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Lil' Bitch

From SummerSlam to El Paso

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So there I was waiting there next to some fans, after countless hours of driving to Phoenix, along the entrance to the America West Arena parking lot where all the athletes enter. Security sucked, they didn't want us blocking the way (which is understandable), but they wouldn't let us wait under the concrete shelter so while we were waiting for the superstars to arrive, we had wait out in the hot ass sun. I was lucky enough to be there when Kanyon, Molly, D-Von Dudley, and Rico (who I practically interview since he was out there for so long) were nice enough to come out and sign. John Cena, Farooq, Theodore Long, Rodney Mack, Val Venis, and Steven Richards were nice enough to sign / take pics, but you had to catch them at the gym next door, they were sneaky and entered / exited the arena through a backdoor.


(Fast forward to me sitting at SummerSlam)


The Matt Hardy segment was taped before Heat even started as you already know. Mysterio / Moore couldn've been better, but at least Rey had a match. Overall, SummerSlam wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I'm glad I still decided to go.


The Elimination Chamber II - Of course, I was going for Chris Jericho all the way. Unfortunately, Goldberg was actuallty getting over and HUGE too I might add in Phoenix, I'm guessing because everybody thought that he was "The One" that could defeat HHH. I knew it was over when Flair slid the sledgehammer in. And yes, I literally jumped out of my seat when Goldberg's streak ended...again


Kane vs. Rob Van Dam - I thought this was going to be the first match. It was very good. It goes to show that fans haven't given up on RVD yet. Kane got cheered pretty good too.


Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle - The best match of the night. The crowd was eating this up and I was rooting for both guys as they were giving it their absolute best. Before the match started, I was thinking that Kurt might try to make Brock tap out, didn't think it would actually happen and I really thought Brock was winning after Vince interfered. We called Vince an asshole for doing that.


Fatal 4-Way - I wouldn't have minded Benoit winning, but I had a feeling Eddie would pull a fast one. Great match.


Shane McMahon vs. Eric Bischoff - I thought this was going to suck, but Coach, I mean COACH of all people interfering and making a heel turn shocked the hell out of me! Austin came out and added to it. Nothing significant with Shane this time, but a table spot is always nice.


Undertaker vs. A-Train - Didn't care


Dudleyz vs. Resistance - I had a feeling Conway would interfere, but I really thought the Dudleys were gonna win this one.


After the show was over, Evolution left. Goldberg was helped out. He had this really nasty looking gash on his calf so he had trouble walking on his own. They raised the EC and everybody started leaving, that is until Austin's music hit. He came out, I thought he was going to address about the EC match ending, but instead he thanked us for being a wonderful audience and then called Vince out. I was like "Uh oh!" Then everybody from the back came out soon after Vince entered. It turned out it was his birthday. He lied about his age at first, but then came clean on the third try (he was 58 ). Austin wanted him to sing Frank Sinatra's "My Way" since it was one of Vince's favorite songs. Vince said he wouldn't do it until Undertaker did a Taker-roonie. Taker didn't want to do it, but Phoenix cheered him on. Undertaker then said he heard the Big Show was practicing so they got TBS to do it. They played Booker T's music and Big Show did a rollover along with a very sloppy looking turtle spin. Everybody laughed and then noticed the Undertaker disappeared. Austin then said Vince can sing now since Big Show pleased the fans. Vince said he would do it, but he wanted Austin to sing with him. Austin then said he heard HHH knew the lyrics, but HHH said it wasn't him, it was Pat Patterson that did. So Pat Patterson took the mic and signed verses from the song very beautifully. Everyone applauded Pat for his short performance. Vince then drank beer with Austin, HHH, etc and then shook hands with everybody. All the McMahons were in the ring, it was like a reunion, but it was funny because they were all out of character. Vince then kissed Linda and said for his birthday speech was that the only thing he has to say was that he outlived everybody, which resulted in many boos from the cheap, but fun heat. Vince got cheered overall and then the show was over. I hope they add the whole segment, which lasted a good 30-45 minutes, onto the SummerSlam DVD. It was great to see.


(Fast forward to Tucson the next day)


So there I was waiting there next to some fans, after two hours of driving to Tucson, next to the parking lot entrance of the Tucson Convetion Center. Again, waiting out in the hot ass sun, nobody came back out to sign / take pictures except Chad Petton, but D-Von and Lillian were enough to stop their cars and sign for whoever was there. Scott Steiner could have been arrested for attempted murder / manslaughter since he came down the 5 mph ramp at 60 miles an hour nearly running into the security guard. And then one of my dreams came true as I handed Victoria a rose, but in the process, Gail Kim nearly ran me over literally because she wasn't paying attention, either that or she was just jealous.


