RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted April 14, 2004 I don't recall them ever being mentioned again. I think it was just to establish that WR&H's grip spanned dimensions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ravenbomb 0 Report post Posted April 14, 2004 damn. I figured they'd be some huge plot point in the next season Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted April 14, 2004 Well, Wolf Ram and Hart were demons at one point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anakin Flair 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Spike w/ a briefcase. heh. Is this the ep where.... yup. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anakin Flair 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Hey! Harmony made it into the opening credits! Wonder if she dies tonight? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 I usually don't like coming into a thread during an episode, but those new opening credits were gang star! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hank Kingsley 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Yeah, the new opening credits are great. I'm happy to see Harmony make them, seeing as she's probably had more screen time this season than Lorne. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anakin Flair 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Damn, I wanna be in hell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anakin Flair 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Knight Rider reference! Shrimp dimension reference! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hank Kingsley 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Okay, after seeing this episode, I again must ask... WHY ARE THE CANCELLING THIS SHOW?!? Everyone was SPOT ON tonight. This is probably the best episode Fain & Craft have written. Adam Baldwin as Hamilton is AWESOME. I love Spike being a part of the team now...not "2 jokes a minute" Spike, but the kick ass Spike. Like I said, Harmony being added to the credits is great, as she's one of the many highlights of the show. Wes' apathy towards life just speaks volumes. His emotional state says so much without that much dialogue. Gunn taking the sacrifice just says so much about his character, too. He knew he had to do it, and he took the fall. And does anything really need to be said about Lindsay? He's just a fantastic actor. So, bravo to Fain & Craft. I give this episode a B+ And, of course, next week is CONNOR! And it's a Drew F'n Goddard script! All hail episode 18! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 WELLLLLL, this was a good episode. Not a great one, not a horrible one, not a decent one, but a good one. 1. Opening credits were gang star. I like how they had Amy Acker was Illyria, but there was one frame shot of Fred in there laying on the couch. And I like Mercedes McNabb in there; she has grown on me a lot this season for some reason. 2. Hmm, I didn't really know what was going on with Illyria and Wes. I know they were trying to do something, but it didn't do much for me. The whole Fred/Wes dream made me feel sad, I think I almost shed a tear. Sssshhh, don't tell anyone.... 3. Spike was gold this week, as usual. "There are thousands of hells. Fire Hell, Ice Hell.......Ice Hell." Then "Toy Poodle Hell" was fuckin gold. 4. "Have you taken the Camaro?" was pretty sweet and the whole no sun thing was awesome. When Gunn opened the door and Spike/Angel bugged out was sweet. 5. The Hell that Lindsay was in didn't seem much like a hell, but I knew something had to be going on. I first thought that was Darla sleeping in bed with him, and I marked out like a little kid, but then I realized it wasn't and felt like a tool. 6. Zack wipping out the uzi was fuckin sweet!! I didn't see that one coming, what-so-ever. 7. Shrimp hell!!! You gotta love the continuty there! I thought it was Xander who said it, then I was like, "No, No, it was Anya." And yes I actually yell this stuff out loud by myself. 8. Gunn actually staying back was pretty sweet. He didn't want to remember what happened, and that is pretty nice of him. Actually, it is pretty pussy of him, but you get the idea. 9. Adam Baldwin's character, Matt Hamilton I think his name was, was pretty gang star. Of course you thought he was going to kick some ass, but he whips out a fuckin pen. Gold right there, gold I tell ya. 10. THE Apocolypse, I called it. Hmmm, I wonder what is going to happen. I know RRR knows and he said it goes deep, but I wonder what it is. Well, I must find out and wait. Annnddd, next week looks good. However, I don't think Connor is coming back next week.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hank Kingsley 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Connor is coming back next week, I read the casting sides. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH LORDY~! Did I like me some of that! They have really gotten in a groove as-of-late and you can really feel it when watching the show. They've set it all up and are now watching it fall into place. 1. JAAAAAAAAAAAAYNE! The man they call JAAAAAAAAAAAYNE! I mean... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM, the man they call HAAAAAAAAAAAAM(ilton). Well he robs from the rich and he kicks down the door, he stood up to that Eve and he gave her what for. Our love for him now, ain't hard for a simpleton. He's their newfound liason, the man they call HAMILTON! Adam Baldwin + Angel = Happy World. That IS a nice suit! 2. Everybody with a machine gun! The white kid is Gunns son! YEAH! YOU LIVE WIT DOSE CRACKAS~! You MAKE those white boy jokes~! 3. "So what are we called?... not the scoobies"!!!! BIG POP! This episode was aaaaaaaaaaall about that. "Angel Avengers" is so hot. SO HOT. 4. Harmony in the main credits was fucking sweet cause she SO has earned her stripes this year as a fucking player. She is a fucking PLAYER. She should have been there immediately after "Lorney Tunes". PLAYER. A fucking PLAYER. 5. Illyria is so much more fuckable than Fred. "You called me a smurf", "Shrimp Dimension"... NUFF SAID. Illyria is such an oddity in the Whedonverse. I don't think they've ever done something like her before. Spike and Anya are the closest things, and even then this is different. 6. The punishment/hell thing was sweet and done really well. That was the one thing I was a lil bit worried about but they pulled it off. 7. I like how they've put Wes off to the side and yet have still focused on him. Some really great underplayed stuff. I soooo need to dl the whole season to get a better perspective. 