


“Look, Danny is back to his feet and is waiting for Korgath to get back to his feet,” says Judge.


Conklin indeed is back to his feet and is awaiting Korgath’s rise to his feet. Dominic finally manages to get to his feet as he tries to locate Conklin and quickly does. Korgath remains standing where he is as Danny launches himself forward like a lost gymnast. Conklin executes a well-done front handspring and pulls himself up onto Korgath’s shoulders! Realizing Dominic’s size, Conklin begins to pound away with right hands and another loud SMACK echoes throughout the arena however Korgath is still on his feet. Danny pulls himself backwards however Korgath keeps his hold on Danny, bringing him back up. Danny immediately whips himself around so that he’s now seated behind Korgath’s skull. Danny leaps off, catching Dominic’s head and driving him down hard face first to the mat with a bulldog to a decent pop!


“Danny connects with a bulldog and it looks like he’s headed to the top rope,” shouts Annie with an excited tone.


“Oh damn…” is all Ejiro can mutter as the crowd is on their feet cheering wildly.


Danny is busy ascending the corner one buckle at a time. He slowly rises to his feet on the top turnbuckle, staring at the fallen Korgath. Danny leaps off, rotating himself backwards in the air…




Danny collides with Dominic, chest to chest as Danny rolls off due to the girth of Korgath. Danny quickly scrambles on top of Dominic, not even bothering to hook the leg as Matthew Kivell slides to the mat with the crowd chanting along.



















“Conklin picks up the win and is the #1 Contender to European Champion, English Dragon,” shrieks Annie over the cheering crowd. Ejiro just covers his face with both hands as Judge looks at Funyon who is climbing to his feet, raising the microphone to his face.


Funyon: Ladies and Gentleman, the winner of this match and the #1 Contender for the SJL European Title…Danny Coooonkliiin!


Danny raises both arms into the air and quickly rolls out of the ring before Korgath can be aware of the result. Danny and Janet hug tightly as they make their way to the back with the cameras fading to commercial.

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Coming back from commercial, the SmarkTron comes to life to show the office of Chris Raynor, with him sitting behind his desk and staring into the camera.


Raynor: Fans…announcers…everyone else…I told you that Apostle and Craig McLennan were going to be punished…and right now…in an undisclosed location…they are going to be punished.


The scene shows a giant house, and Raynor’s voice continues to narrate the scene.


…In the basement of this house sit the two men, and when they hear my voice…they are going to beat the living hell out of each other…and make me tons of money in the process. Now what is the object of this fight, you ask? Simple. Be the first man out the front door. This is only for the front door. If they want to go out back and kill each other in the yard…that’s fine. But the first one to exit the house out the front door will be the winner. Anything else is pretty much legal.


The fans gasp as the scene switches to the basement to show the two men, staring at each other, the scene shown is that of a security camera.


…Oh…and one more thing… this house isn’t exactly the safest house in the neighborhood…so I’m sure those two hope to be careful.


I like to call this little punishment…



The Condemned House Match.






…oh boys?


Apostle and Craig look around for the voice.


…kill each other will you…








Judge: This match is not going to be a match…this is going to be a brawl the likes of which I do not think any of us have ever seen…

Ejiro: What about those six guys fighting in the old mill?

Annie: That was an episode of Scooby Doo!

Ejiro: Oh yeah…


Raynor’s laughter kicks up and fades out and both men actually run away from each other toward opposite corners of the basement and into the shadows. Sounds of clanging and various thuds can be heard before Craig returns wielding a shovel. He smiles and rushes into the shadows on the other side of the basement where he saw Apostle go…disappearing into the darkness for a moment.


Craig: Apostle….where are you…


…come out and play…


A large thud is suddenly heard, and after a moment Apostle comes walking out of the darkness, pulling Craig by his head with one hand and with the other holding Craig’s shovel. Apostle shoves Craig down to the concrete and turns to face him, holding the shovel high above his head…


Apostle: This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me…


Apostle swings down hard, but Craig rolls out of the way and pops up to his feet as the shovel strikes the concrete. As Apostle turns to find Craig he is caught with a kick to the midsection before Craig grabs Apostle’s hair and pulls him toward the wall, slamming Apostle into the foundation wall face first. Craig’s laughter can be heard as Apostle falls to the ground, and Craig drops down and just begins attacking with fists to the Apostle’s face, slightly busting him open in the darkness of the basement.


