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Just call me Dan

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I was in Jamaica at the time, and just happened to be able to catch the last few minutes of it with austin getting pressed outside and dropped on the floor. i remember him going for the Stunner numerous times, but Show was just too big. Multiple chairshots arose and a Stunner later he beat Wight.


How was the match? Does anyone remember? I remember there being BIG TIME crowd heat and lots of emotion. I never found a SK rant or any thought out rant on the match, so I was wondering how you guys remembered it.


Why was it given away so quickly if that was the actual plan for Mania 2000? seems as if that really helped to kill Wight right there.



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I was in Jamaica at the time, and just happened to be able to catch the last few minutes of it with austin getting pressed outside and dropped on the floor. i remember him going for the Stunner numerous times, but Show was just too big. Multiple chairshots arose and a Stunner later he beat Wight.


How was the match? Does anyone remember? I remember there being BIG TIME crowd heat and lots of emotion. I never found a SK rant or any thought out rant on the match, so I was wondering how you guys remembered it.


Why was it given away so quickly if that was the actual plan for Mania 2000? seems as if that really helped to kill Wight right there.



It was six days before WrestleMania XV, so more than a year away from WrestleMania 2000. They did it, well, who knows why Russo did anything in that era?



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OK, but did anyonew do a rant on the match oor could they explain it in detail? I remember it being pretty enjoyable.

Try RSPW. You'll have to play around with the search engine but they have detailed wrestling reports dating back to early 1990. That's where I got a good percentage of my house show results.



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Guest Askewniverse

CRZ's recap:


STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN v. PAUL (got a) WIGHT - Rock takes his seat at the commentary table while Mr. McMahon sits nearby. This is the biggest match in the history of RAW, I've heard. Staredown - Wight's some big guy next to Austin, I suddenly notice. Double bird by Austin - Wight punches, but Austin ducks it and rains down with a series of rights. Austin tries to whip him out, Wight manhandles Austin into a reversal - Austin ducks again and lets loose with some more rights. Another whip attempt is reversed again. Wight with a slap that sounds like a gunshot. Again. Austin hits the mat. Wight with measured blows. Kick to the gut. Wight poses to the crowd while Rock runs through his million ways to incorporate the phrase "monkey crap" into the commentary. Crowd chants "Austin" while Rock says the crowd is chanting HIS name. Wight stands on the throat until Austin hits the great equaliser - a kick in the 'nads. Austin to the outside, grabbing the leg to crotch him on the post, but Wight just kicks him away and he goes over the barricade from the force of the kick. Wight stalks him - but Austin pops up with a finger in the eye. But the momentum changes when Wight grabs him with a double choke. Mankind, meanwhile jumps off the apron with a double sledge - I guess he wants this match to take place in the ring. Wight walks in the ring - and gets hit with a PERFECT popcorn shot - the box just EXPLODES on his back sending popcorn everywhere. Good ol' NY fans. Austin is in and taking a turnbuckle cover off behind Wight's back as he's turned to Mankind. Austin spins him around, right, right, right, head to the - blocked, Austin with elbows right hands, kick, Stunner attempt - Wight shoves him off into the exposed STEEL. Towering elbowdrop from Wight. Cover - 1, 2, kickout! Mankind's cadence was okay by my view. Wight takes umbrage, however, and there's a shove. Mankind throws a right in retaliation. Austin with a right, another, another, kick in the gut - Stunner attempt doesn't work AGAIN as Wight picks him up and tosses him across the ring. Wight takes him off the ropes - big boot takes him down. Austin rolls outside. Wight fires up the crowd and waits for Austin to try to get back in. Headbutt prevents Austin from entering the ring. Now Wight is outside and just pushing him with his foot. Forearm across the back. Mankind is out and again recommending the match take place in the ring. Maybe he DOESN'T know how to count up to 10. Wight press slams Austin and drops him to the floor. Mankind is out again, kindly asking Wight to take it back into the ring. Austin trying to get up, Wight kneeing him back down to the ground again. Austin tries to punch, there's a headbutt. M&M's Krispy Double Feature shows the press slam again. Wight picks up Austin to run him into the post - Austin manages to squirm out and WIGHT hits the post. Wight turns around and smiles like it didn't faze him. Wight takes Austin to the post and it looks like it has a bit more of an effect on him. Mankind has a chair now and he's AGAIN imploring Wight to take it back into the ring. Wight gives another gunshot slap to the chest of Austin and finally they're back in the ring. Rock again mishears an "Austin" chant as "Rock-ee." Another towering elbowdrop misses this time. Austin lets loose with blows to the back of the head and neck. Whip is reversed, however, and the big bearhug is applied. Austin with punches to get out. Lotsa rights. Austin off the ropes - back into the bearhug. Mankind raises the hand, it falls once - twice - thr--no! Austin punches away again. Off the ropes, duck, duck, Thesz press!! Cover - 1, 2, Wight presses him about five feet away. Austin has the chair which was left on the apron - chair to the hip! Back of the knee! Head! Head again! Head a third time! Rock on the apron but Austin scares him off! Kick to the gut - STUNNER! 1, 2, 3! (9:30) Wight pops up and attacks Mankind - then dumps him outside and follows. Meanwhile, Rock is in to attack Austin - they trade punches, now Rock's getting the better of it - ROCK BOTTOM! Mankind and Wight continue to fight outside the ring as Rock poses on the turnbuckle with his Corporate eyebrow....


