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Guest Lethargic

Problems in XP

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Guest Lethargic

This past week I've had a lot of little problems pop up on my computer. Explorer has been crashing a lot. Freezing for a while sometimes and then popping back on and losing all my tray icons. Suddenly a mscache.exe is trying to access the internet a lot. Some program called crypserv.exe started running at startup. I didn't know what it was so I stopped it from starting through msconfig. My computer sometimes sounds like it's doing something when it should be just sitting idle. My firewall has also alerted me to "Windows System File" trying to access the net for some reason. Last week I could play games all I wanted such as Microsoft Links 2003. This week, I can't play it unless I shut down pretty much everything else on my computer. This thing is powerful enough where I shouldn't have to do that and I've never had to do it before. I really don't know what's going on. I've run spybot and several things like that to try to find a problem. Earlier I finally bit the bullet and paid the 25 dollars to update my Norton virus definitions. It found out that mscache.exe was a trojan virus and fixed it.


I've also been having this error message pop up at odd times....




Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)':


Automation error

Unspecified error


I've searched Microsoft's database for info on that but can't find anything.


A little while ago I thought about reinstalling windows xp but I couldn't do it because as of the past few hours it no longer can read my main cd drive.


So I'm at the point where the only thing I can come up with is formatting and starting over from scratch. Which I really can't do right now cause I got stuff going on I can't really backup or lose. So I'll have to wait until I finish that before doing it.


I tried to get help on a tech board but they all just tried to blame it on my use of Gator. Like after 2 years, it's suddenly gonna kill my computer.


Seems like this started when I downloaded all the Family Guy episodes. I thought it was because my hard drive was basically full. But I get rid of all of them, a bunch of other crap, uninstalled a bunch of programs, I got nearly 30 gigs freed up and it didn't help.


So, thought I'd ask if anybody has any ideas here in a last ditch effort before starting to backup stuff in anticipation of formatting.

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I'd just go ahead and reinstall windows. You're pretty much screwed.


Im starting to think that viri will be the downfall of P2P since between hackers and the RIAA, there are a ton of people putting nasty crap on there. You can have all the anti-virus software you want, but if someone writes something new that hasn't been analyzed by the anti-virus companies, it doesn't matter.

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I got hit by a virus through P2P last night. It scared the shit out of me, but it didn't do any real damage. Most AV software pick up viruses before they are even executed, so that's a help.


Unless they figure out a way to put a virus into an MP3 (which is highly unlikely since MP3's are read, not executed), I doubt it'll be the downfall of P2P. I was just overzealous and was trying to download a program.

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Guest Big_Jay101

since we are on an XP topic and the guys problem ahs been solved anyone know what it means when your screen on your monitor goes blank but it and the pc are still on. Sometimes it goes to a blue screen saying it shut down to prevent damage. then it wont turn on for like 10 minutes(the pc that is)

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Could be your HD or XP itself is having some serious errors either software or hardware related.


When did it start? After new software or hardware was installed?


Try a System Restore back to a point before this started happening. If that doesn't work... reformat.

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Guest Big_Jay101

i have restored it to facotry and re installed Xp from a different disk and no i havent installed any hardware or software after it happened or before it happened

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