Craig stands and looks around for a moment, spotting something in the dark that he likes. He walks over and picks up an old beat up bicycle and sets it on its tires before hopping on and heading straight for the downed body of Apostle.


Judge: He’s going to run him over!

Ejiro: Bwahahahahahaha…


Craig pedals hard toward the wall, but Apostle rolls out of the way and Craig can not turn the rusted bike’s wheels fast enough as the bike slams against the wall, knocking Craig off the seat and right down into the crotch bar. Apostle comes up from behind and pulls Craig off the bike as he winces in pain from the low blow and drops him down to the concrete basement floor with a clothesline.


Judge: I’ve never seen anyone take a shot like that

Annie: I have…but I was like 5 years old and…

Ejiro: Are you saying you dropped off a bike and hurt your …

Annie: Ejiro…stop while you are ahead…


Apostle pulls Craig off the ground and carries him back into the darkness on the south side of the basement, where not much is heard for a few moments other than various moans before Apostle comes flying out of the darkness toward the basement stairs, and Craig rushes behind him carrying a piece of PVC pipe, swinging it over his head and bringing it down across Apostle’s back as he hits the stares, and as Apostle rolls around and sits down, holding his back a bit, Craig takes the chance to swing again, striking Apostle’s forehead, busting him open…


Ejiro: He’s bleeding!

Judge: You expected something different?

Ejiro: Not really…but I’m trying to make it sound important…


Craig sees the blood and is caught by a new fervor, actually dropping the pipe in favor of his fists, punching Apostle in the face repeatedly as Apostle tries to get his hands up to block a few shots, but is mostly unsuccessful. Apostle finally gives up his blocking, putting his feet up and shoving Craig away before rolling onto his stomach and crawling up the stairwell, kicking backwards repeatedly to try and keep Craig at bay, which he does until Apostle is almost up the stairs before rushing in and grabbing Apostle’s ankle and pulling him back down the stairs, causing Apostle’s head to bounce off a few of the wooden steps.


Craig tries to rush up the stairs past Apostle, but Apostle somehow gets his hand up and trips Craig up before coming up with him, and both men hit the top of the stairs at almost the same time.


Judge: They are now on the first floor…and whoever gets to that front door first wins…


The scene changes to the kitchen where Apostle and Craig appear out of the basement stairwell, both shoving at each other, but a hard shove from Craig puts Apostle on a chair and flips the chair backwards, and for some reason both wrestlers just bust out laughing.


Judge: These two…I don’t know what is wrong with them…but…

Ejiro: Probably a few too many shots to the head…

Annie: And I heard Craig sniffed paint…

Judge: I really don’t think that would affect anything…that would be like saying Apostle bleeds too much.


Craig finishes his little chuckle and grabs at Apostle, lifting him up to his feet and shoving him backwards onto the top of the kitchen table. Craig takes a moment and looks around the room before jumping up on to the counter by the sink and diving off, landing with a legdrop on the table…



…but the table doesn’t break! Apostle grabs his chest as Craig instinctively rolls backwards, but forgets where he is and flips backwards right off the table and almost onto his head. Apostle rolls off the other side, still holding his chest and he looks under the table to see Craig crawling off the floor, holding his head. Both men get to their feet at about the same time, staring at each other across the table. Apostle looks around for a moment and his attention gets caught on the backdoor. He smiles just as Craig’s body comes across the top of the table and tackles Apostle down. Craig stands and looks around the room and also spots the back door. He smiles a bit and smacks Apostle in the head.


Craig: Want to go outside and play, boy?


Apostle groans a bit as Craig slaps his head again, lifting him up and carrying him toward the backdoor, standing a few feet away and actually tossing him through it and out into the yard, where Apostle rolls across the grass and ends up on his back, showing off his knee grass stains along with his old blood stains. Craig rushes out the door and dives on top of Apostle, again punching him in the face.


Craig: Look…a playset… let’s PLAY!


