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Steve J. Rogers

The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

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Guest Brian

Yeah, the gang fight does go on too long. They draw it out way too far.


As for Soul Purpose, there's a couple of shell lines/analogies.

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Guest Brian

Carpe Noctem


Nice episode that works on the demon within and the vampire deal with Angel.


They brought back the eunuch talk. I love it.


Puppy love Fred. I like the whole thing.


I love Gavin challenging Lilah. I like the whole “Maybe you don’t know him as well as you think you do?”


I love Marcus as Angel. I love the whole Fred thing.


Angel treating Gunn as a delivery man was a nice touch. And eating.


Angel as Marcus and the baby. Symbolic?


I like Lilah playing Gavin to get all the certification. Lilah and Angel~! And the vamp out.


I like Marcus as Angel discovering the whole vampire thing.


Taser again. They’re building to the end.


I love Fred hitting Angel’s body again, and the reaction. I like the thing at the end, with Marcus and Angel, and then the five of them all walking out. New heroic walk.


I love Fred talking about love. Because that’s exactly what Angel’s about to go through..


Fred: "It's like something out of Fitzgerald. - The man who can have everything but love. - Well, maybe in some ways you're better off, because love is... - Well, in a way it's everything. - But it's also heartache and disappointment. - And those are good things to avoid."

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"Carpe Noctem" is probably one of my favorite Angel "Monster of the Week" episodes.


Probably because we got to see David try something new with his acting.

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Guest Brian

Probably Billy for me. I looked at the way the episodes go and Darla doesn't show up for what, another five eps.

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Guest Brian

I love Billy. The nobility of Gunn knocking himself out, Wes going over the edge, all the women standing up for themself (especially Fred with the trap and Lilah with the Gunn).

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The only good thing to come out of Billy is the whole Wes/Fred thing.


-It was one of the things that drew Fred towards Gunn instead of Wes.


-Which caused Wes not to tell anyone about 'The Father Will Kill the Son' since he was lonely.


-Then Wes kidnapped Connor.


-Holtz got Connor, brought him to Corta or however you spell it.


-Connor grew up fast, came back.


-Connor threw Angel down to the bottom of the sea.


-Angel came back, kicked Connor out of the house.


-THE BEAST came, and caused Connor and Cordy to bang since Cordy was living with Connor.


-THE BEAST came so the world would be so bad that when Jasmine came to be, it would make her seem even better.


See, everything happened for a reason. Wow, I should probably like "Billy" now seeing how the results from that episode brought about THE BEAST.

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The buffy season 3 xmas ep was on the other day and it was interesting as it had the first sppearance of well the first evil. very cool. and everyone talking about xmas to poor willow forgetting shes jewish


"Hello, still Jewish" good line





last night I stayed up too late and watched the ep where dawn found out she was the key. made my head almost explode wanting to yell at the scoobs to kill ben lol


anyhow, why does buyff decide to kill herself to close the portal? couldnt she have just thrown dawn in there hello shes not really your sister what was she going to accomplish there? leave her sister and her friends alon to be killed by vamps or demons. they calle dit selfless, but it seemed a bit selfish to me


ah ranting about buffy/angel good times

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Buffy knew they'd be fine without her and they were. Spike, Willow and Giles could get by and even Anya and Dawn can kill vamps. For the big bads they'd just have to get help from people like Angel.

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Guest Brian

Added onto the fact that after "losing" Angel the same way, and losing her mother earlier and Riley, she couldn't afford to drop someone who felt like a "real" sister.

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Guest Brian



Much better than the last time they did a character-based episode, for Gunn in Season Two, to introduce them fully and move them into the group. They had given Fred a lot more of an introduction and shaped her character more which helped as they played off a lot of things they couldn’t do with Gunn.


Wes and Cordy acting out the forbidden love.


And I love Fred talking about the sewers. Build a condo.


I like the mock vision, the one time it seems where Gunn and Wes are ready to catch her.


Fred’s Parents! I like the trio trying to make up lies to explain how Fred got to be where she was. And Angel walking in with the head.


