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Guest rawmvp

Who's winning the 2004 Royal Rumble?

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Guest rawmvp

I know it's a little early, but the winner of the 2004 Rumble doesn't seem like a foregone conclusion like it was this past year with Brock Lesnar.


Here are the top candidates in order:


1) Randy Orton - With his mega-push on the horizon, and the inevitable Orton-HHH match at WrestleMania, he's the top candidate to win the whole thing.


2) Eddy Guerrero - The hottest act in WWE right now. If his fan support continues, WWE will have no choice but to capitalize on the hispanic demographic by shooting Guerrero into the upper echelon of main-eventers.


3) Kurt Angle - Will he get his WrestleMania win back against Lesnar?


4) Brock Lesnar - Speaking of Lesnar, he's riding his second monster push. Will he win his second Rumble in a row?


5) Steve Austin - With WM XX being his last match, I could see him winning his 4th Rumble to wrestle the champion -- either HHH or Goldberg -- at Mania.


6) Chris Jericho - He's got a shot only if he turns face by then. Even if he wins, who will he wrestle at Mania for the title? A heel HBK? A heel HHH?


7) John Cena - If he continues to gather momentum when he turns face, he's in the top 3 to go the entire distance at the Rumble. I can definitely see him wrestling a heel Brock or heel Angle at Mania for the WWE Title.


8) Kane - he's been bringing in the coveted ratings in recent weeks. For some reason, however, I doubt we'll be seeing him triumph at the Rumble.


9) Taker - He's loyal, the fans want to see him be the champ again, and he's got a potential match vs. Kane at Mania, if Kane is the champ by then.


10) Chris Benoit - Maybe this is his time to finally win the big one. Will he? I doubt it.


11) RVD - Let's face it -- RVD doesn't have a chance in hell... unless he buys HHH and Steph a wedding present that even impresses Vince. We'll see...

Edited by rawmvp

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Where did you here Austin coming back for one last match at Mania XX?


The guy is for all intents and purposes a cripple and it wouldn't be safe for him to get back in the ring.


I think Angle is going to win this year- assuming Brock gets the belt off of him

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Guest rawmvp

I'm surprised you haven't heard about Austin wrestling one last match at 'Mania XX. It's been all over the internet since 'Mania XIX.


He will wrestle Goldberg, Hogan or HHH at the show.

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Guest Phoenix

Kurt Angle is my pick right now to win the Rumble. He is the best superstar that hasn't won it yet. Plus it makes sense for him to win it. You never know though maybe that monster Kane will win.......If so I am done watching wrestling.

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Where did you here Austin coming back for one last match at Mania XX?


WWE interviewed Austin when he came back to become RAW GM. He said he would like to work a program with Goldberg at WM XX, which would probably be his last match.



Anyway, for me, my picks for the 2004 RR winners are:


RAW: Chris Jericho (who was HOT at this year's RR)


SD: Kurt Angle (most likely to win)



Other picks would be:


RVD and Chris Benoit (No, I haven't given up on them)

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Someone from RAW will definitely win it. Smackdown has No Way Out, so Vince will want to have the #1 Contendership up for grabs there.


Personally, I think HHH will win it. He will lose it to Orton late in the year, turn face, and repeat his Winter 2002 run.

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Guest Duncan Eternia

I'm going with Triple H. Since he needs some time off he will most likely return as a face.

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Guest rawmvp

I don't think HHH will win it because he'll be the champ by then. According to Meltzer, he's winning the title back from Goldberg at Survivor Series.

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Guest Choken One

If there is a god, Vince will want to scrap the two champions and make it a 40 man WWE WORLD TITLE royal rumble...




