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The Raw Review 8/31 - 9/6

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The U.S. Open's reign of terror on Raw continues this week.


’93-’95 – no shows


September 6, 1996 (Friday Night Raw)

Sycho Sid def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Marc Mero def. Steve Austin by DQ

Mankind def. Alex Porteau

Shawn Michaels def. Goldust; WWF Title Match


September 5, 1997 (Friday Night’s Main Event)

The Patriot def. Owen Hart by DQ

Dude Love def. The British Bulldog by DQ

The Undertaker def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley by DQ

Legion of Doom NC Los Boricuas

Ken Shamrock def. Salvator Sincere

Scott Putski def. Steve Casey

Interrogator def. Sonny Rogers & Jerry Fox in a handicap match


September 5, 1998 (Raw Saturday Night)

Ken Shamrock & Steve Blackman NC The Disciples of Apocalypse

Vader NC Val Venis

The Rock & Mark Henry def. The New Age Outlaws by DQ; Tag Title Match

Southern Justice def. The Headbangers

D’Lo Brown NC X-Pac; Euro Title Match

Edge NC Marc Mero

Kurrgan & Giant Silva def. Animal & Droz

Too Much def. Los Boricuas

Jeff Jarrett def. Scorpio by DQ


September 6, 1999

The Rock & Makind def. Kane & X-Pac; Tag Title Match

Jeff Jarrett def. Jacqueline

Edge & Christian def. The Acolytes

The Big Show def. Val Venis

Test, Pat Patterson, & Gerald Brisco def. The Mean Street Posse

The Hollys def. The New Brood

D’Lo Brown def. Steve Blackman

Ivory def. Tori in a hardcore match

Triple H def. Mr. Ass; WWF Title Match


September 4, 2000

Kane def. Chris Benoit by DQ

The Dudley Boyz def. The Acolytes in a Tables Match

Eddie Guerrero def. Kurt Angle and Chyna (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match to win the Intercontinental Title

Triple H def. Test

Steve Blackman def. The Big Bossman; HC Title Match

Val Venis & Road Dogg def. The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan

Chris Jericho & Jerry Lawler def. Tazz & Naked Mideon

Edge & Christian def. The Rock & The Undertaker; Tag Title Match


September 3, 2001

The Undertaker def. Test by DQ

The Dudley Boyz def. The Big Show & Tajiri

Spike Dudley def. Shawn Stasiak

The Rock def. Christian; WCW Title Match

The Hurricane & Ivory def. Matt Hardy & Lita

Edge def. Lance Storm; IC Title Match

Chris Jericho & Jeff Hardy def. Rob Van Dam & Rhyno


September 2, 2002

Bubba Ray Dudley & Trish Stratus def. Chris Nowinski & Molly Holly in a Tables Match

Booker T def. William Regal

Triple H def. Ric Flair; WHW Title Match

Kane def. Lance Storm & Christian in a handicap match

The Big Show def. Tommy Dreamer by DQ

Terri def. Stacy Keibler in a Lingerie, Pillow Fight Match

Rob Van Dam & Ric Flair def. Triple H & Chris Jericho

Edited by Bored

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Jesus, look at all the no-contests and disqualifications for the 97 and 98 shows.


One guess at who was booking then.

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It's been a year since Raw ended with RVD giving HHH the figure four and Flair giving it to Jericho? Damn.


Or am I thinking of something else.