The club is still wrecked. I like how Lorne goes to put out the BUTT and the table collapses. I love this conversation because it builds like her parents are absolutely horrible and vile.


Gunn and Wes going at it over Fred. Though not in the way you’d expect.


Lorne taking jabs at Gunn. I love Lorne talking about without make-up, and then a little eyeliner.


Psychotic Fred, much like the one in Pylea, who doesn’t know what’s real, what to believe. I love it.


The pan around really makes it look like Fred’s a victim of this world that they fight in, and Billy is going to change that so her character can move on.


Fred’s mom with the bus. Awesome. A lot of the defenseless overcoming in these next two eps.


Focus in on Gunn and Wes after Fred says she’s leaving. Really nice shooting grouping those two together for scenes, because it shows what’s to come with them competing over Fred.


Akward moment with Wes and Fred hugging. Wes still hasn’t totally evolved yet into his badass persona.


And Fred’s past the whole thing, needing a white knight to ride in and save her.

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Guest Brian

This is it. The episode that sends Wes down his path of self-destruction. This ep marks a change in a lot of characters, as Wes is sent down his path, the Gunn/Fred relationship starts, Fred emerges out of her shell, and Cordy moves into her own. For better or for worse. Still, Billy is an excellent episode.


Gavin’s awesome when he stands up to Lilah. And I love the little smile Billy gives.


I love the Lilah/Angel convo, with her protecting Billy and Angel trying to figure out why.


Angel hopping the gates was awesome. And breaking the window. We need more stealth Angel. The police thing was awesome, with him getting hauled away rather than Angel. Nice little unexpected twist.


I kinda like Cordy in this ep. She’s forceful but not preachy, and still somewhat shallow. It actually works best when she’s talking to Billy, with the crossbow.


Billy’s awesome. “Appropriate public behavior.” “Should you talk to them, or should I.”


I love how Wes begins to snap. “Lie to me again and we’re going to have a problem.”


“What do you call a woman with two black eyes? Nothing you haven’t already told her twice.” That was cold.


Angel = melodramatic. Priceless.


I love Wes tying the biblical references to Fred’s fear of open spaces and hiding in Pylea. And Wes going all “Jack Torrance” is an awesome scene.


Billy talking to Cordy is awesome, and Cordy’s good for it. “You saved me again.” God, Billy was great.


Angel hitting Billy was too obvious.


Gunn going noble was great.


I love Lilah making the save at the end everytime I see this episode. That part is so awesome and perfect.


And Fred defending herself against Wes was also great. I love that mirror shot, where she ends up right out in the open rather than hiding. And I love Wes at the end. You can feel that he’s a tragic character at this point. Disconnected, and him crying after talking to Fred (and her walking away) was a great moment.

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Guest Brian

Offspring is pretty good. I didn’t think after watching Season 2 in full and then three in succession that the latter would hold up; but right now it’s doing very nicely, and it only gets better. I love these little Holtz flashbacks and if you don’t know what’s coming, it works very well. What’s Holtz doing wearing designer sunglasses in 1771? Who cares, he’s torturing Angelus for two days. Bad Ass~! Oh, he’s earned that tilda-exclamation. I love that “if we beat the demon out, will there be anything left”, because it lends so much in the way of Angel seeking redemption, and the shanshu, and Connor’s place in the whole thing. What’s up with Igor the vamp? Ohh, I love it when Darla says Holtz is “like family”. And cut to Darla ravaging the bus, which is an awesome end to the whole thing.


I’m eventually going to get tired of listening to the opening song. I think.


I like hero Cordy in doses like “Billy”, but this all is going to be too much on me.


Wes and Gunn breaking in was nice. Technical vs. Practical Wes is awesome rambling while Gunn just opens the door. Gunn juggling was great, and I love the big finish.


Kyrumption. Argh! So it seems Fred is completely removed from her crush of Angel. Wes is still disconnected, afraid of confronting Fred, a little timid. I love it.