Benoit, Angle, RVD, Jericho...


and MAYBE undertaker since he hasn't won that thing yet...(Rumbles have traditionaly been Taker's WORST ppv- 1991-Lasted 2 minutes in Rumble, 1992-Dispite being the former champion lasted 5 minutes, 1993-beat up by a Hairy 7'7 monster, 1994-Dies, 1995- Fights IRS but IRS attacks him, 1996-Lost to Bret via DQ, 1997-Was screwed by Austin, 1998-Got "Burned", 1999-Kidnapped Mable, 2000-Not on show, 2001-Was heavy favorite but didn't last long, 2002-A rookie eliminated him, 2003-Runner up)

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and MAYBE undertaker since he hasn't won that thing yet...(Rumbles have traditionaly been Taker's WORST ppv- 1991-Lasted 2 minutes in Rumble, 1992-Dispite being the former champion lasted 5 minutes, 1993-beat up by a Hairy 7'7 monster, 1994-Dies, 1995- Fights IRS but IRS attacks him, 1996-Lost to Bret via DQ, 1997-Was screwed by Austin, 1998-Got "Burned", 1999-Kidnapped Mable, 2000-Not on show, 2001-Was heavy favorite but didn't last long, 2002-A rookie eliminated him, 2003-Runner up)



This just struck me as funny amongst the other results.

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I don't think HHH will win it because he'll be the champ by then. According to Meltzer, he's winning the title back from Goldberg at Survivor Series.

I think he's beating Goldberg at Unforgiven.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Someone from RAW will definitely win it. Smackdown has No Way Out, so Vince will want to have the #1 Contendership up for grabs there.

Ykes....that makes sense

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Only person to suck at RR worse is Rikishi. He's been in 9 Rumbles I think and he hasn't done that much.


UT lasted like 4 minutes in 1993 also.

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Only person to suck at RR worse is Rikishi. He's been in 9 Rumbles I think and he hasn't done that much.


UT lasted like 4 minutes in 1993 also.

Well, he did eliminate Steve Austin one year...


and the Undertaker another.

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I'm surprised you haven't heard about Austin wrestling one last match at 'Mania XX. It's been all over the internet since 'Mania XIX.


He will wrestle Goldberg, Hogan or HHH at the show.

All I've heard is that Austin has been enjoying beer a wee bit too much because of his retirement.


Why would he want to work a match v. Goldberg- a guy who would probably not do a good job at protecting his neck? That's just retarded

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Guest Choken One
I'm surprised you haven't heard about Austin wrestling one last match at 'Mania XX. It's been all over the internet since 'Mania XIX.


He will wrestle Goldberg, Hogan or HHH at the show.

All I've heard is that Austin has been enjoying beer a wee bit too much because of his retirement.


Why would he want to work a match v. Goldberg- a guy who would probably not do a good job at protecting his neck? That's just retarded

Barron, dont ever run a company..The idea is to make $$$.


Austin wants money...He'll take that over a meaningless match with Benoit where he will have to work...With Goldberg you get a hot crowd and big gates...

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Wrestlemania XX is going to make money whether they do Austin v. Goldberg or not.


I don't understand why you brought up Benoit but whatever.


Austin's neck is bad, Goldberg is not the safest worker on the planet and that= bad.


Austin also had the perfect last match already. He doesn't need to come back

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Guest Choken One

No...HE makes money by getting on the card and getting the merch for mania which will be JACKED...

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Guest Choken One

Austin himself says he can work one more match and if he does, he wants the biggest match possible, not the BEST match (if that was the case, he'd want benoit or angle or eddy) but the one that he personally wants to finish his career out on...

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And I don't see why Austin would want to face someone like Goldberg who could cause injury.


Austin did patch things up with Hogan though.


Where did Austin say this? All I've heard is that he's retired with an outside shot of going one more time- I don't think it'd be safe at all and the match would probably suck

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Guest Choken One

Hogan isn't under contract so Austin can't shoot for that...


The match won't really be a match but simply a match to show their popularity...kinda like Hogan/Rock, with minimal interaction...

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Hogan will be back- I'm almost sure of it.


He'll come back next year, everyone will love him and then he'll get stale again.


With Hogan v. Rock- At least Rock could actually do most of the work. If you put Austin against another legend- it could get ugly

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Guest Choken One

Austin/Hogan will be what Vince will give us if Hogan does come back (and I do believe he will)...


Hogan has always been the master of digusiseing crappy match...

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My dream ending for Austin v. Hogan-


Hogan is hulking up and he does the 'point to opponent and wag his finger thing.'


Austin just flips him off, KICK WHAM STUNNER and that's it

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