Oops, we're gone. See you at WRESTLEMANIA XV!


The original recap of the show can be found here.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

It was done because


1> They knew it would be a ratings draw


2> Austin's health status for WM 2000 was iffy as his knees and neck were always issues


3> If they had waited a year, perhaps the "Holy Shit" factor would be gone


4> The WWF had stopped with the monster heels, so Show perhaps didn't scream "Main Event of Biggest Show of All time!"

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Oh, at the time he did. Call me a mark, but the guy was REALLY a focal point at that time. He began to put on weight, have terrible upkeep of his look and his lumbering feud with the Rock killed him in early 2000. Show was definitely looking to pick up steam in just about all of 1999.

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Guest Choken One

The thing i DIDN'T get was...Austin/Show was pretty much they odds on favorite to be the Mania 2000 main event....and yet they gave it away like that when you could have just had A Foley/Austin Vs Rock/Show main event for that raw...

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Guest Choken One

Might have been since he only debuted a month earlier and I can only remember him being McMahon's bodygaurd/Enforcer...


Which 5 years later is EXACTLY what he is again...

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Guest Askewniverse
Wasn't that Show's first WWE match?

Nope. Show teamed with Rocky against Austin and Foley the previous week.

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I barely think Wight has been a credible main eventer at all in his entire career. The only time I ever bought him as a main eventer was Spring and early summer of 96 when he was feuding with Sting and Lex Luger. I didn't buy him as a main eventer when he was feuding with Hogan, cause I thought he was the stereotypical fat guy for Hogan to bodyslam.

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I didn't see him as a credible main event star even when he held the title.

Wight upon entering the WWF around the time of this match and Wight winning the title in late 2000 were two totally different leagues.

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What do you think really marked the end for Wight being a credible main event guy?

Three words.







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Guest Boo_Bradley

Turning Big Show face 5 weeks after his debuet hurt, and his next fued was with Face Foley...heat killer

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I always thought they should have saved it for at least KOTR, then give it a Hogan/Andre hype job. But, since '99 was shit (what was the MOTY, now that i think about it? E&C/Hardyz with the ladder?), it doesn't mean anything.

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Guest JMA

I liked the match. I don't think it hurt Wight's heat much because Austin needed A LOT of help to win.

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...and you saw how well Wight got over with his natural charisma in April of 2000. He would also achieve this in January/February of 2001 during his Hardcore title reign.


Putting him on the backburner during the Invasion, probably hurt him the most (especially when jobbing clean to a mid-card Booker).

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Booker had to go over there. He was really killed right around Invasion and thereafter when trading jobs with the likes of Jeff Hardy. they just didn't have anything for him to do. He has benefitted from the brand split the most of anyone, IMO.

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