“Unless the world ended last march.” I assume she’s talking about dates for the start of the tro-clon’s emergence, as Epiphany was only a couple of days off. The talk of the shanshu was good, and I look Angel’s somewhat gloomy reaction to it. “Already be here.” Meaning Darla’s arrival. And the date at the end relates to Holtz. Thus a confluence of events, by the prophesy giving out different dates, bringing about the ruination and purification of mankind (Jasmine’s loss of free will vs. world peace). All works out.


“Hello Lover.” The shit has hitteth the fan.


I love the Caritas scene. They set up the carpenter/construction worker. They throw in the furies. Lorne remembers about the night, I’m assuming.


I like what Fred says to Wes. It’s real nice. And true, because he had to give up Connor at the end of season 4 (though the whole thing is later redeemed). Still, I like the whole little piece.


Julie Benz has a great presence. I love the stuff with the little child and later with Angel, and his little revelation.


“You may have the face, but you don’t know the hunger.” Awesome motherfucking line. I love the little existentialist direction. So what makes Angel a vampire, does the demon control him or is it the other way around? This is the question of the season, as it works to Wes and the false prophesy, the Shanshu, Holtz and his manipulation of Connor, and Gunn and his part in the team.


God, I love the scene where they go from vamp to human, where Darla tries to get Angel to kill her.


Sahjahn rocks. I love it when he mis-times the whole thing and grabs a smoke. Even though he’s non-corporeal. Holtz is just a badass at the end.

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Guest Brian

“How can you save others when you can’t even save your own?” Isn’t that the story of where Season 3 goes.


I love them opening up with flashbacks again. It’s a great way to open up. And I love how Darla and Angelus look at the baby, with Angelus’ “Do you want to do it or should I?”. And then to have Darla repeat it later. Oh man. Talk about the father killing the son. Awesome!


How do you catch up on two-hundred years of history? I love Sahjahn’s recap of England, bad teeth and warm beer and all.


I like everyone talking about killing the baby in front of Angel.


I love Lilah signing contracts in blood. I love Lindland going over his sacrifices, sounding like scum.


First Sahjahn/Holtz confrontation. “Not human but clearly masculine.” Sahjahn rules it. “Through black magic and sorcery.” “No, on a mule cart.” God I love it all.


Lindland’s ruling his scenes too. I love the psychic scene, and then they terminate him.


They’re putting together all the pieces that something’s shielding this kid.


Does human Sahjahn look like Big Stevie Cool?


Bringing back the men vs. human thing from earlier. Anther look at the Angel thing, from an existentialist perspective, what makes him what he is. Or is it just Cordy as a “champion” that changes the whole gender dynamic in this regard?


Watching the ninja just jump in and get fucked up was funny as hell. I love it when Darla says she’s getting dinner after the vamps offer to kill the humans.


Fred going crazy was awesome. And then she gives out the plan. And does Wes look awesome staking that vamp or what?


I love the special ops scene. But where were they repelling from?


What’s up with Gunn and Vegas this season?


Holtz is motherfucking stealthy. Stealthier than the stealths. And he whoops ass.


“Angelus. I’ve been looking for you.”

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I got a bunch of Buffy stuff for Christmas. Angel poster, shirt and calander and all 3 volumes of the Buffy Watcher's Guide. Yay this is cool.

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Guest Brian

I love the first confrontation with Angel and Holtz. And Darla telling everyone she doesn’t breathe.


The Sara/Holtz is exchange is so great. Can you feel for Holtz any more than you can right now.


I love the whole scene leading up to Holtz discovering Angel has a soul. Angel telling Holtz he used to remember him working with humans, the first step in the murky logic that Holtz applies. Lilah entering the scene is great. The soul stuff is great, and Holtz revelation. The grenade fucking rules it. And, “No I didn’t. I said I was a lawyer. I couldn’t care for the law.”


I love Darla talking to herself before she decides to drive off. And Angel gets there just late for the little bit of humor.


“You’ve highlighted an ancient Nyazian scroll?” “In Yellow.” Lilah rules it.


Sahjahn and Holtz going at it. Holtz not willing to give up his vengeance over Angel’s soul. Different prey. Holtz is a messed up hero.


