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Guest darrdor

Simple TNA & WWE wants

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Guest darrdor

Hey everyone I am looking for the following stuff from TNA & WWE.



#34--Raven vs. Sandman Clockwork Orange match, Kevin Sullivan debuts

#35--Raven vs. AJ Styles

#36--Raven vs. AJ Styles number one contender ladder match

#37--Saturn, Sandman & New Church vs. Harris Boys & XXX Sadistic Madness match

#38--Jarrett vs. D'Lo

#39--Lynn & Red win 4 way X Division tag match

#40--Jarrett vs. Julio & Alexis handicap Clockwork Orange match

#41--Red vs. Lynn X title number one contender's match

#51--AJ Styles vs. Frankie Kazarian

#52--AJ vs. D'Lo

#53--D'Lo vs. Russo

#54--AJ vs. D'Lo 2 out of 3 falls

#55--Jarrett vs. Legend Bat & Guitar on a pole match

#56--AJ vs. D'Lo cage match

#57--AJ vs. Low Ki

#58--Raven wins gauntlet match for number one contender



-Summerslam 89 & 2003

-Tuesday in Texas

-Backlash 2003

-Judgment Day 2003

-Vengeance 2003


If you guys have ANY of this stuff I want it. So PM or email me and let me know what you can give me. If you want, I have a list of stuff. I just recently got all previous ROH shows up to Do or Die and all the TNA's I did not mention I have so feel free to ask for those as well. If you want a full list then let me know.

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darrdor, I have ALL those shows you're looking for, and I'd love to set up a deal. PM, reply here or email me if you wanna work out something.


You're welcome to check out my site for other titles, or anything else you might be interested in.

(the link is in my sig, under the Bulldogs)



Edited by BifEverchad

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