I think your thinking of something else but hey I could be wrong too...CRZ (www.slashwrestling.com) recap:


TRIPLE H (world champion - Greenwich, Connecticut - 272 pounds) and CHRIS JERICHO (Winnipeg, Manitoba - 227 pounds) v. ROB VAN DAM (intercontinental champion - Battle Creek, Michigan - 235 pounds) and RIC FLAIR (Charlotte, North Carolina - 234 pounds)

referee: EARL HEBNER

We come back in mid-entrance but it STILL feels like it takes forever...van Dam spies H on the apron, but not Jericho behind him and here we go. Brief doubleteam until Flair comes out (Flair gets no entrance, hmmm hmm hmm) and trips up H - chop in the corner, right, right, right, meanwhile van Dam has turned it around on Jericho and is kicking away. H tossed out - Jericho put in the ropes - double back body drop. Flair to his corner as van Dam continues with the kicks. Forearm, into the ropes, Jericho ducks, van Dam leapfrog but Jericho's hooked the ropes - but Jericho runs into a kick. Hiptoss by van Dam, monkey flip out of the corner, backflip press gets van Dam 2. Elbow, elbow, into the ropes, Jericho slides under, leaps over the leg sweep, and launches an enzuigiri that finds the mark - 1, 2, van Dam's out. Right by Jericho, climbs into the choke. "RVD" chant. Jericho ignores HYMEN - Hebner - and moves back in on van Dam - into the opposite corner, van Dam up and onto the apron - shoulder through the ropes - back in and over with a guillotine. Tag to Flair! Chop! Chop! Right, left, right, left, right, left, right, chop, into the ropes is reversed and H throws up an elbow - then Jericho clotheslines Flair down. Tag to Triple H - stands over Flair for eight right hands. Flair dares him to come on - H right, right, Flair backhand chop, H right, Flair chop, H right, Flair chop, H knee - head to Jericho's elbow, tag. Jericho with a blatant choke on the second rope. Words for Hebner - and back to the choke. Wants the Boss Man straddle but Flair's outta there and Jericho throats himself on the miss. Everybody wants a tag, but the crowd is more interested in van Dam getting it. Tag to H - HOT TAG TO VAN DAM! Duck, kick, kick, kick is caught, enzuigiri is missed but the mule kick is not - dropkick - Jericho in, Jericho out, kick for H, into the opposite corner is reversed but van Dam gets the elbow up - vaults to the top - flying kick! Off the ropes, but Jericho trips him up...and when van Dam turns back to Jericho, he pops him through the ropes with a chair! That should be it - H with the cover as Jericho and Flair brawl - 1, 2, NO! Jericho shoves Flair into the barricade - H throws van Dam out to Jericho - Hebner busy trying to keep Flair from bringing himself OR the chair back into the ring - while outside, Jericho is working over van Dam's jaw by dropping it on the barricade. van Dam thrown back in and H covers - 1, 2, no. "RVD" chant. Elbow to the back of the neck - tag to Jericho. Jericho with a suplex. "C'mon baby" gets 1. van Dam to the body - left, right, left, right, left, into the corner, shoulder, shoulder, superfluous backflip, Jericho leaps over the next shoulder and manages a rollup - 1, no into the Walls of Jericho! Flair is in to break it up with a chop tout suite. Jericho shoves Flair to the floor, then tags in Triple H. Again Flair tries to get into the action and Hebner manages to hold him back. H drops the elbow. Flair swipes at H but misses from the apron. H with a facelock - van Dam tries to inch to his corner, but H lets go to pop him one - Flair doesn't go down, though - right hand, right, right, comes in - chop, chop for Jericho, chop, clotheslines Jericho out - H takes HIM out from behind. Back to van Dam but he's rested - backhand - again, again - forearm in the back by H. Into the ropes, van Dam back to back up and over, kick caught, but van Dam hits the stepover heel kick - off the ropes with Rolling Thunder - 1, 2, no! van Dam tries to build on the momentum but H is right back up with the gutshot - going for the Pedigree but van Dam backdrops out of the attempt! Spinning roundhouse kick! van Dam vaulting up - but Jericho shoves him off the top and into the ropes on his way back to the mat! FLAIR back in - Jericho ducks, chops, they trade blows and Flair ends up outside. Jericho with a Lionsault on van Dam! H covers - 1, 2, Hebner does his stupid foot shuffle which gives away a no count EVERY time - arrrrrrgh. On the outside, Flair ties up Jericho in a figure four - Jericho taps a lot since it doesn't count. Inside the ring, H has his belt - but van Dam kicks the belt into H's face! van Dam vaulting up - Fivestar frog splash! Cover - 1, 2, 3!! (9:37) Take a replay - when we come back, van Dam is posing with BOTH belts. Credits are up and we're out.

