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EVIL~! alkeiper

Sucks to the Hank Aaron award

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I've debated many times on this board that Alex Rodriguez deserves the MVP. A few posters have responded that the Hank Aaron award was set aside for the best player, and that the MVP is all about "winning." Well mlb.com is running voting for the Hank Aaron award, and its about time we dismiss this nonsense.


1. The Hank Aaron award is for the best OFFENSIVE player. It does not take defense into account. The MVP takes into account a player's defensive ability, and his position.


2. Alex Rodriguez is not even listed on the ballot, despite winning the "award" the last two years and leading the league in home runs.


3. The award is being voted on NOW, a month before the season ends.


The Hank Aaron award is a verbal blowjob, and nothing more.

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