Craig stands and drags Apostle toward the swingset, tossing him down on the metal slide and stepping away, but not before connecting with another kick to Apostle’s face. Craig takes a run toward the slide and dives in, but Apostle slides down and off and Craig hits hard on nothing but metal, his body sliding down to the grass just as Apostle moves out of the way. Craig gets up quickly, but is caught in a front facelock and dropped to the dirt with a hard DDT. Apostle stands and laughs a bit, pulling Craig up and draping him across a swing. Apostle sits in the other swing and starts swinging back and forth slowly…and talking to Craig.


Apostle: Craig…I really do not understand what your problem is. You seem to have a love for blood and pain, yet you can’t handle a little headshot to the grass. I can see the blood on your face. Looks very serene and calm…


Apostle swings higher, and as he comes down he slaps Craig in the face.


…you always told me you owned me…but you never told me why. Just because you made me bleed like I never have before? Just because you put me through the worst night of my entire career? Ha. That’s nothing, man…that’s nothing to me anymore. All I care about right now is showing you what it is like to be in that much pain. And I plan to do it today…just like I have been so far…and will continue to do until your body, your soul…are destroyed.


Apostle laughs and steps out of the swing, reaching over and pulling Craig up, but Craig pops out of his grip and slugs Apostle in the face before coming in with knee strikes. Craig laughs a bit and slams Apostle into the support beams of the rusted swingset repeatedly, each time Apostle drops down a bit farther toward the grass until he is sitting against the slide with Craig standing above him.


Craig: You think this is some sort of game? You think you are going to destroy me? What have you been smoking? Are you getting too close to those stupid flames? Damn, you need some serious educating. I put you through the most pain you’ve ever been through…and nothing can take that away from me! Nothing! You must have taken one…too…many shots to the head, punk…


Craig comes in with another knee strike to Apostle’s forehead before lifting him off the ground and tossing him across the grass once more. Craig climbs up the slide and looks out and down toward Apostle before diving off and going for a big splash, but Apostle moves and Craig eats the grass, but Apostle takes a moment to get to his feet, and by the time he makes his way to a vertical base, Craig is already on his hands and knees. Apostle looks down and puts his foot against Craig’s head and pushes it down, but Craig tries to fit back, swinging up toward Apostle but his flailing is nothing as Apostle jumps into the air and flips backwards, landing an SSP across Craig’s back that puts both men into the dirt once more.


Judge: Damn…what will these two do to each other? Verbal Abuse…

Ejiro: …Physical Abuse…

Annie: …and lucky for us…no sexual abuse…

Judge/Ejiro: …Annie!

Annie: What?


Both men are slow to get back to their feet, with Apostle getting a bit of a lead on Craig and heading for the open backdoor, but Craig is up quickly as well, making a dive toward Apostle and catching his ankle tripping him through the door and back into the kitchen where he smacks off the floor and rolls underneath the kitchen table. Craig gets back to his feet and pulls his opponent up, but the Apostle is ready and he gives Craig a forearm to the face and grabs him by the back of the head, moving to the side and slamming Craig’s face off the kitchen table repeatedly, each shot definitely causing more blood to be shed.


Apostle shoves Craig up on the table and climbs up with him, standing over him before jumping into the air and backflipping down and right across him…and this time the table breaks!


Judge: Apostle just moonsaulted Craig through the kitchen table!


Both men are down, but Apostle is the first to his feet, pulling Craig up as he goes and stumbling over to the sink, turning on the water and actually shoving Craig’s head under the water.


Ejiro: He’s gonna drown him! Stop that man!


After a few seconds of Apostle’s laughter and Craig’s gurgling he is pulled out from the sink and dropped to the ground. Craig crawls backwards toward the hallway and rolls onto his knees, literally crawling toward the front door.


Apostle finally notices and gives chase, stopping him a few feet from the front door, where a ref and an ambulance wait to greet the winner. Apostle lifts Craig up and points at the front door before whipping him to his right and into the side of the stairwell, busting out a few of the railings with his head. Craig stumbles backwards and back into the arms of Apostle, who tries to lift him into the air…but Craig swings his left leg back in a lowblow, dropping the Apostle down, where he returns the favor and drops Craig down with his second low blow of the match.


Ejiro: What a cheater that Apostle is…

Annie: It’s legal!

