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Guest wildpegasus

Specultion on No Mercy's card

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Guest wildpegasus

Anyone want to speculate on the complete card for No Mercy? (Spoilers ahead)


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs ?? This'll have to be Tajiri or Kidman. The WWE loves their triple threat bouts and I can easily see them throwing all 3 in here.


Benoit vs Rhyno- This'll probably be that "I Quit" match that they've already wrestled before. The one match I wouldn't book though is a submission match as I've never seen Rhyno use too many submissions before. Quality wise, I'd say a normal bout would be best but I'm thinking Benoit and Rhyno might go the brawling route similar to Benoit/Sullivan if the stipulatins are "I quit".


Angle vs ?? It looks like the Undertapper will interfere in a couple of weeks time during the ironman match probably causing Lesnar the belt. This leaves Angle free to defend at No Mercy but against exactly who? Perhaps the Big Show but Big Show getting title shots has been done to death lately so that leaves who? Eddie or Benoit? Eddie's parking lot brawl next week on Smackdown is a possable end to their feud so he could be freed up. Also, it's a possability the WWE may want to end the Benoit/Rhyno feud on Smackdown shortly as one of the big "counter" matches to the Raw brand PPV. This could possably open up Benoit for a title shot.


TWGTT vs APA or Billy Gunn/Noble-Don't see anyone else coming up to the plate although I'd love to see Funaki/Dragon get a shot on PPV for the gold.


Shanuqia vs Nida and Torrie in a handicap match. It looks like the most undefeated wrestler on the roster (Torrie) may actually lose. Odds say Nidia takes the fall however.


Eddy vs ? Cena If the feud continues past Smackdown it looks like Eddie will be defending against Cena. I could also see Benoit getting this spot if the WWE blows off the Benoit/Rhyno feud early or perhaps sibling rivalry will strike and it'll be Chavo.


Undertapper vs Lesnar-the only "confirmed" match. Undertapper looks to be interfering in the ironman bout coming up probably causing Lesnar the match.


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You know, if Angle retains, and at No Mercy he has no opponent, would it be dumb to have WGTTP to go against Kurt in a Handicap match? They could save a major match for Survivor Series for Kurt, and the former Team Angle could try and humiliate Kurt I guess.

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Rhyno can do technical wrestling, and he can actually do it well. His character leans more to the brawling style, so he does that, but the guy can do the technical stuff.

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Guest The Pirate in White

That handicap match could actually work. After beating everyone, Haas & Benjamin could say they have only one place left to go: the WWE Championship. And, it should be a cool match.

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Guest Anglesault
You know, if Angle retains, and at No Mercy he has no opponent, would it be dumb to have WGTTP to go against Kurt in a Handicap match? They could save a major match for Survivor Series for Kurt, and the former Team Angle could try and humiliate Kurt I guess.

I'm opposed to one guy going over the tag champs.

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Angle wouldn't have to go over them clean. A tag team contender can interfere. It's No Mercy and they could save the big title match for Survivor Series. WBTTP could want to try and say since splitting away from Angle, they've accomplished tag glory, and now they want to dethrone Angle. It could be interesting.

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I think they realized having Angle as champ is lost. He makes a great champ, but there aren't enough strong heels to challenge. A heel needs the belt at this point in time because you could easily have Angle/Taker/Benoit going after Brock. Angle is left with nothing but perhaps an Eddie feud, which both willm play the faces, and won't be worth a shit without any really built up storylines. The match will be spectacular, I'd assume, but casual fans wouldn't give a shit because they won't build it up properly. Brock's walking out with the title. I think they wanted to give Angle a good rub by maiing him get a much needed RWALLY big win, and equal out everything, add some spontinaety (sp?) to the title picture, and go back with the Brock reign this time as a heel.


It's really time for some trades.

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But it doesn't lead anywhere nor make any sense. Angle beats the tag team champion single handedly..ok so Angle is better than the tag champs..both of them at the same time.

Angle beats them with interference....umm...where do they go from here? I mean Angle doesn't look strong..he needed help....and the WGTT just lost to one guy....

And if they beat Angle...what's the point? Whoo...2 guys beat 1...what a shocker...nobody is elevated.

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Guest Choken One

Why not have a Impromtu WGTT Vs Angle/Mystery partner deal on a Smackdown...and have like a Upper midcard Face such as Benoit come in...and while Brock and Taker are playing with each other at No Mercy...Have a nice stopgap tag team thing with WGTT Vs Benoit/Angle...


Have Lesnar go over Taker and then Have Eddy go over Cena but lose the title via nefarious means and go with Brock/Eddy at Series with the Angle/Benoit Vs WGTTT at Series along with The Buried Alive match with Taker/Vince...


Brock Wins...WGTT wins the title back on Smackdown two weeks later, Benoit gets that tweener pissed off disgruntled vet push and thus creates a 4 way epic fued with the MONSTER Brock, the Uber-American face Angle, The Tweener Disgruntled Vet beniot and the Cheating motherfucker Eddy...


