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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

The 1inch Hates.......Thread

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Alright, if youv'e been reading other threads in the folder, you will realise that I hate several Indy groups, speficially




-NWA Wildside




Actually, I hate loads more than that, but I know more about the above than I do others.


So here it is, over the next few days, I'll rattle off why i hate the groups above.


I am not trying to instigate a flame war with anyone, all i want is feedback from fans of the groups in question, both positive and negative, we can discuss my reasons for disliking the groups and hopefully my reasons for hating said group will disapate.


Providing that it doesnt descend into name-calling, i will then, with my own cash, buy the company's DVD's and review them, completely without bias.



However, the following people are disqualified from taking part, because they will only try and turn it into a flame war, which i dont want.







Also, please bear in mind (ShooterJay, I'm looking at you), that I am a Journalist, and I dont like being made to look like an idiot.


So, for the civil people who are interested, "1inch Hates......MLW" Will be up, sometime on Saturday Night

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood
Also, please bear in mind (ShooterJay, I'm looking at you), that I am a Journalist, and I dont like being made to look like an idiot.

Why, because I *did* make you look like an idiot?


I will repeat this one last time, you have openly proclaimed your dislike for a product you have barely even seen. You made a flamebait post after a fellow poster simply wanted to share a promo he liked, and you made a futile attempt to cover your ass by watching part of one free TV episode off the 'Net, with it already in mind that you were planning to bash it regardless. Yeah, some "research."


Same thing with OVW- you have watched NONE of their product, yet you claim to hate it. You've watched NONE of Wildside's full events either, yet you claim to hate it.


I'm going to post Rando's last response in the other thread, because frankly he's a better writer than I'll ever be and he makes the same point better than I can:


I am not an indy fan.


I am not a journalist.


I never claim to know anything about TNA, CMLL, CZW, XPW, etc etc etc.


I don't going around saying they suck or bashing them. EVER. I have no opinion on something. Once I *see* them...i will have a small opinion. But every wrestling company has good and bad shows. So seeing one bad show out of a string of 50 good ones doesn't make them a bad company because that was the one show I saw.

You should have kept your thoughts to yourself until your "research" was complete...then these guys that really are true indy fans...


...the ones that have some respect in this folder for their knowledge and having watched hours and hours of tape to really be able to make that judgement...


these guys are going to jump down your throat....that's a fact man. Never throw your opinions around if you can't really back them up.

I hardly ever come in this folder...ever...because my opinion of indy wrestling isn't exactly anywhere near an expert one...and would easily get shot down.

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1inch punch is going to rattle off why he dislikes various (excellent) indy groups and expects not to start a flame war. OK...


I'm "disqualified" from participating? When the fuck did you become a ref, zebra-boy?

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Well since its a thread I'm creating....



Anyway, just a calm a few nerves


The MLW, XPW, and OVW rants are not attacks on the in-ring product


(Frankly, I love the MLW stuff I've seen)


In all three cases, its out-of-ring decisions that have infuriated me, or my dislike of whose running the show(XPW/OVW)


As for Wildside, sure, I've seen barely any of it, but fuck it, Its my party and i'll cry If i wanna

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I have to disagree with you about MLW, mainly because I see the weekly show and it is a really good product overall. They may not be the best when it comes to building feuds and matches, but when it comes time for the actual match they deliver. As for XPW, their in-ring product when they moved to Philly greatly improved, and the overall product improved as well. However, I agree that I don't like who runs it, but he has been absent from the shows for almost a year.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

The MLW stuff is not, i say again, an attack on the in-rng product, my rantings are based on three related incidents, the took place in the offices and infuirated the fuck out of me, all will be revealed tomorrow

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood
As for Wildside, sure, I've seen barely any of it, but fuck it, Its my party and i'll cry If i wanna

Fine, so admit your bastardized use of the word "journalism" had nothing to do with your argument in that matter, that your "argument" to begin with was mindless flaming, and take it to NHB. As of right now, I think I've proved my point over and over again that you're a fucking disgrace to the indy board and to your supposed "profession", and I'll be spending my time on TSM with people who have something intelligent to contribute.

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As for Wildside, sure, I've seen barely any of it, but fuck it, Its my party and i'll cry If i wanna

Fine, so admit your bastardized use of the word "journalism" had nothing to do with your argument in that matter, that your "argument" to begin with was mindless flaming, and take it to NHB. As of right now, I think I've proved my point over and over again that you're a fucking disgrace to the indy board and to your supposed "profession", and I'll be spending my time on TSM with people who have something intelligent to contribute.

The guy is entitled to their views, if you don't like them then fair enough but what you are doing is mor flaming that what punch is doing. Let them have their say and give their reasons before you go off like that.


His reasons will be up on Saturday night, if it turns out to be nonsense then I'll join you in burning them at the stake.

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Guest DonWestMark03
As for Wildside, sure, I've seen barely any of it, but fuck it, Its my party and i'll cry If i wanna

Fine, so admit your bastardized use of the word "journalism" had nothing to do with your argument in that matter, that your "argument" to begin with was mindless flaming, and take it to NHB. As of right now, I think I've proved my point over and over again that you're a fucking disgrace to the indy board and to your supposed "profession", and I'll be spending my time on TSM with people who have something intelligent to contribute.

The guy is entitled to their views, if you don't like them then fair enough but what you are doing is mor flaming that what punch is doing. Let them have their say and give their reasons before you go off like that.


His reasons will be up on Saturday night, if it turns out to be nonsense then I'll join you in burning them at the stake.