Ejiro: So is bungee jumping but I don’t see any of THAT in this match…

Annie: Sometimes you don’t make any sense…


Apostle is up to his feet slowly, grabbing the back of Craig’s head and carrying him toward the stairs. Apostle lifts Craig up and starts to walk up, holding him over his shoulder. When they reach the top, Apostle looks down the stairs and begins to laugh maniacally before putting Craig down and standing him up on his feet.


Apostle: Now Craig…you take the fall…


Apostle lifts Craig up once more, but Craig fights out and lands on his feet before jumping up and wrapping his legs around Apostle’s head.


Judge: He’s going to rana him right down the stairs!

Ejiro: That could kill both of them!

Judge/Ejiro: Woohoo!


Craig leans back into the rana but Apostle catches him and lifts him back up, before turning and running down the upstairs hallway, turning and shoving Craig into the wall at running speed before dropping him and letting him fall the five or so feet to the floor. Apostle laughs and pulls Craig up to his feet before whipping him across the hall and into the wall on the other side, knocking him down again. Apostle kicks Craig as he lays on the carpet a few times before lifting him up once more and whipping him down the hall before chasing right behind, but Craig is able to stop himself and throw a closet door open and Apostle runs fast first into the door and knocks it off its hinges.


Judge: My God! Apostle’s head just broke that door!

Ejiro: Are you sure it’s not the other way around?


The door falls toward Craig, who is barely able to catch it and steady it before lighting it up and dropping it down across Apostle’s back, sandwiching him into the floor. Craig looks down at the door for a moment before jumping on top of the door and bouncing around, no doubt crushing Apostle under the weight.


After a few jumps Craig leaps off the door and pulls it off Apostle, who looks to be a mess. Craig laughs and walks over, putting his face down in front of him.


Craig: Feeling okay?


Apostle looks up at him for a moment and unleashes a spray of BLOODMIST~! that blinds Craig and sends him tripping down the hall toward the bathroom. Apostle flips himself, rolling onto his shoulders and backwards onto his knees to get out of the way of the door before springing up and turning around to follow the blinded McLennan. Craig finds the bathroom and actually jumps in the shower, turning the water on and…




Craig screams and reaches for a bit of hot water, and suddenly…the bathroom begins to open slowly…


Judge: Uh oh…

Annie: What?

Ejiro: I saw this in a movie once…


…A dark shadowy figure enters the bathroom and slowly creeps toward the shower curtain…where Craig stands oblivious to it all.















…Oh wait…it’s just Apostle…













The Apostle reaches out and grabs Craig by the throat, pinning him against the shower wall as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a packet of Cherry Kool-Aid, opening it with his teeth and dumping the remains into the tub…causing a now even redder liquid to spin down the drain…


Annie: What movie did you see this in?

Judge: I think it was my parent’s honeymoon video…

Annie: Oh……


Craig flails with his hands for a moment, finally getting his own grip on Apostle’s throat, and both men are at a stand off, but Apostle reaches under the outstretched arms and turns the cold water on again, causing Craig jump toward the back of the shower, releasing his grip.


Annie: Why is he so afraid of the cold water…

Ejiro: Shrinkage?


Apostle steps back and walks out the bathroom door and heads back toward the stairs, but Craig finally snaps out of his cold-water delusion and chases, spinning Apostle around at the end of the hall and tossing him into a bedroom.


Ejiro: Should we be watching this…is this what he meant by “own him”?

Annie: Shaddup!


Apostle crawls to his feet and Craig attacks again with kicks, putting Apostle against the wall. Craig lifts Apostle up and actually picks him off his feet before falling backwards, causing Apostle’s head to crash into the mattress of the bed, which is actually a bit harder than it looks. Apostle holds his head for a moment as Craig grabs Apostle’s tights and tosses him on the bed face first before jumping up and onto a dresser. Craig goes to leap but Apostle moves a bit toward the edge of the bed, so Craig repositions himself and dives again…catching Bloodshed right on the edge of the bed…








The loud crack catches both men off guard as they roll to the floor, and after a moment they hear a few louder cracks and…






Judge: The bed just fell through the floor!




A resounding thud echoes through the house as Apostle and Craig look down through the hole to see the bed, now in a few more pieces, sitting in the middle of the kitchen and on top of the previously destroyed kitchen table.