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Guest Anglesault
It's been a year since Raw ended with RVD giving HHH the figure four and Flair giving it to Jericho? Damn.


Or am I thinking of something else.

A year and a half ago it ended with RVD putting it on Jericho and Flair putting it on Vince

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"Mankind def. Alex Porteau"



Recap by KJP on the RSPW message boards...actually the match is hardly recapped but an important comment by JR is:


Mankind (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Alex "The Pug" Porteau


The match itself is short and uninteresting, but the real interest is in

the overdub commentary by Ross and Kelly. First, J. R. mentions that

the Undertaker went to the hospital over the week to take care of

"lingering injuries", but that he will be ready and back on Monday to

take on "the undefeated" Salvatore Sincere. Kelly asks if that was

Ross' big news, and Ross replies in the negative. Ross says no, the big

news is, and here I quote:


"'Big Daddy Cool' Diesel and 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon are on their way

back to the World Wrestling Federation, I have that on very good

authority, from some very reliable sources."


Kelly very badly underacts to this news, and acts Ross to repeat it so

that he can get the reaction right. Ross obliges, but Kelly just isn't

up to it.


For my part, my skepticism is running pretty high after what they tried

pulling over on us with Yokozuna on the last show. Still, if this pans

out, and knowing what is going on over in that other federation, J. R.

might not have been so far off with his claim of "biggest story of (his)

career" claim.


Porteau gets no offense at all, and soon succumbs to the magic Mandible


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Guest Boo_Bradley

Chris Jericho & Jerry Lawler def. Tazz & Naked Mideon


So bad it needs a recap

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Chris Jericho & Jerry Lawler def. Tazz & Naked Mideon


So bad it needs a recap


CRZ recap:


JERRY LAWLER and CHRIS MONDAY JERICHO v. TAZZZZZZZZZZZ and ? - "Real American" plays...could it be? Well, of course it isn't Hogan...*I* was trying to figure out how many titles Patterson had won...but all was revealed - well, THAT was probably a poor choice of words as MOSTLY NEKKID MIDE-I-E-I-ON comes out in tiny black trunks and strikes a Hogan-esque pose. Everyone is a big distracted by this, with the exception of two people - Lawler, who rolls up Tazz in a schoolboy; and referee "Blind" Chad Patton who quickly makes the count before the opening bell rings - 1, 2, 3 - and I think that just MIGHT be some sort of a record. (0:03 - rounding up) Jericho and Lawler enjoy some big-time yuks while Tazz makes various "curses! drat!" melodramatical pantomimes. If only he had a mustache to twirl... Geez, even VAMPIRO doesn't job as fast as Tazz - you have to wonder who he's pissed off to NEVER get a decisive beatdown on Lawler.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

Tazz killed Lawler at the end of this fued right? or am I just changing history in my brain.


Ah, the Candy Jar shot earned Lawler the 1st win, but Tazzzzzz won the fued somehow - right?

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I think Tazz got his JOB back from Lawler in a Strap Match at Unforgiven that year if I'm not mistaken.

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I think Tazz got his JOB back from Lawler in a Strap Match at Unforgiven that year if I'm not mistaken.

I had only remembered Lawler getting the uppper hand everytime during that feud but I looked it up and you were right. Thing is though Tazz couldn't even go over clean there as Raven did a run-in.


I think starting next month during the week of Unforgiven I'll start doing a monthly "WWF/WWE PPV Review" for the PPVs that have happened in the month. I'm sure I'll be Bored enough.

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