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Guest Eddie

better benot/angle match

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This is the most thought inducing thread I have ever seen in my life.


Dear God, Eddie, I thank you for that post!

Edited by Downhome

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This is the most thought inducing thread I have ever seen in my live.is that sarcasm?

No, I'm dead serious.


You have opened up an entire new world to me by the wonderful quote...


RR 03 definetly


...I've never seen an opinion presented any better and more in depth than that in my entire life, kudos to you my fellow posters, kudos indeed.

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This is the most thought inducing thread I have ever seen in my live.


You whore! You edited your post to make it LOOK like that's what I said.


The little "This post has been edited by Downhome on Sep 3 2003, 11:45 PM" in my topic above has NOTHING to do with this either.

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Guest Eddie

is everyone like making fun of me?i just thought it would be a great topic since all the benoit/angle matches have been great i guess i was wrong

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Guest Phoenix

RR03 for sure. Nobody thought Angle was gonna win at all since he was hurt. That match is easily the match of the year already.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Really? It seemed that everyone thought Angle was the sure-fire winner because Angle/Lesnar was a lock for Mania.

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Eddie, the topic is all well and good, but you never said WHY RR 03 was better. That is usually what makes a thread enjoyable; the reason why someone has an opinion. I personally thought Royal Rumble was the best match. It was just great back and forth action, wasn't boring at any parts (I was into everything during the match), and an awesome finish where there was no interference or anything...just a clean finish. Sadly, a rarity these days.

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If you didn't know the result of Benoit/Angle at RR03, then you had your head up a *choose your ass here*.


It was one of the most obvious matches of all time.


I loved the match though, and yes, it is my personal favorite between the two guys. The great thing is, well...


...I'm willing to bet that we haven't seen their "best" match yet.

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Guest Coffey

Mr. Jag0 Posted: Sep 4 2003, 12:42 AM


Downhome: This post has been edited by Downhome on Sep 4 2003, 12:45 AM


NOTHING at all to do with it.



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Eddie, the topic is all well and good, but you never said WHY RR 03 was better. That is usually what makes a thread enjoyable; the reason why someone has an opinion. I personally thought Royal Rumble was the best match. It was just great back and forth action, wasn't boring at any parts (I was into everything during the match), and an awesome finish where there was no interference or anything...just a clean finish. Sadly, a rarity these days.

1) You nailed the reason I was being sarcastic. Wait, nevermind, I WASN'T being sarcastic.


2) I loved the clean finish also, and wish we could see more of them in this day and age, have it be a heel or a face, I just want a clean finish.


This is one reason I loved Brock tapping out to Kurt at SummerSlam. I marked out so hard for that, you just don't know.

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Guest Eddie

thanks chick i guess ill give my thought on why it was better then....hey all of them have been GREAT unforgiven mania backlash J day but the RR one had great non stop action NONE of it was boring and it featured kurt angle bumping off a freaking punch while being injured and benoit got a standing ovation after i barely ever get excited with wrestling since everything is too predictable and the internet but with that match i was pumped up every second of it i felt like a 7 year old again



P.S i know i suck at saying why

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Yeah, I liked seeing Brock tap too. But it always seems special when a heel actually wins cleanly without cheating. Faces can win cleanly, but never heels it seems.

Yeah, I'd love for more heels to win cleanly. If a match is fantastic, much like the RR03 match was, then it really doesn't matter who wins, looeses, or taps.


With the Angle/Brock deal, when Angle had him in the move I was on the edge of my seat just going "tap damnit, tap, tap, tap, taaaaaaaaaaaaaap!!!!!!!!". I was so into that moment, and I miss moments like those.

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Yeah, I liked seeing Brock tap too. But it always seems special when a heel actually wins cleanly without cheating. Faces can win cleanly, but never heels it seems.

Yeah, I'd love for more heels to win cleanly. If a match is fantastic, much like the RR03 match was, then it really doesn't matter who wins, looeses, or taps.


With the Angle/Brock deal, when Angle had him in the move I was on the edge of my seat just going "tap damnit, tap, tap, tap, taaaaaaaaaaaaaap!!!!!!!!". I was so into that moment, and I miss moments like those.

For sure. I know people want to keep their heat or whatever, but if it's a back and forth match, and a great match, does it matter if you lose cleanly? Obviously the crowd at RR 03 didn't care, as they gave Benoit a standing ovation.

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Guest Coffey
This is the most thought inducing thread I have ever seen in my live.


What is a "BRUN" by the way?

Burn spelled wrong.

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no one has more chemistry in the ring than benoit and angle

Currently, at this present time, in WWE.


You are right, at least consistant chemistry.

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Yeah, I liked seeing Brock tap too. But it always seems special when a heel actually wins cleanly without cheating. Faces can win cleanly, but never heels it seems.

Brock tapping sucks. It wasn't built up the least at all, they never teased it once. On top of that, Benoit should have been the man to make Brock tap IMO. Angle can still use the Angle Slam or occasional Top Rope Angle Slam as finishers but Benoit can only get by on the crossface.

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no one has more chemistry in the ring than benoit and angle


Come now, not everyone is into Puroresu.


(Even though everyone should at least TRY to seek it out!)

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Guest Coffey
thanks chick i guess ill give my thought on why it was better then....hey all of them have been GREAT unforgiven mania backlash J day but the RR one had great non stop action NONE of it was boring and it featured kurt angle bumping off a freaking punch while being injured and benoit got a standing ovation after i barely ever get excited with wrestling since everything is too predictable and the internet but with that match i was pumped up every second of it i felt like a 7 year old again



P.S i know i suck at saying why

You suck at sentences. Damn. Just a little punctuation, please!

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Guest Coffey
no one has more chemistry in the ring than benoit and angle


Come now, not everyone is into Puroresu.


(Even though everyone should at least TRY to seek it out!)

Hey, he's the one that said "no one."

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