Darla trying to come to terms with her love for the baby was a heartbreaking scene. You can see that Angel is trying to love her, but it is really just Connor’s soul Angel sees, what he tries to save and salvage time and time again. “It’s been nourishing me,” was an awesome line. God, Darla crying over her love for the baby was just so painful.


Back to Holtz and his daughter, and having to kill her.


The carpenter as the mole. I love how they hinted at his power earlier, and then he turns coat on Lorne.


I love Gunn stepping up with telling Angel how this could be the powers, killing the baby in Darla’s womb. And Cordy’s reaction, “Do you always have to be so damned honest.”


“You lied much better when you didn’t have a soul.”


Holtz singing the same song he sung his daughter, and Lorne reading him. And using the grenade like Angel did. Darla realizing the same as Angel, and Angel understanding and falling for her, feeling for her, but really feeling for Connor.


That natural lit scene of Holtz doing the walk was magnificent. Just beautiful. That’s the kind of thing you frame.


The Virgin Mary imagery in full force.


“Angel, are baby’s going to die here in this alley. You died in an alley.”


Darla can’t say she’s sorry. Much like Angel can’t. And I love how Darla says they can’t make up for any of it. They can’t atone. And Darla telling him that the baby was the only good thing they ever did together, their second chance. And Darla stake herselfg. Powerful stuff.


Holtz with his open shot. And he doesn’t take it. And Sahjahn is beside himself, and Holtz is still promising to show no mercy. You’re almost led to believe that Holtz sees something in Angel that is worth not killing.

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While I have all the Buffy and Angel DVD sets, and while I consider Buffy my favorite show ever, I think Angel has a much higher replay value. I've watched my Angel DVDs all the way through so far, while only skimming the Buffys.

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Well the fact that season 7 has so many holes in it, really annoys me.


But since I left Seinfeld in my car, and it is so far away, I'll be watching some sort of Buffy season 7 tonight.

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the holes never really bothered me. I could usually come up with some explanation and move on. Some of the episodes dragged, but that's about it. Plus, Caleb still kicks ass.

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Guest Brian



Lorne walks in. And he's part of the hotel. When get the whole cast, which is great.


Overprotective Angel rules. Especially shielding Connor from the "S-E-X" talk.


Fred: "Oh, you meant erase in a squish and kill violent kind of way." Oh Fred. Still so naive.


Holtz killing the grapplar demons was a nice scene. Holtz is awesome.


Lorne hearing the buzzing helps him to realize that the place is bugged. But we don't get that, which is a nice piece of writing.


Linwood and the kids.


Lorne: "He's more than a mission, bro. *Look* at him. Look at him." That line and Angel making the faces, all the way to vamp face, was awesome. I liked that Connor was naturally attracted to his vampire face, because it's something after Holtz inluence he would never be able to come to terms with.


God I hate Justine. Except when Wes locks her up and tells her she was always a slave. But I'm jumping too far ahead.


Lorne: "You got to figure a guy like you, a place like this, the only truly safe room would be the janitor's closet." Does Lorne rule everything he does? This is where he slips him the note, though you don't know it at the time, which builds to an awesome trick and showdown.


Linwood: "This child can grow up, and hunt each and everyone of us down. Let's not let that happen, shall we?" It's funny, Linwood says this about Connor, but it was something purely evil that was brought forth as a part of his birth that would do this instead.


Gunn: "Austin Stoker, Assault on Precinct Thirteen." Caqn you believe they're remaking that movie, more or less. Still, I love this little scene with him and Wes calling out their idols to help them through this fight, and Cordy's hilarious treatment of it. And I love that Gunn still holds resentment towards Angel.


The bomb ruled.


Angel going to Linwood was great. I love the whole scene: the scratch, the college fund, Notre Dame (he'd get an ivy league school, but Stanford instead) his godfather (since he was who he went to for blood to call on Sahjahn).


Heroic shot with the stroller. I forgot they did satisfying endings this season.

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Watch Selfless.










































































































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Too much old stuff.


OMWF being #2 is right, but #1 has to be Gift. It just has to be.

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