(Fast forward to me sitting at RAW)


Heat wasn't too bad.

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Steiner beat a jobber, Rico lost to Val Venis, Victoria and Steven Richards defeated Tommy Dreamer and Ivory from what I can remember.


Then RAW started next. Now, Usually, I don't like RAW nowadays , but this one (since I was at it) was pretty good. RVD wasn't there since he had to sell the injury sustained of "being Tombstoned on the steel steps", but Rob did legitimately hurt his ankle during his SS match, I forgot which spot though. He was there at the arena earlier in the day, but left for the airport an hour or two before it started.


Trish Stratus def. Gail Kim - Wasn't too bad of a match, I'm just sad Victoria doesn't have a top place in the Women's Division right now


Rodney Mack & Mark Henry def. Garrison Cade & Mark Jindrak - Mark Henry got a great ovation when he came out since he's gone so long I guess. The guy is HUGE in person. Of course, he destroyed those two guys and it was believable for him to be a credible threat again.


La Resistance & Rob Conway def. Bubba, D-Von & Spike Dudley - Dudleyz lost again...


Randy Orton def. Maven - I remember these guys had a match last month, but this match was much better. I really think Orton is starting to bloom, he's starting to show the talent that he's been hiding all this time. Maybe he really indeed is the future. That weird looking neckbreaker is just wicked.


Christian def. Jerry "the King" Lawler - Everybody was chanting Jerry, but I do feel bad for Christian, he's the IC Champ and he didn't even have a match at SS. Match wasn't too bad, I couldn't picture Lawler as the IC Champ though.


Shane McMahon Vs. Chris Jericho - Great match that was started at another awesome Highlight Reel. Speaking of which, Jericho has this cool looking rug with his pose figure being on it in the color gold with stars above it. It also looked expensive. The Shane / Kane segment was pretty tight although it was kinda hoaky anyway since Kane was in the flaming dumpster for X amount of time. It was kinda dramatic though.


After the show was over, Chris Jericho got back in the ring and talked some more trash and then called out Austin, who came back out again, I forgot why. They talk trash to each other which was very funny. Then Austin wanted to toast a beer with Jericho. Then Chris was like "Oh no, Austin, I'm not falling for this again. Every time you want toast a beer with me, you always end up giving me the Stone Cold Stunner, but since you can't stun me unless I physically touch you, I guess I will." So Chris opened a can of beer, toasted with Austin, and started drinking it. Everybody was happy, so was Chris, so he forgot and patted Austin on the back. Chris went back to look at the crowd. Austin had that evil grin on his face and waited for Jericho to turn around and when Chris did, Austin stunned him. Chris runs away, Austin drinks some more beer, everyone's happy and goes home. The whole segment was very similar to the RAW extra of Austin's return on the No Way Out DVD.


(Fast forward to El Paso the other day)


After a couple of hours of waiting behind the Don Haskins Center, this time I got sunburned waiting (even though the heat in Phoenix / Tucson was more excrutiating since there was humidity there because of the monsoon season), but it was worth it because this time, I got pictures with Chuck Palumbo, Dave Hebner, Danny and Doug Basham, Dawn Marie, Farooq (who I literally had to chase across the street since he was on his way to Subway of all places), Funaki, Kanyon again, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Mike Chioda (sp?), Nidia, Orlando Jones, Sable, Shane McMahon (who we barely recognized since he was wearing a baseball cap), Sgt. Slaughter (who I got picture of putting me in the legendary Cobra Clutch), Shelton Benjamin, Tajiri, and Torrie Wilson. Eddie signed / took pics, but he couldn't stay long so I just missed him and Ultimo was also nice, but requested no pictures taken since he wasn't wearing his mask so I was respected his wishes.


(Fast forward to me sitting at SD)


Dark Matches.


Ultimo Dragon Vs. (Bobby?) Vain

Ultimo was having a tough time against this jobber, who has skills, but was being cocky. El Paso was all over for Ultimo. Contrary to what McMahon says, Ultimo was great with fans rooting for him. When the jobber was getting the upperhand, we all booed him and gave him a You Suck chant. Why can't Vince just get it through his head? Ultimo won with his 360 Deathdrop.


Funaki/Mortis Vs. Jobber 1 and Jobber 2

Funaki and Mortis were both rooted for almost as great as Ultimo was. They make a great time. The people around me didn't know who Mortis was and were shocked when I told them it was Kanyon in disguise. Mortis has such a cool entrance, the music is different, but it still has that dark theme feel. He was wearing purple, and he still comes out with the cape and the skull scepter (no jester hat on the skull though :P ) Mortis won with the Flatliner.




Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Billy Gunn w/Torrie Vs. Doug Basham w/Danny and Shaniqua.

Doug Basham won after Danny hit Billy with Shaniqua's whip. They teased a Noble / Gunn break-up. Torrie showed her ass off the crowd. I don't think they'll be showing it on TV. Billy still sucks and wouldn't be getting over if it wasn't for her.


Shannon Moore w/Matt Hardy Vs. H.B.Gates(Or so I think that's what his name was.)

Gates wasn't bad, he was dominating the match most of the time. I'm not much of a Shannon fan, but he did bust out some impressive moves.


Kidman Vs. Tajiri (For The Number One Contendership of the Cruiserweight Title)

These guys never disappoint. The crowd seemed divided on who to cheer for during this. It was really hard to tell who got more cheered from where I was sitting, I had a great view for a great match though. Tajiri won after using the mist.


The Self-Proclaimed Worlds Greatest Tag Team Vs. The A.P.A (Non-title match)

Saw this originally planned SummerSlam match live. Wasn't bad, El Paso was crazy for APA. TWGTT won with the superkick / rollover combo.


Rue looks like Stephanie McMahon I swear. Her singing is just about as good as Lillian's. ^_^ I was happy with the performance that time, I didn't have to worry about another La Resistance promo interruption DURING the National Anthem like I had to see it on RAW. That pissed me off then.


And then Smackdown started


Finally, Eddie Guerrero came back home. Of course, being the hometown hero, the love he received would even make Hulk Hogan jealous. :lol: He told a great story about his great great great grandmother and what not. You could tell he was just having such a great time. Cena comes out and gets booed to Steiner levels. All this time Eddie was a heel, then the one night where he would become a face. I hope its just not because of El Paso, we'll find out next week on SD if Eddie truly is good or evil.


Rey Mysterio Vs. Nunzio (Cruiserweight Title)

Rey got a lot of love, he won this great match with Nunzio.


Chris Benoit Vs. A-Train w/Sable

Benoit won with the crossface, so it was all good.


Lesnar comes out and the first words out of his mouth were "I want everybody to shut up and sit down!" He cuts his promo and even says that him tapping out was just a fluke and that him tapping out was also bullshit! Funny stuff. The three words that will haunt him for quite some time: YOU TAPPED OUT! :? El Paso chanted it the whole night to him which pissed him off and I think other cities will follow in on it. :(


Cena is interrogated by Josh to see if it was him who took the wheel. Cena knows better not to mess with another mans ride. Wasn't him.


Cena lied. :lol:


John Cena Vs. Eddie Guererro (US Title Match)

Eddie gets beat up and gets a hero's reception as he's helped out of the ring after winning the match by DQ since Cena lowblowed him.


Brock Lesnar Vs. Undertaker Vs. Big Show

The Undertaker won the 15 minute ME after delivering a Last Ride to Brock Lesnar and getting the winning pin. Angle and Undertaker have a staredown after the match is over. Angle shows Taker the WWE Championship and says "This is mine."


Hometown boy Eddie was the most over person in the universe tonight, and Cena and Lesnar were treated like terrorists. The crowd was hot through the whole thing. The arena was said to be sold out...and from the looks of it, it was. Huge crowd of roughly 12,000, most likely.


And that my friends, is the ever loving truth!


After the show was over, me and some friends were hungry and went to the Applebees nearby and coincidentally, John Cena, Matt Hardy, Shannon Moore, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Danny and Doug Basham, Linda Miles, Funaki, Johnny Stamboli, Rey Mysterio, and Ultimo Dragon were in there having dinner. We were shocked and just waited outside since we didn't want hassle them during their meal. Other fans came and went inside just to get pics / autographs WHILE they were eating, talk about being rude. So after they were done, they came out. I got picture of me with John Cena, Johnny Stamboli, and Rey Mysterio. I talked to them, Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas and Shannon Moore for a bit before they had to go. It turned out it was Funaki's birthday and they wanted to celebrate it by going to a nearby strip club and then I came back home after X amount of time, I had a blast. I'll post the pictures later.

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Wow sounds like you had the time of your live, good recap and the thing i liked most about it was there was no negativity.

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I did some Q and A with the Superstars during my trip also and this is what they said.


Chad Petton said being a referee is harder what people think it to be.


Chuck Palumbo said he wouldn't be getting back with Sean O'Haire for old time's sake anytime soon and laughed when I asked him to bring back his long hair.


Dave Hebner said he was done being a referee, didn't say why.


