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Bradshaw says WWE hazing no different than.....

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by Sir Adam


The legendary Mick Foley made his 2nd appearance in the GIR studios, and another author was on the phone Bradshaw. GIR can be heard Sundays @ 7pm Eastern 540 AM WLIE in NY or live on the internet at www.wlie.com, it is then archived on a horrible site called www.getinthering.tv.


-Foley talks about knowing both Sarah Hughes and Jena Jameson and how funny that concept is. He jokes that he’s going to try and be as controversial as New Jack was on GIR the week previous.


-Foley says the difference between he and New Jack is that he generally likes everyone. Phantom then interjected with a cough and said Hulk Hogan. Foley talks about the war of words they recently had with each other. Foley calls Hogan’s comments “pretty devastating”. He read them and was more hurt when he actually saw the tape of him saying them. “It was so condescending and petty; it wasn’t even that Hogan said that maybe Mick Foley and I had difference styles.” Foley was shocked at the comments because several years ago an interviewer from Easy Rider magazine told Mick that he had just interviewed Hogan and he had nothing but good things to say about Foley. Foley still feels that the comments stem from the poor sales of Hogan’s book, and how Hulk couldn’t believe that Foley’s biography blew his out of the water when it was released. “I think he was letting a little frustration out”.


-Bradshaw joins in on the talk “Comparing Mick Foley and Hulk Hogan are like comparing NASCAR to a Go Kart race. They both can be fun and entertaining, but the one is more exciting and a tad bit harder to walk away from.” Foley asks if Bradshaw heard the Hogan comments to which Bradshaw says he did, and didn’t know where they came from other than the book sales doing poorly. Foley says it’s impossible for Hogan to know that he was eating M & M’s and Hamburgers unless he was really “Santa w/ Muscles”.


-Bradshaw confirms that he is calling in from a WWE house show. Foley said that he hopes Bradshaw is having an easier time selling a financial book to wrestling fans then Foley is selling a novel to wrestling fans. Foley brings up Hogan again and feels if his book came out when he first came back to the WWE sales would probably had been much better. He felt the timing was an issue because when his book actually came out he was in a real-life feud with Vince McMahon and the WWE did the bare minimum as far as publicity goes. Foley feels that fans love him more when he “has a leather mask on, with a sock on my hand rather than seeing me as an author telling a sensitive coming-of age story”.


-Bradshaw doesn’t know how well sales have been on his book “Have More Money Now”, but the signing have had good turnouts. Sir Adam puts over the book as a great financial planning tool, Foley jokes “I read Bradshaw’s book, and now I have a small fortune, but I started out with a large fortune!” Bradshaw thinks that the only advice that Ron Simmons has followed is drinking advice. He knows the best way to find Ron is to look for the mouth end of a vodka bottle and usually he’s right there. Bradshaw talks about some Simmons drinking stories, and Foley joins in.


-Bradshaw talks about hazing in the WWE. “It’s no different then what happens at IBM or Microsoft, it’s all good natured. It’s not like people are getting beaten up with brooms sticks or anything like that.” He goes on to say that some guys come in and don’t fit into the dressing room and get some good natured ribbing, “to me if that’s the worst thing that happens to them they’ll be fine. It’s been significantly overblown, to where we have our own police system we have bullies, we simply don’t. We’ve had people come in and didn’t like it and left when they left they had to have a reason as to why. I think they greatly embellished on what happened.” Bradshaw goes on to say that it’s funny that guys wait until they are fired or quit to sue McMahon and say that the working conditions were awful, they never say anything while they are working in WWE. Sir Adam brings up former WWE ref Billy Silverman, who guested on GIR several months ago as well as Blue Meanie who both brought up Bradshaw’s name when talking about being “tortured” in the WWE. Bradshaw says since Davey Boy and Owen Hart are gone he’s the guy who gets blamed for everything. “The deal with Billy was greatly overblown, he basically served some drinks on a plane and that was the end of it… He had some heat with the other referees that I didn’t know about, I don’t know Billy. Then I asked him what can you do to dissipate this heat, then Billy said he was a bartender. I suggested he serve drinks to the boys on a double shot plane ride.” Bradshaw thought that would stop Billy from getting more heat, and was surprised to hear he has a litigation going against the WWE because of that incident. Bradshaw says when he first got to the WWE, people would hide his bullrope on him all the time as a way to rib him. He talks about getting into a fight with Lyle Alzado during his football days, after that his shoes would be filled with urine for the next week.


-They start to talk about Bradshaw’s $3 payoff from Iceman King Parsons when he was a rookie. Foley says when he wrestled the Sportatorium there was a $75 minimum. -The boys ask Bradshaw and Foley their opinion on the recent Tajiri-Rhyno incident at Nassau Coliseum where Vince McMahon called their match boring and stopped it. Bradshaw wasn’t sure what was going on with that if “it was part of the show or what”. Foley says “it sounds to me like Vince was having a little fun, I remember there was a time when an agent used to wave a tie when the match was stinking up the place. If they were told to use a headlock it sounds like they were being set up to have a little fun.” Bradshaw adds “Vince thinks the world of both of those two guys, I’ve seen those guys since with Vince, and it’s nothing major anything you read has been overblown”.


-Foley plugs his upcoming appearance at Barnes and Noble in Huntington Long Island on September 11 @ 7pm, that was rescheduled from the previous one because of the Blackout. He says he is so sick of talking about the book that he’ll just talk wrestling. “I know that wrestling fans aren’t buying my damn book. Apparently people who are buying the book aren’t wrestling fans.” Foley vents his frustration that on his book tour many people who showed up were fans of him through wrestling, didn’t even read his book. Bradshaw talks about his hairstyle that is his natural hair color now and likes it because it’s “low maintenance”. Bradshaw was in the ring with when Mankind made his debut as well as with Savio Vega when ECW first invaded the WWF. Foley was concerned about the ECW invasion because he was facing Shawn Michaels that same night and didn’t know what to expect.


-Foley talks about his first few appearances on John Arezzi’s old radio show as the place where he educated fans that he had a brain.

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Guest Palumbo the Janitor

Has anyone seen my mop? Must be those damn kids and their hazing rituals again.

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Guest Trivia247

heh gee wonder what Bill Gates to new software programers in the shower....


gee thanks for the visual Bradshaw

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I don't totally recall, but I think it boiled down to Mick destroyed his body with the style he worked and had to retire early.

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What did Hogan say about Mick..I missed it.


- Landsberg played a clip of Hulk Hogan on his show, around when his book came out, saying, “I’ve probably trained more in the last week than Mick Foley has in the last 30 years.”


- Other words from Hogan included: “I went ahead while Foley has been eating cheeseburgers.”

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