This dude already admitted he had a totally nonsense reason for hating Wildside. I don't think Jay was flaming either. He was just fed up with his use of the word "journalism" regarding Wildside when clearly none was present. Abusing the term, so to speak. I've got a ton of friends who are journalism student who lurk the boards, who read the old threads about this and were royally pissed off reading what 1inch wrote.

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Can I have a link to older posts so as I can hate him too ? I kinda feel left out :(


Apologies for my ignorance to older posts anyways, i aint been posting on here for long but I seen this post and thought 'jesus, that's harsh' but I could be wrong.


I wanna see these older posts.

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How could you possibly start this thread thinking that it wouldn't start a flame war?


I have been reading your posts for a while and honestly, you have no clue what you are talking about.


Yes, you used to bash me for liking XPW, and you have come out on this board saying, "I really hate EMAXSAUN." Let's take a trip down memory lane shall we?


I remember posting a while ago on this forum about how I liked XPW, and I was saying how I got into them, etc, and explaining that I was from New York City and just got into them one day online. Some people from this forum were like, "I really don't like them or Rob Black," or "they suck", so I defended XPW, then you come along and say, "I bet you were there when Vic Grimes nearly killed himself." I said, "excuse me I am from New York City, how could i possibly attend an XPW show?" You never responded. You just assumed, you made a fucking arrogant statement like that and when I asked for your response, you said nothing. Now, being that the thread was about XPW people didn't really take notice of that statement, or care for that matter, but lately they have noticed that you FUCKING ASSUME SHIT, just like you assumed that I was there for Vic Grimes falling off a scaffold, or assumed that I only wathced XPW and had all of their action figures, when in truth I go to many wrestling shows like WWE, XPW, CZW, ROH, and 3PW, but you seemed to ignore that fact. How can you call yourself a journalist when you base Wildside off of one episode? I know you hate Rob Black, but how much XPW have you actually seen? Just like JustJoe2k5 said, XPW improved a TON when they were in Philly, but you still bashed them anways, without seeing the product. I'm glad people are finally seeing you for the idiot you truely are, because you have acted like a total jerk off to me since you came to this forum, and you are finally getting what you deserve, jackass.

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OK. He can be ignorant, but also makes good points. His comment about The Lost Boys was POOR ! The Wildside comment was also ignorant but I'm still not HATING the guy. He gives his opinions and no matter HOW much I dislike the opinions, im not gonna dislike the guy.

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Guest DonWestMark03

This was something I found really disrespectful though:


4. Rick Micheals. To go off on a little tangent, I'm convinced that the bookers of this "promotion" are either

a: A Monkey

b: Iceberg. Which would explain why he gets so much attention.

anyway, either of these MUST watch Smackdown. Why? because obviously they saw Zack Gowen and went

"Hey! The WWE has got a One-Legged Circus Act on Prime Time Tv" "Let's stick this cripple on our show and lets hope no-one notices".


For anybody who knows Rick Michaels and has seen his work, that comment is disgraceful. Rick has lived and breathed Wildside and pro wrestling for years, training some of the best junior heavyweights in the sport today. He's been in some of the most brutal matches I've ever seen, especially that FF2K2 match where he broke the Muta scale with Rainman. He's a 4-time Wildside champion and 2-time NWA World Tag Team champion, the "Franchise" of the company and a hero to those fans. Rick Michaels IS NWA Wildside, and his speech and match at FF2K3 were moments that actually touched me as a person.


Wildside wanted to honor one of their fallen heroes, and along the way did a damn good blowoff to one of their feuds. For a man like Rick Michaels to be called "a cripple" and a "circus act" is EXTREMELY ignorant and disgusting.

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

He suffered a career-ending spinal/back injury shortly after he did those shots on TNA tagging with Chris Michaels against AMW. I don't remember how or what match it was though.

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He suffered a career-ending spinal/back injury shortly after he did those shots on TNA tagging with Chris Michaels against AMW. I don't remember how or what match it was though.

How does he wrestle now then?

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Well, they had a match between him and Jeff Bailey (a FUCKING MANAGER, for god's sake) and sold it as his revenge


Part of the reason i ignore Zack Gowan and dont care what the WWE does with him is because theyve STOPPED marketing him as a sideshow

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

While people are paying attention to me, can any American's fill me in on this "Sports Night" tv show I'm reading about.


Wev'e never had it here and The reviews I'm reading are pretty good, and Sabrina Lloyd is init, so I'd hunt it out if I knew wether it was any good or not, Whats it like?

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Well, they had a match between him and Jeff Bailey (a FUCKING MANAGER, for god's sake) and sold it as his revenge

That's no different than Bischoff/McMahon or Sable/Stephanie...

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
That's no different than Bischoff/McMahon or Sable/Stephanie...

You dont see me watching them either.


Smackdown is on tomorrow morning, and i will watch the Eddy Guerrero segemnt and then I will turn it off

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Guest DonWestMark03
Well, they had a match between him and Jeff Bailey (a FUCKING MANAGER, for god's sake) and sold it as his revenge


Part of the reason i ignore Zack Gowan and dont care what the WWE does with him is because theyve STOPPED marketing him as a sideshow

I fail to see how a 5-minute long squash of a manager, to fulfill a stip in the WarGames match, followed by a standing ovation and being carried on the shoulders of the roster, is akin to Bischoff/McMahon, and Sable/Stephanie.


It was a feel-good moment to close the show, not OMG LET'S HOG AIRTIME!

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Well uh, neither do i, but i didnt bring it up

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