The camera in the kitchen catches all the action, as the ceiling gives way and the bed crashes through, landing on top of the pieces of the kitchen table and breaking into a few pieces, sending dust and dirt flying throughout the room. As the dust settles the camera catches Craig and Apostle looking through the hole between the floors.


*** ***


Judge: When Raynor said “condemned house” he meant it…we may have more than two beat up wrestlers at the end of this one…


Back upstairs, as Craig and Apostle have resumed fighting and Craig has just whipping Apostle out of the bedroom and into the hallway wall again. Craig comes up behind Apostle and hooks in a waistlock, picking Apostle up off the ground and tossing him over his head in a german suplex that puts him back in the bedroom on the floor where he just came, Apostle is quick to roll away from the hole and out the door, but Craig kicks him in the chest and lifts him up again, carrying him out of the room and back toward the bathroom, tossing him in onto the tile floor. Craig laughs a bit to himself as he grabs Apostle and shoves his head into the toilet…


Ejiro: He flushes!

All: Swirlie!


Apostle flails a bit as he receives the swirlie before falling out of the toilet and rubbing his face with his hands and spitting the water from off his face. Craig laughs again and goes to grab Apostle by the hair, but after a moment thinks differently and grabs him by the shoulders, lifting him up and pulling him back out of the bathroom and down the hall…


Craig: It’s time I finish you off for good…


Judge: First he humiliates him, then he finishes him…

Ejiro: I know…this is great!

Annie: I still can’t get over how disgusting that was…


Craig reaches the end of the hall and stands Apostle at the top of the steps before jumping up on Apostle’s shoulders and wrapping his legs around his head once more…


Judge: He’s going to give him the Explosion down the stairs!


Craig leans forward to get momentum and Apostle grabs him by the head and pulls him toward the wall at the top of the steps, shoving Craig’s head THROUGH the wall, leaving a lovely dent. Apostle ducks out of Craig’s grip and pulls him out of the wall, holding him in the air and twisting his body around into a bit of a gorilla press position.


Apostle stands over the top of the stairs and looks up at Craig, who is trying his best to get out of the place he is in…







…but he doesn’t make it.






Apostle tosses Craig into the air and down the steps, and Craig clears every one of them before hitting the floor hard…causing the floor to BREAK AWAY and Craig to fall down into the basement.




The look on Apostle’s phrase echoes the announcers, as his eyes are bugging out of his head.


Judge: Can we get a replay, please?




The first replay is from Apostle’s point of view, as a camera over his shoulder catches the throw…before switching to a camera in the living room to show Craig’s face as he flips over to his back and takes all the force of the fall on his spine, before the floor caves in and he goes dropping into the basement…another twelve foot fall or so.


Another replay shows the basement, Craig’s body hitting the upstairs floor is heard as a vicious thud, and dust flies from the ceiling and all around before the floor breaks and Craig’s body falls limply to the concrete basement floor. Craig moves slightly as his body hits, but then stops.







Judge: Craig could be dead!


Back to the basement, as now Apostle has made his way to Craig’s body, where his eyes are slightly open but not much movement is going on.


Apostle: You alive?


Craig: Ugggnnnhhhhh…


Apostle: Good boy…


Apostle lifts Craig off the ground and throws him over his shoulder, carrying him up the steps.


Ejiro: What’s he doing now?! McLennan is seriously hurt!


The scene switches to the living room, as Apostle carries Craig’s body to the front door and drops him in front of it, laughing for a moment before stepping up and onto Craig’s injured back…













…before stepping out of the house and into the front yard where the referee waits. Apostle laughs to himself as the ref raises his hand.


Ref: Your winner of this…uh….match…. The Apoooostle! Now…let’s get some help for this guy…


As EMTs rush out of the ambulance, all attention is put on Craig McLennan, who still lays mostly lifeless on the living room floor.


With everyone distracted, Apostle can be seen in the background pulling a knife from inside his trunks and opening it up before shoving it into the side of the back right ambulance tire and pulling it up, flattening the tire.


Judge: My god…


Apostle repeats the process on the front right tire before tossing the knife into the yard and walking off down the street and into the sunset, finally at peace with himself after two long years….





The End.

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