Have a series of matches where they can't deterimine the #1 contender for Rumble...They settle for Angle/Brock IV 2/3 Falls...Eddy and Benoit are in the Rumble...


Angle is unable to win the title due to a 30 minute draw. Lesnar points out that was Angle first and final chance at the title as long as Brock was champion per the stipulations...


Benoit and Eddy are the final two at the Rumble (Eddy #17 and Benoit unlucky bastard draws #6) Benoit pulls it off and this sets up


Benoit/Brock FINALLY one on One...Benoit wins in a epic classic.


and have Angle/Eddy to blow that thing off...


Meanwhile...Cena after winning the title after No Mercy becomes the biggest rising star and leaves Mania STILL the U.S Champion after beating Matt Hardy.

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I think they're gonna go with Angle / Big Show AGAIN while Undertaker tangles with Lesnar AGAIN!


I see Benoit / Rhyno "I Quit" happening at No Mercy as well.


I also see Cena / Guerrero added to the card where Cena takes the US title from him (if Cena doesn't do it at next week's SD) causing Eddie to go after the WWE Championship.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Rhyno can do technical wrestling, and he can actually do it well. His character leans more to the brawling style, so he does that, but the guy can do the technical stuff.

He had an opportunity to show it at the US tourney match with Benoit, but didn't, so I don't expect much from him.


His house show match with Tajiri getting interrupted by Vince because it was too boring isn't a good indicator either.

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Guest wildpegasus

QUOTE (Tawren @ Sep 6 2003, 12:56 PM)

Rhyno can do technical wrestling, and he can actually do it well. His character leans more to the brawling style, so he does that, but the guy can do the technical stuff


Cool, but the problem is he doesn't have any technical moves that are over with the WWE crowd.


Quote Mullato Heat

His house show match with Tajiri getting interrupted by Vince because it was too boring isn't a good indicator either


I agree with Chocken One. That whole house angle screamed work

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Guest Mulatto Heat

OK, fine, it may have been a work, I'll give ya that. But it's not like any of Rhyno's other matches have been exceptional, or even above average. Other Rhyno/Tajiri matches from that same weekend got bad reviews.


Having a submission match is swimming in dangerous waters, IMO.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

So Vengeance has a great WWE Title match and gets a lame buyrate, and you guys think it's okay for them to approach THIS PPV with the attitude that you don't need a strong title match? That's ridiculously stupid.

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Guest Choken One

Well...The fans weren't hooked by the HUGE TITLE MATCH that Vengence had...So logic suggests going the same route will give you the same disapointing results...

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Guest Coffey

Do you know how stupid, unoriginal & unfunny "Undertapper" sounds?


OK, just as long as you know...

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Guest wildpegasus

Do you know how stupid, unoriginal & unfunny "Undertapper" sounds?


OK, just as long as you know...


WP-Of course, that's the point. It's a tribute to Angle and Jericho giving themselves a high five after making it up.

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The fans weren't hooked by the HUGE TITLE MATCH that Vengence had


Kinda for them to when Gowen / McMahon and Sable / McMahon were advertised more.




So in two weeks Angle / Lesnar for the WWE Championship and John Cena Vs. Eddie Guerrero in a Parking Lot Brawl this Tuesday, is the US title up for grabs or not?


If so, I'll go theoretically with these possible set-ups:


So at No Mercy, depending on the outcome of the Iron Man Match, we could have


Angle / Cena for the WWE Championship




WWE Champion Kurt Angle Vs. US Champion John Cena




Angle / Cena for the US Championship


or just


Brock Lesnar Vs. The Undertaker for the WWE Championship


So if Angle faces Cena, Lesnar faces Undertaker, Benoit faces Rhyno, where the hell does that leave (if still) US Champion Eddie Guerrero?

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Guest MideonMark

My No Mercy card-


1. WWE Title- The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar©- Lesnar beats Angle for the title in the Ironman match. Lesnar wins this one, faces Eddy at Survivor Series whilst Undertaker faces Vince in that rumoured match.


2. I Quit-Chris Benoit vs Rhyno- Benoit wins


3. Kurt Angle vs John Cena- Angle goes over in a hard fought match, Cena turns face soon after.


4. US Title-Chavo Guerrero vs Eddy Guerrero©- Eddy wins but loses the US Title to maybe Rhyno in the weeks leading to Survivor Series.


5. Tag Titles 2/3 falls-Kidman/Rey vs Haas/Benjamin©- Just because I didn't want Haas/Benjamin facing someone like APA or Gunn/Noble. Rey loses the CW Title to Tajiri leading up to No Mercy. Haas/Benjamin retains here, leading to Kidmans heel turn and a Rey vs Kidman vs Tajiri match at S. Series.


6. CW Title-Spanky(or Ultimo Dragon, doesn't really matter cause they're losing anyway) vs Tajiri©- Tajiri retains.


7. Dunno what to put here, maybe just a 6 person tag- Bashams/Shaniqua vs Noble/Gunn/Nidia- yeah it'd be ugly, but I don't know what else to put on.

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