Danny and Doug Basham joked about losing all the time. Danny was happy when I told him he was great as Damaja and that he should reunite with Victoria and bring back the Revoltion.


D-Von Dudley said he missed being the evil priest he played last year.


Dawn Marie wishes she would work with Lance Storm again.


Funaki said Taka Michinoku is still Japan and doing fine.


John Cena said he missed being Prototype, but how you see him now is how he really is like out of the ring and said the album is coming out real soon. He had a smile on his face when I told him I remembered when he kicked Batista's ass back in OVW.


Johnny Stamboli said Big Vito is wrestling in Japan right now and liked my idea of bringing him into the company to be another member of the FBI since they used to be Marmalukes back in WCW.


Kanyon said he doesn't know if he'll be getting a push or not and its been 5 and half years since he last played Mortis (His last match as Mortis was losing to DDP on Thunder back in 1998). He laughed when I asked him to bring back James Vanderberg.


I thanked Kurt Angle for his WWE career and everything he's given us, he thanked me back.


Matt Hardy said Jeff's doing fine and has been sitting around the house most of the time still working on his music. Matt added that he hopes Jeff will be back with WWE soon. He also said Lita's doing great and should be back in a few weeks. I then thanked him for all the sacrifices he's made for us and he thanked me back. He said he was really glad to hear me say that and it meant a lot to him.


Mike Chioda was grateful when I told him I enjoyed all the bumps he's taken for us.


Molly Holly had a confused look on her face when I said to her that I missed her as a blonde.


Rey Mysterio said that Juventud (Rey was wearing a Juvi shirt btw), Psychosis, La Parka, etc. were all doing fine and still working down in Mexico and agreed with me that Vince should bring them all to the company and missed the good ol' WCW days.


Rico was out there for that long so I basically conducted an interview with him. He said he HATES his current song and is trying to talk them into letting him come out to "You Look So Good To Me" again. He likes being Adrian Street Jr. more than the evil fashion stylist guru because it adds more to his character plus he gets more crowd reaction whether its good or bad. He said he's straight in real life also lol He was going to get a push for the IC title and have a triangle fued with Booker and Goldust, but Booker got injured as you know so it was dropped. He told me a certain RAW superstar he was also supposed to feud with over the IC has a hurt neck and may have to get surgery on it. He admits that with a hat and a cane, he would be / look like a rip off of the Godfather. He didn't even know he was in SD 5 until I told him and he wouldn't mind having his own merchandise and is just too busy to have his own website and doesn't like people doing the web work for him (answering questions, etc.) I even showed the sign I made for him which we took a picture together with. It says "Rico (7:02) Is My Role Model!" He got a kick out of it since he knew it was a mention of his character back in OVW and then I told him I was proud that he was my hometown hero. He smiled and then left after getting all the fans that were there.


Shane McMahon was glad when I told him I enjoyed his bumps and that he is a much better wrestler than his father.


Shannon Moore said Peroxwhygen is still in the works and he didn't know when the album would be released, but it hasn't been given up on.


Sgt. Slaughter got a smile on his face when I told him I enjoyed his work on G.I. Joe and that he did a great job of kicking the Ultimate Warrior's ass!


Shelton Benjamin and Linda Miles, each of them, said (but in different times of the day, no jokes please) that they would kick Bradshaw's ass if he didn't shut the hell up (only because I brought APA up on purpose)!

Edited by Rico_Constantino

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Who's the RAW superstar that may need neck surgey?

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I can't say, I don't want Rico getting in trouble for mentioning names since Wrestler X might not want that going public or unless its revealed to the IWC soon. I'll tell as soon as one of the fellow Internet wrestling reporters reports it.

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Guest wildpegasus

Quote Rico_Constantino

"Wasn't too bad of a match, I'm just sad Victoria doesn't have a top place in the Women's Division right now"


Victoria hurt her leg on a run in during Raw a little while ago. It was very cringeworthy (extreamly visable) as it happened to be the same leg that she had the brace on.

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Yeah, but she competed just fine in the tag match with her and Stevie against Ivory and Dreamer. I don't remember seeing her wearing a leg brace though.

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Yeah, but she competed just fine in the tag match with her and Stevie against Ivory and Dreamer. I don't remember seeing her wearing a leg brace though.

I believe I missed their match on Heat, but Victoria has ring gear designed to blend in with the brace. It'd be difficult to notice in a crowd as compared to on TV.

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Guest CronoT

Glad to hear you enjoyed El Paso, Rico. I would have gone to the event, except for two reasons:


1. I was out of money. :(

2. I had to work that night. :angry:


If you're ever going to be in my neighborhood again, let me know. I'll give you a real tour of the city. ;)

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