8. Lindsays revelation (no pun) at the end fucking ROCKED. It would have been nice to show how the world has gone to hell, but hopefully they follow up on that in future episodes. I don't know whether to be pissed off or fucking stoked that the end came softly rather than with a big boom, as of right now I am fucking stoked. 9. Despite her decent from Foxdom, Eve was still very much stickable. 10. Hamilton punching the security guard in/through the chest and their reaction makes everything (EVERYTHING) about this season worth it. 11. I really need to see this episode again. There was so much in it that I feel that I am forgetting something big. Shit... did I mention "Scooby"? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 When Gunn opened the door and Spike/Angel bugged out was sweet. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! That was RIGHTEOUS~! RIGHTEEEEEEEEOUSSSSSSSS!! God that, and Spike holding the pose, was classic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anakin Flair 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Pops to RRR for re-writing "The Man they call Jayne." I laughed of a solid minute. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 They should just completely retool the show and call it "Hamilton", cause there's no other way they can get in their Baldwin-quota without making him the central focus of every episode. He was actually downplayed in the episode in relation to the spoilers; I was expecting more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 "So what are we called?... not the scoobies"!!!! BIG POP! This episode was aaaaaaaaaaall about that. "Angel Avengers" is so hot. SO HOT. I forgot bout that, another continuty moment. "You called me a smurf" Yes, that was also sweeeeeeet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 WB Description for next week. "Angel (David Boreanaz) resists the appeal of parents seeking help from Wolfram & Hart regarding their son’s supernatural abilities after he discovers that the boy is his son, Connor (guest star Vincent Kartheiser). Despite his reservations, Angel is forced to bring Connor into conflict with an old adversary to prevent his son’s memories from being restored. Meanwhile Wesley (Alexis Denisof) uncovers a mysterious deal struck by Wolfram & Hart that threatens the secret Angel desperately wants to protect." The episode was written by Drew Goddard and directed by Terrence O’Hara. Those casting spoilers I posted before were full of shit. They didn't say Connor would be in next weeks episode, so they lieeeed to me!! EDIT: Well I am an idiot because those casting spoilers were for episodes 19-21, not 18 like I thought. So that means.... Connor is ALSO in episode 22. Dru, Darla, and Andrew are in episode 20. Hamilton is in the rest of the episodes of the season, and same with Lindsay, I think. David Greenwalt directed episode 20 and Joss co-wrote episode 22. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Next weeks episode could be an all timer baby! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Next weeks episode could be an all timer baby! Connor? And Sahjhan might show up?!? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Mmmm, continuitastic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Mmmm, continuitastic. So, am I right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest wrestlingbs Report post Posted April 15, 2004 You know , watching Angel is a good/bad thing. Every episode rocks, and yet at the same time you know it and shows like it are getting thrown off the aire in favor of "Extreme Plastic Surgery." Dammit. Great episode tonight. Although THE apocalypse didn't seem so shocking. Am I missing something here? And where was the other reference to the Shrimp Universe from (the original one)? Still, great episode all around (anything that has an eight year old brandishing an uzi is boss) and can't wait for the other 5. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 You know , watching Angel is a good/bad thing. Every episode rocks, and yet at the same time you know it and shows like it are getting thrown off the aire in favor of "Extreme Plastic Surgery." Dammit. Great episode tonight. Although THE apocalypse didn't seem so shocking. Am I missing something here? And where was the other reference to the Shrimp Universe from (the original one)? Still, great episode all around (anything that has an eight year old brandishing an uzi is boss) and can't wait for the other 5. The original Shrip Universe thing was actually something Anya said on Buffy about there being a demension with just shrimp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted April 15, 2004 It's good to have Lindsey (and Eve) back. I'm also psyched that Darla, Drusilla, and Connor are coming back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Still, not happy about losing Gunn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Still, not happy about losing Gunn. I doubt we've seen the last of Gunn. There was footage of him being tortured in the "upcoming episodes" preview. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaMarka 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Good ep, I enjoyed it. Loved the interaction between Illyria and Wes...it wasn't central, but it still said a lot about what both characters are going through. And the smurf line was great. Had to love the new opening credits. Illyria is all kinds of awesome, as is Harmony. I was afraid Harm was going to get dusted due to her actually showing up in the credits, but hopefully she's ok. The thing about Angel etc not bothering to stop the apocalypse: aren't there other people who can deal with it? I mean, Buffy seems to stop an apocalypse every year. More slayers = more apocalypse stopping. I suppose they could be dealing with a Eurapocalypse, but there should be a one or two slayers around to deal with the LA one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Still, not happy about losing Gunn. I doubt we've seen the last of Gunn. There was footage of him being tortured in the "upcoming episodes" preview. You think they would get rid of Gunn that easily? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted April 15, 2004 Still, not happy about losing Gunn. I doubt we've seen the last of Gunn. There was footage of him being tortured in the "upcoming episodes" preview. You think they would get rid of Gunn that easily? No. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites